Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Functions useful for disk model interpolation for requested parameters\
falling within the provided grid."""

__author__ = 'Valentin Christiaens'
__all__ = ['interpolate_model']

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
from .utils_negfc import find_nearest

[docs] def interpolate_model(params, grid_param_list, model_grid, interp_order=-1, multispectral=False, verbose=False): """Interpolate model grid for requested parameters. Parameters ---------- params : tuple Set of models parameters for which the model grid has to be interpolated. grid_param_list : list of 1d numpy arrays/lists List/numpy 1d arrays with available grid of model parameters (should only contain the sampled parameters, not the models themselves). model_grid : numpy N-d array, optional Grid of model spectra for each free parameter of the given grid. For a single (resp. multi) wavelength model, the model grid should have N+2 (resp. N+3) dimensions, where N is the number of free parameters in the grid (i.e. the length of grid_param_list). interp_order: int or tuple of int, optional, {-1,0,1} Interpolation mode for model interpolation. If a tuple of integers, the length should match the number of grid dimensions and will trigger a different interpolation mode for the different parameters. - -1: Order 1 spline interpolation in logspace for the parameter - 0: nearest neighbour model - 1: Order 1 spline interpolation multispectral: bool, optional Whether the model grid is computed for various wavelenghts - e.g. for IFS data. In this case, the wavelength dimension should be the third to last in the input model_grid. verbose: bool, optional Whether to print more information during the interpolation. Returns ------- model : 2d or 3d numpy array Interpolated model for input parameters. First column corresponds to wavelengths, and the second contains model values. """ def _den_to_bin(denary, ndigits=3): """Convert denary to binary number, keeping n digits for binary.""" binary = "" while denary > 0: # A left shift in binary means /2 binary = str(denary % 2) + binary denary = denary//2 if len(binary) < ndigits: pad = '0'*(ndigits-len(binary)) else: pad = '' return pad+binary n_params_tot = len(grid_param_list) if isinstance(interp_order, (int, bool)): interp_order = [interp_order]*n_params_tot interp_order = tuple(interp_order) if np.sum(np.abs(interp_order)) == 0: idx_tmp = [] for nn in range(n_params_tot): idx_tmp.append(find_nearest(grid_param_list[nn], params[nn], output='index')) idx_tmp = tuple(idx_tmp) return model_grid[idx_tmp] else: if len(interp_order) != n_params_tot: msg = "if a tuple, interp_order should have same length as the " msg += "number of grid dimensions" raise TypeError(msg) else: for i in range(n_params_tot): if interp_order[i] not in [-1, 0, 1]: msg = "interp_order values should be -1, 0, or 1" raise TypeError(msg) # multispectral or not? if multispectral: ndim = 3 else: ndim = 2 # first compute new subgrid "coords" for interpolation if verbose: print("Computing new coords for interpolation") constr = ['floor=', 'ceil='] new_coords = np.zeros([n_params_tot, 1]) sub_grid_param = np.zeros([n_params_tot, 2]) for nn in range(n_params_tot): grid_tmp = grid_param_list[nn] params_tmp = params[nn] for ii in range(2): sub_grid_param[nn, ii] = find_nearest(grid_tmp, params_tmp, constraint=constr[ii], output='value') if interp_order[nn] == -1: num = np.log(params_tmp/sub_grid_param[nn, 0]) denom = np.log(sub_grid_param[nn, 1]/sub_grid_param[nn, 0]) else: num = (params_tmp-sub_grid_param[nn, 0]) denom = (sub_grid_param[nn, 1]-sub_grid_param[nn, 0]) new_coords[nn, 0] = num/denom if interp_order[nn] == 0: new_coords[nn, 0] = round(new_coords[nn, 0]) # if interp_order == -1: # # consider it in log space # num = np.log(params_tmp/sub_grid_param[nn, 0]) # denom = np.log(sub_grid_param[nn, 1]/sub_grid_param[nn, 0]) # else: # num = params_tmp-sub_grid_param[nn, 0] # denom = sub_grid_param[nn, 1]-sub_grid_param[nn, 0] # new_coords[nn, 0] = num/denom # make subgrid in the model grid if verbose: print("Making sub-grid of models") subgrid = [] subgrid_idx = np.zeros([n_params_tot, 2], dtype=np.int32) for nn in range(n_params_tot): grid_tmp = grid_param_list[nn] params_tmp = params[nn] for ii in range(2): subgrid_idx[nn, ii] = find_nearest(grid_tmp, params_tmp, constraint=constr[ii], output='index') for dd in range(2**n_params_tot): str_indices = _den_to_bin(dd, n_params_tot) idx_tmp = [] for nn in range(n_params_tot): idx_tmp.append(subgrid_idx[nn, int(str_indices[nn])]) subgrid.append(model_grid[tuple(idx_tmp)]) # reshape grid subgrid = np.array(subgrid) dims = [2]*n_params_tot dims += [model_grid.shape[-ndim+i] for i in range(ndim)] dims = tuple(dims) subgrid = subgrid.reshape(dims) # make last dimensions (model images) come first if multispectral: subgrid = np.moveaxis(subgrid, [-3, -2, -1], [0, 1, 2]) else: subgrid = np.moveaxis(subgrid, [-2, -1], [0, 1]) # interpolate in the subgrid model = np.zeros(model_grid.shape[-ndim:]) if multispectral: nz, ny, nx = model_grid.shape[-ndim:] for zz in range(nz): for yy in range(ny): for xx in range(nx): model[zz, yy, xx] = map_coordinates(subgrid[zz, yy, xx], new_coords, order=1) else: ny, nx = model_grid.shape[-ndim:] for yy in range(ny): for xx in range(nx): model[yy, xx] = map_coordinates(subgrid[yy, xx], new_coords, order=1) return model