Source code for vip_hci.fits.fits

#! /usr/bin/env python
Module with various fits handling functions.

__author__ = "C. A. Gomez Gonzalez, T. Bédrine, V. Christiaens, I. Hammond"
__all__ = ["open_fits", "info_fits", "write_fits", "verify_fits",

from os.path import isfile, exists
from os import remove

import numpy as np
from import writeto
from import fitsopen, HDUList
from import ImageHDU

from ..config.paramenum import ALL_FITS

[docs] def open_fits(fitsfilename, n=0, header=False, ignore_missing_end=False, precision=np.float32, return_memmap=False, verbose=True, **kwargs): """ Load a fits file into memory as numpy array. Parameters ---------- fitsfilename : string or pathlib.Path Name of the fits file or ``pathlib.Path`` object n : int, optional It chooses which HDU to open. Default is the first one. If n is equal to -2, opens and returns all extensions. header : bool, optional Whether to return the header along with the data or not. precision : numpy dtype, optional Float precision, by default np.float32 or single precision float. ignore_missing_end : bool optional Allows to open fits files with a header missing END card. return_memmap : bool, optional If True, the function returns the handle to the FITS file opened by mmap. With the hdulist, array data of each HDU to be accessed with mmap, rather than being read into memory all at once. This is particularly useful for working with very large arrays that cannot fit entirely into physical memory. verbose : bool, optional If True prints message of completion. **kwargs: optional Optional arguments to the function. E.g. "output_verify" can be set to ignore, in case of non-standard header. Returns ------- hdulist : HDU or HDUList [memmap=True] FITS file ``n`` hdulist. If n equals -2, returns the whole hdulist. data : numpy ndarray or list of numpy ndarrays [memmap=False] Array containing the frames of the fits-cube. If n equals -2, returns a list of all arrays. header : dict or list of dict [memmap=False, header=True] Dictionary containing the fits header. If n equals -2, returns a list of all dictionaries. """ fitsfilename = str(fitsfilename) if not isfile(fitsfilename): fitsfilename += ".fits" try: hdulist = fitsopen(fitsfilename, ignore_missing_end=ignore_missing_end, memmap=True, **kwargs) except ValueError: # If BZERO/BSCALE/BLANK header keywords present HDU can’t load as memmap hdulist = fitsopen(fitsfilename, ignore_missing_end=ignore_missing_end, memmap=False, **kwargs) # Opening all extensions in a MEF if n == ALL_FITS: if return_memmap: return hdulist data_list = [] header_list = [] for index, element in enumerate(hdulist): data, head = _return_data_fits(hdulist=hdulist, index=index, header=header, precision=precision, verbose=verbose) data_list.append(data) header_list.append(head) hdulist.close() if header: if verbose: msg = f"All {len(hdulist)} FITS HDU data and headers " msg += "successfully loaded." print(msg) return data_list, header_list else: if verbose: print(f"All {len(hdulist)} FITS HDU data successfully loaded.") return data_list # Opening only a specified extension else: if return_memmap: return hdulist[n] data, head = _return_data_fits(hdulist=hdulist, index=n, header=header, precision=precision, verbose=verbose) hdulist.close() if header: return data, head else: return data
def _return_data_fits(hdulist: HDUList, index: int, header: bool = False, precision=np.float32, verbose: bool = True): """ Subfunction used to return data (and header) from a given index. Parameters ---------- hdulist : HDUList List of FITS cubes with their headers. index : int The wanted index to extract. """ data = hdulist[index].data data = np.array(data, dtype=precision) head = hdulist[index].header if verbose: if header: print(f"FITS HDU-{index} data and header successfully loaded. " f"Data shape: {data.shape}") else: print(f"FITS HDU-{index} data successfully loaded. " f"Data shape: {data.shape}") return data, head
[docs] def byteswap_array(array): """FITS files are stored in big-endian byte order. All modern CPUs are little-endian byte order, so at some point you have to byteswap the data. Some FITS readers (cfitsio, the fitsio python module) do the byteswap when reading the data from disk to memory, so we get numpy arrays in native (little-endian) byte order. Unfortunately, does not byteswap for us, and we get numpy arrays in non-native byte order. However, most of the time we never notice this because when you do any numpy operations on such arrays, numpy uses an intermediate buffer to byteswap the array behind the scenes and returns the result as a native byte order array. Some operations require the data to be byteswaped before and will complain about it. This function will help in those cases. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray 2d input array. Returns ------- array_out : numpy ndarray 2d resulting array after the byteswap operation. Note ---- More info about byteswapping here: """ array_out = array.byteswap().newbyteorder() return array_out
[docs] def info_fits(fitsfilename, **kwargs): """ Print the information about a fits file. Parameters ---------- fitsfilename : str Path to the fits file. **kwargs: optional Optional arguments to the function. E.g. "output_verify" can be set to ignore, in case of non-standard header. """ with fitsopen(fitsfilename, memmap=True, **kwargs) as hdulist:
[docs] def verify_fits(fitsfilename): """ Verify "the FITS standard" of a fits file or list of fits. Parameters ---------- fitsfilename : string or list Path to the fits file or list with fits filename paths. """ if isinstance(fitsfilename, list): for ffile in fitsfilename: with fitsopen(ffile) as f: f.verify() else: with fitsopen(fitsfilename) as f: f.verify()
[docs] def write_fits(fitsfilename, array, header=None, output_verify="exception", precision=np.float32, verbose=True): """ Write array and header into FITS file. If there is a previous file with the same filename then it's replaced. Parameters ---------- fitsfilename : string Full path of the fits file to be written. array : numpy ndarray or tuple of numpy ndarray Array(s) to be written into a fits file. If a tuple of several arrays, the fits file will be written as a multiple extension fits file header : numpy ndarray, or tuple of headers, optional Header dictionary, or tuple of headers for a multiple extension fits file. output_verify : str, optional {"fix", "silentfix", "ignore", "warn", "exception"} Verification options: precision : numpy dtype, optional Float precision, by default np.float32 or single precision float. verbose : bool, optional If True prints message. """ if not fitsfilename.endswith(".fits"): fitsfilename += ".fits" res = "saved" if exists(fitsfilename): remove(fitsfilename) res = "overwritten" if isinstance(array, tuple): new_hdul = HDUList() if header is None: header = [None] * len(array) elif not isinstance(header, tuple): header = [header] * len(array) elif len(header) != len(array): msg = "If input header is a tuple, it should have the same length " msg += "as tuple of arrays." raise ValueError(msg) for i in range(len(array)): array_tmp = array[i].astype(precision, copy=False) new_hdul.append(ImageHDU(array_tmp, header=header[i])) new_hdul.writeto(fitsfilename, output_verify=output_verify) else: array = array.astype(precision, copy=False) writeto(fitsfilename, array, header, output_verify) if verbose: print(f"FITS file successfully {res}")