Source code for vip_hci.config.paramenum

"""Module containing enums for parameters of HCI algorithms and literal constants."""
from enum import Enum

ALGO_KEY = "algo_params"

[docs] class SvdMode(str, Enum): """ Define the various modes to use with SVD in PCA as constant strings. Modes ----- * ``LAPACK``: uses the LAPACK linear algebra library through Numpy and it is the most conventional way of computing the SVD (deterministic result computed on CPU). * ``ARPACK``: uses the ARPACK Fortran libraries accessible through Scipy (computation on CPU). * ``EIGEN``: computes the singular vectors through the eigendecomposition of the covariance M.M' (computation on CPU). * ``RANDSVD``: uses the randomized_svd algorithm implemented in Sklearn (computation on CPU), proposed in [HAL09]_. * ``CUPY``: uses the Cupy library for GPU computation of the SVD as in the LAPACK version. ` * ``EIGENCUPY``: offers the same method as with the ``eigen`` option but on GPU (through Cupy). * ``RANDCUPY``: is an adaptation of the randomized_svd algorithm, where all the computations are done on a GPU (through Cupy). ` * ``PYTORCH``: uses the Pytorch library for GPU computation of the SVD. * ``EIGENPYTORCH``: offers the same method as with the ``eigen`` option but on GPU (through Pytorch). * ``RANDPYTORCH``: is an adaptation of the randomized_svd algorithm, where all the linear algebra computations are done on a GPU (through Pytorch). """ LAPACK = "lapack" ARPACK = "arpack" EIGEN = "eigen" RANDSVD = "randsvd" CUPY = "cupy" EIGENCUPY = "eigencupy" RANDCUPY = "randcupy" PYTORCH = "pytorch" EIGENPYTORCH = "eigenpytorch" RANDPYTORCH = "randpytorch"
[docs] class Scaling(str, Enum): """ Define modes for the pixel-wise scaling. Modes ----- * ``TEMPMEAN``: temporal px-wise mean is subtracted. * ``SPATMEAN``: spatial mean is subtracted. * ``TEMPSTANDARD``: temporal mean centering plus scaling pixel values to unit variance. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR ASDI AND RDI CASES! * ``SPATSTANDARD``: spatial mean centering plus scaling pixel values to unit variance. """ TEMPMEAN = "temp-mean" SPATMEAN = "spat-mean" TEMPSTANDARD = "temp-standard" SPATSTANDARD = "spat-standard"
[docs] class Adimsdi(str, Enum): """ Define modes for processing ADI+mSDI cubes through PCA. Modes ----- * ``SINGLE``: PCA only. The multi-spectral frames are rescaled wrt the largest wavelength to align the speckles and all the frames (n_channels * n_adiframes) are processed with a single PCA low-rank approximation. * ``DOUBLE``: PCA and LOCI. A first stage is run on the rescaled spectral frames, and a second frame is run on the residuals in an ADI fashion. * ``SKIPADI``: LOCI only. The multi-spectral frames are rescaled wrt the largest wavelength to align the speckles and the least-squares model is subtracted on each spectral cube separately. """ DOUBLE = "double" SINGLE = "single" SKIPADI = "skipadi"
# TODO: document all modes
[docs] class Imlib(str, Enum): """ Define modes for image transformations to be used. Modes ----- * ̀``OPENCV``: uses OpenCV. Faster than Skimage or scipy.ndimage. * ̀``SKIMAGE``: uses Skimage. * ``NDIMAGE``: uses scipy.ndimage. * ̀``VIPFFT``: uses VIP FFT based rotation method. """ OPENCV = "opencv" SKIMAGE = "skimage" NDIMAGE = "ndimage" VIPFFT = "vip-fft"
# TODO: document all modes
[docs] class Interpolation(str, Enum): """ Define modes for interpolation. Modes ----- * ̀``NEARNEIG`` * ̀``BILINEAR`` * ̀``BIQUADRATIC`` : Default for Skimage (only). * ̀``BICUBIC`` * ̀``BIQUARTIC`` : Skimage only. * ̀``BIQUINTIC`` : slowest and most accurate. Skimage only. * ̀``LANCZOS4`` : slowest and most accurate. Default for OpenCV. """ NEARNEIG = "nearneig" BILINEAR = "bilinear" BIQUADRATIC = "biquadratic" BICUBIC = "bicubic" BIQUARTIC = "biquartic" BIQUINTIC = "biquintic" LANCZOS4 = "lanczos4"
# TODO: document all modes
[docs] class Collapse(str, Enum): """ Define modes for spectral/temporal residuals frames combining. Modes ----- * ̀``MEDIAN`` * ̀``MEAN`` * ̀``SUM`` * ̀``TRIMMEAN`` """ MEDIAN = "median" MEAN = "mean" SUM = "sum" TRIMMEAN = "trimmean"
[docs] class ReturnList(str, Enum): """List of all possible modes of classic PCA.""" ADIMSDI_DOUBLE = "adimsdi_double" ADIMSDI_SINGLE_NO_GRID = "adimsdi_single_no_grid" ADIMSDI_SINGLE_GRID_NO_SOURCE = "adimsdi_single_grid_no_source" ADIMSDI_SINGLE_GRID_SOURCE = "adimsdi_single_grid_source" ADI_FULLFRAME_GRID = "adi_fullframe_grid" ADI_FULLFRAME_STANDARD = "adi_fullframe_standard" ADI_INCREMENTAL_BATCH = "adi_incremental_batch" PCA_GRID_SN = "pca_grid_sn" PCA_ROT_THRESH = "pca_rot_thresh"
# TODO: document all metrics
[docs] class Metric(str, Enum): """Define all metrics possible for various post-processing functions.""" CITYBLOCK = "cityblock" COSINE = "cosine" EUCLIDEAN = "euclidean" L1 = "l1" L2 = "l2" MANHATTAN = "manhattan" CORRELATION = "correlation"
# TODO: document modes
[docs] class LowRankMode(str, Enum): """Define the values for the low rank mode for LLSG.""" SVD = "svd" BRP = "brp"
# TODO: document modes
[docs] class AutoRankMode(str, Enum): """Define the values for the auto rank mode for LLSG.""" NOISE = "noise" CEVR = "cevr"
# TODO: document modes
[docs] class ThreshMode(str, Enum): """Define the values for thresholding modes for LLSG.""" SOFT = "soft" HARD = "hard"
[docs] class Solver(str, Enum): """ Define the solver for the least squares problem in LLSG. Modes ----- * ``LSTSQ`` : uses the standard scipy least squares solver. * ``NNLS`` : uses the scipy non-negative least-squares solver. """ LSTSQ = "lstsq" NNLS = "nnls"
[docs] class Runmode(str, Enum): """ Define the mode for the PostProc PCA object. Modes ----- * ``CLASSIC`` : base PCA function, with multiple usages depending on the parameters given. * ``ANNULAR`` : annular PCA function. * ``GRID`` : grid PCA function (can be used implicitely from "classic"). * ``ANNULUS`` : annulus PCA function. """ CLASSIC = "classic" ANNULAR = "annular" GRID = "grid" ANNULUS = "annulus"
[docs] class HandleNeg(str, Enum): """ Define modes for handling negative values in NMF full-frame. Modes ----- * ``SUBTR_MIN`` : subtract the minimum value in the arrays. * ``MASK`` : mask negative values. * ``NULL`` : set negative values to zero. """ SUBTR_MIN = "subtr_min" MASK = "mask" NULL = "null"
[docs] class Initsvd(str, Enum): """ Define modes for initializing SVD for NMF full-frame. Modes ----- * ``NNDSVD``: non-negative double SVD recommended for sparseness. * ``NNDSVDA`` : NNDSVD where zeros are filled with the average of cube; recommended when sparsity is not desired. * ``RANDOM`` : random initial non-negative matrix. """ NNDSVD = "nndsvd" NNDSVDA = "nndsvda" RANDOM = "random"
# TODO: document modes
[docs] class OptMethod(str, Enum): """ Defines the method of balancing for the flux difference for ANDROMEDA. Modes ----- * ``NO`` * ``TOTAL`` * ``LSQ`` * ``ROBUST`` """ NO = "no" TOTAL = "total" LSQ = "lsq" ROBUST = "robust"
[docs] class VarEstim(str, Enum): """ Define modes to use for the residual noise variance estimation in FMMF. Modes ----- * ``FR``: consider the pixels in the selected annulus with a width equal to asize but separately for every frame. * ``FM``: consider the pixels in the selected annulus with a width equal to asize but separately for every frame. Apply a mask one FWHM on the selected pixel and its surrounding. * ``TE``:rely on the method developped in PACO to estimate the residual noise variance (take the pixels in a region of one FWHM arround the selected pixel, considering every frame in the derotated cube of residuals except for the selected frame). """ FR = "fr" FM = "fm" TE = "te"