Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Module with fake disk injection functions."""

__author__ = "Julien Milli, Valentin Christiaens"
__all__ = ["cube_inject_fakedisk", "cube_inject_trace"]

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from ..preproc import cube_derotate, frame_shift
from ..var import frame_center, dist_matrix

[docs] def cube_inject_fakedisk( fakedisk, angle_list, psf=None, transmission=None, **rot_options ): """ Create an ADI cube with a rotated synthetic disk image injected following\ input angle list. Parameters ---------- fakedisk : numpy ndarray Input image of a fake disc angle_list : list Vector containing the parallactic angles. psf : (optional) the PSF to convolve the disk image with. It can be a small numpy.ndarray (we advise to use odd sizes to make sure the center s not shifted through the convolution). It forces normalization of the PSF to preserve the flux. It can also be a float representing the FWHM of the gaussian to be used for convolution. imlib : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_rotate`` function. interpolation : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_rotate`` function. cxy : tuple of int, optional Coordinates X,Y of the point with respect to which the rotation will be performed. By default the rotation is done with respect to the center of the frames, as it is returned by the function vip_hci.var.frame_center. nproc : int, optional Whether to rotate the frames in the sequence in a multi-processing fashion. Only useful if the cube is significantly large (frame size and number of frames). border_mode : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_rotate`` function. rot_options: dictionary, optional Dictionary with optional keyword values for "nproc", "cxy", "imlib", "interpolation, "border_mode", "mask_val", "edge_blend", "interp_zeros", "ker" (see documentation of ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_rotate``) Returns ------- fakedisk_cube : numpy ndarray Resulting cube with the fake disc inserted at the correct angles and convolved with the psf if a psf was provided. Example ------- .. code-block:: python import numpy as np fakedisk = np.zeros((200,200)) fakedisk[:,99:101] = 1 angle_list = np.arange(10) c = create_fakedisk_cube(fakedisk, angle_list, psf=None, imlib='vip-fft', interpolation='lanczos4', cxy=None, nproc=1, border_mode='constant') """ if not fakedisk.ndim == 2: raise TypeError("Fakedisk is not a frame or a 2d array.") if not angle_list.ndim == 1: raise TypeError("Input parallactic angle is not a 1d array") nframes = len(angle_list) ny, nx = fakedisk.shape fakedisk_cube = np.repeat(fakedisk[np.newaxis, :, :], nframes, axis=0) fakedisk_cube = cube_derotate(fakedisk_cube, -angle_list, **rot_options) if psf is not None: if isinstance(psf, np.ndarray): if psf.ndim != 2: raise TypeError("Input PSF is not a frame or 2d array.") if np.abs(np.sum(psf) - 1) > 1e-4: print( "Warning the PSF is not normalized to a total of 1. " "Normalization was forced." ) psf = psf / np.sum(psf) elif isinstance(psf, (int, float)): # assumes psf is equal to the FWHM of the PSF. We create a synthetic # PSF in that case # with a size of 2 times the FWHM. psf_size = 2 * int(np.round(psf)) + 1 # to make sure this is odd. xarrray, yarray = np.meshgrid( np.arange(-(psf_size // 2), psf_size // 2 + 1), np.arange(-(psf_size // 2), psf_size // 2 + 1), ) d = np.sqrt(xarrray**2 + yarray**2) sigma = psf / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))) psf = np.exp(-(d**2 / (2.0 * sigma**2))) psf = psf / np.sum(psf) else: raise TypeError( "The type of the psf is unknown. " "create_fakedisk_cube accepts ndarray, int or " "float." ) for i in range(nframes): fakedisk_cube[i, :, :] = signal.fftconvolve( fakedisk_cube[i, :, :], psf, mode="same" ) if transmission is not None: # last radial separation should be beyond the edge of frame interp_trans = interp1d(transmission[0], transmission[1]) y_star, x_star = frame_center(fakedisk_cube[0]) d = dist_matrix(fakedisk_cube.shape[-1], x_star, y_star) for i in range(d.shape[0]): for j in range(d.shape[1]): i_t = interp_trans(d[i, j]) fakedisk_cube[:, i, j] = i_t * fakedisk_cube[:, i, j] return fakedisk_cube
[docs] def cube_inject_trace( array, psf_template, angle_list, flevel, rad_dists, theta, plsc=0.01225, n_branches=1, imlib="vip-fft", interpolation="lanczos4", verbose=True, ): """Inject fake companions along a trace, such as a spiral. The trace is provided by 2 arrays corresponding to the polar coordinates where the companions will be located in the final derotated frame. Note: for a continuous-looking trace, and for an easier scaling using parameter 'flevel', it is recommended to separate the points of the trace by a distance of FWHM/2. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input 3D cube in which the extended feature is injected. psf_template : numpy ndarray 2d array with the normalized psf template. It should have an odd shape. It is recommended to run the function psf_norm to get a proper PSF template. angle_list : list Vector containing the parallactic angles. flevel : float Flux at which the fake companions are injected into the cube along the trace. rad_dists : list or array 1d Vector of radial distances in pixels where the trace is to be injected. theta : list or array 1d Vector of angles (deg) where the trace is to be injected (trigonometric angles, NOT PA East from North). plsc : float, opt Value of the plate scale in arcsec/pixel (optional, will only be used if verbose is True to print trace locations in arcsec). n_branches : int, optional Number of azimutal branches on which the trace is injected. imlib : {'opencv', 'ndimage-fourier', 'ndimage-interp', 'vip-fft'}, str opt Library or method used for image operations (shifts). interpolation: str, optional Interpolation method. Check documentation of the function ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_shift``. verbose : {True, False}, bool optional If True prints out additional information. Returns ------- array_out : numpy ndarray Output array with the injected fake companions. """ if not array.ndim == 3: raise TypeError("Array is not a cube or 3d array") ceny, cenx = frame_center(array[0]) ceny = int(ceny) cenx = int(cenx) rad_dists = np.array(rad_dists) if not rad_dists[-1] < array[0].shape[0] / 2.0: msg = "rad_dists last location is at the border or outside of the field" raise ValueError(msg) size_fc = psf_template.shape[0] nframes, ny, nx = array.shape n_fc_rad = rad_dists.shape[0] w = int(np.floor(size_fc / 2.0)) array_out = np.zeros_like(array) for fr in range(nframes): tmp = np.zeros_like(array[0]) for branch in range(n_branches): for i in range(n_fc_rad): fc_fr = np.zeros_like(array[0], dtype=np.float64) ang = (branch * 2 * np.pi / n_branches) + np.deg2rad(theta[i]) rad = rad_dists[i] y = rad * np.sin(ang - np.deg2rad(angle_list[fr])) x = rad * np.cos(ang - np.deg2rad(angle_list[fr])) # deal with exceptions y0_fr = max(0, ceny + (int(y) - w)) y0_psf = max(0, -(ceny + int(y) - w)) x0_fr = max(0, cenx + (int(x) - w)) x0_psf = max(0, -(cenx + int(x) - w)) yn_fr = min(ny, ceny + (int(y) + w + 1)) yn_psf = min(size_fc, size_fc - (ceny + (int(y) + w + 1) - ny)) xn_fr = min(nx, cenx + (int(x) + w + 1)) xn_psf = min(size_fc, size_fc - (cenx + (int(x) + w + 1) - nx)) if x > 0: mod_x = x % 1.0 else: mod_x = (x % 1.0) - 1 if y > 0: mod_y = y % 1.0 else: mod_y = (y % 1.0) - 1 try: psf_tmp = flevel * psf_template[y0_psf:yn_psf, x0_psf:xn_psf] fc_fr[y0_fr:yn_fr, x0_fr:xn_fr] = frame_shift(psf_tmp, mod_y, mod_x, imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation ) except BaseException: raise TypeError("Problem with the coordinates of the trace") tmp += fc_fr array_out[fr] = array[fr] + tmp if verbose: for branch in range(n_branches): print("Branch " + str(branch + 1) + ":") for i in range(n_fc_rad): ang = (branch * 2 * np.pi / n_branches) + np.deg2rad(theta[i]) posy = rad_dists[i] * np.sin(ang) + ceny posx = rad_dists[i] * np.cos(ang) + cenx rad_arcs = rad_dists[i] * plsc msg = "\t(X,Y)=({:.2f}, {:.2f}) at {:.2f} arcsec ({:.2f} pxs)" print(msg.format(posx, posy, rad_arcs, rad_dists[i])) return array_out