Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python
Class definition for ScatteredLightDisk, Dust_distribution and Phase_function

.. [AUG99]
   | Augereau et al. 1999
   | **On the HR 4796 A circumstellar disk**
   | *Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 348, pp. 557-569*
   | `


__author__ = 'Julien Milli'
__all__ = ['ScatteredLightDisk',

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import newton
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from ..var import frame_center

[docs] class ScatteredLightDisk(object): """ Class used to generate a synthetic disc, inspired from a light version of the GRATER tool (GRenoble RAdiative TransfER) written originally in IDL [AUG99]_, and converted to Python by J. Milli. """ def __init__(self, nx=200, ny=200, distance=50., itilt=60., omega=0., pxInArcsec=0.01225, pa=0., flux_max=None, density_dico={'name': '2PowerLaws', 'ain': 5, 'aout': -5, 'a': 40, 'e': 0, 'ksi0': 1., 'gamma': 2., 'beta': 1., 'dens_at_r0': 1.}, spf_dico={'name': 'HG', 'g': 0., 'polar': False}, xdo=0., ydo=0.): """ Constructor of the Scattered_light_disk object, taking in input the geometric parameters of the disk, the radial density distribution and the scattering phase function. So far, only one radial distribution is implemented: a smoothed 2-power-law distribution, but more complex radial profiles can be implemented on demand. The star is assumed to be centered at the frame center as defined in the vip_hci.var.frame_center function (geometric center of the image, e.g. either in the middle of the central pixel for odd-size images or in between 4 pixel for even-size images). Parameters ---------- nx : int number of pixels along the x axis of the image (default 200) ny : int number of pixels along the y axis of the image (default 200) distance : float distance to the star in pc (default 70.) itilt : float inclination wrt the line of sight in degrees (0 means pole-on, 90 means edge-on, default 60 degrees) omega : float argument of the pericenter in degrees (0 by default) pxInArcsec : float pixel field of view in arcsec/px (default the SPHERE pixel scale 0.01225 arcsec/px) pa : float position angle of the disc in degrees (default 0 degrees, e.g. North) flux_max : float the max flux of the disk in ADU. By default None, meaning that the disk flux is not normalized to any value. density_dico : dict Parameters describing the dust density distribution function to be implemented. By default, it uses a two-power law dust distribution with a vertical gaussian distribution with linear flaring. This dictionary should at least contain the key "name". For a to-power law distribution, you can set it with 'name:'2PowerLaws' and with the following parameters: a : float reference radius in au (default 40) ksi0 : float scale height in au at the reference radius (default 1 a.u.) gamma : float exponent (2=gaussian,1=exponential profile, default 2) beta : float flaring index (0=no flaring, 1=linear flaring, default 1) ain : float slope of the power-low distribution in the inner disk. It must be positive (default 5) aout : float slope of the power-low distribution in the outer disk. It must be negative (default -5) e : float eccentricity (default 0) amin: float minimim semi-major axis: the dust density is 0 below this value (default 0) spf_dico : dictionnary Parameters describing the scattering phase function to be implemented. By default, an isotropic phase function is implemented. It should at least contain the key "name". xdo : float disk offset along the x-axis in the disk frame (=semi-major axis), in a.u. (default 0) ydo : float disk offset along the y-axis in the disk frame (=semi-minor axis), in a.u. (default 0) """ self.nx = nx # number of pixels along the x axis of the image self.ny = ny # number of pixels along the y axis of the image self.distance = distance # distance to the star in pc self.set_inclination(itilt) self.set_omega(omega) self.set_flux_max(flux_max) self.pxInArcsec = pxInArcsec # pixel field of view in arcsec/px self.pxInAU = self.pxInArcsec*self.distance # 1 pixel in AU # disk offset along the x-axis in the disk frame (semi-major axis), AU self.xdo = xdo # disk offset along the y-axis in the disk frame (semi-minor axis), AU self.ydo = ydo self.rmin = np.sqrt(self.xdo**2+self.ydo**2)+self.pxInAU self.dust_density = Dust_distribution(density_dico) # star center along the y- and x-axis, in pixels self.yc, self.xc = frame_center(np.ndarray((self.ny, self.nx))) self.x_vector = (np.arange(0, nx) - self.xc)*self.pxInAU # x axis in au self.y_vector = (np.arange(0, ny) - self.yc)*self.pxInAU # y axis in au self.x_map_0PA, self.y_map_0PA = np.meshgrid(self.x_vector, self.y_vector) self.set_pa(pa) self.phase_function = Phase_function(spf_dico=spf_dico) self.scattered_light_map = np.ndarray((ny, nx)) self.scattered_light_map.fill(0.)
[docs] def set_inclination(self, itilt): """ Sets the inclination of the disk. Parameters ---------- itilt : float inclination of the disk wrt the line of sight in degrees (0 means pole-on, 90 means edge-on, default 60 degrees) """ self.itilt = float(itilt) # inclination wrt the line of sight in deg self.cosi = np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.itilt)) self.sini = np.sin(np.deg2rad(self.itilt))
[docs] def set_pa(self, pa): """ Sets the disk position angle Parameters ---------- pa : float position angle in degrees """ = pa # position angle of the disc in degrees self.cospa = np.cos(np.deg2rad( self.sinpa = np.sin(np.deg2rad( # rotation to get the disk major axis properly oriented, x in AU self.y_map = (self.cospa*self.x_map_0PA + self.sinpa*self.y_map_0PA) # rotation to get the disk major axis properly oriented, y in AU self.x_map = (-self.sinpa*self.x_map_0PA + self.cospa*self.y_map_0PA)
[docs] def set_omega(self, omega): """ Sets the argument of pericenter Parameters ---------- omega : float angle in degrees """ = float(omega)
[docs] def set_flux_max(self, flux_max): """ Sets the mas flux of the disk Parameters ---------- flux_max : float the max flux of the disk in ADU """ self.flux_max = flux_max
[docs] def set_density_distribution(self, density_dico): """ Sets or updates the parameters of the density distribution Parameters ---------- density_dico : dict Parameters describing the dust density distribution function to be implemented. By default, it uses a two-power law dust distribution with a vertical gaussian distribution with linear flaring. This dictionary should at least contain the key "name". For a to-power law distribution, you can set it with name:'2PowerLaws' and with the following parameters: - a : float Reference radius in au (default 60) - ksi0 : float Scale height in au at the reference radius (default 1 a.u.) - gamma : float Exponent (2=gaussian,1=exponential profile, default 2) - beta : float Flaring index (0=no flaring, 1=linear flaring, default 1) - ain : float Slope of the power-low distribution in the inner disk. It must be positive (default 5) - aout : float Slope of the power-low distribution in the outer disk. It must be negative (default -5) - e : float Eccentricity (default 0) """ self.dust_density.set_density_distribution(density_dico)
[docs] def set_phase_function(self, spf_dico): """ Sets the phase function of the dust Parameters ---------- spf_dico : dict Parameters describing the scattering phase function to be implemented. Three phase functions are implemented so far: single Heyney Greenstein, double Heyney Greenstein and custum phase functions through interpolation. Read the constructor of each of those classes to know which parameters must be set in the dictionary in each case. """ self.phase_function = Phase_function(spf_dico=spf_dico)
[docs] def print_info(self): """ Prints the information of the disk and image parameters """ print('-----------------------------------') print('Geometrical properties of the image') print('-----------------------------------') print('Image size: {0:d} px by {1:d} px'.format(self.nx, self.ny)) msg1 = 'Pixel size: {0:.4f} arcsec/px or {1:.2f} au/px' print(msg1.format(self.pxInArcsec, self.pxInAU)) msg2 = 'Distance of the star {0:.1f} pc' print(msg2.format(self.distance)) msg3 = 'From {0:.1f} au to {1:.1f} au in X' print(msg3.format(self.x_vector[0], self.x_vector[self.nx-1])) msg4 = 'From {0:.1f} au to {1:.1f} au in Y' print(msg4.format(self.y_vector[0], self.y_vector[self.nx-1])) print('Position angle of the disc: {0:.2f} degrees'.format( print('Inclination {0:.2f} degrees'.format(self.itilt)) print('Argument of pericenter {0:.2f} degrees'.format( if self.flux_max is not None: print('Maximum flux of the disk {0:.2f}'.format(self.flux_max)) self.dust_density.print_info() self.phase_function.print_info()
[docs] def check_inclination(self): """ Checks whether the inclination set is close to edge-on and risks to induce artefacts from the limited numerical accuracy. In such a case the inclination is changed to be less edge-on. """ if np.abs(np.mod(self.itilt, 180)-90) < np.abs( np.mod(self.dust_density.dust_distribution_calc.itiltthreshold, 180)-90): print('Warning the disk is too close to edge-on') msg = 'The inclination was changed from {0:.2f} to {1:.2f}' print(msg.format(self.itilt, self.dust_density.dust_distribution_calc.itiltthreshold)) self.set_inclination( self.dust_density.dust_distribution_calc.itiltthreshold)
[docs] def compute_scattered_light(self, halfNbSlices=25): """ Computes the scattered light image of the disk. Parameters ---------- halfNbSlices : integer half number of distances along the line of sight l """ self.check_inclination() # dist along the line of sight to reach the disk midplane (z_D=0), AU: lz0_map = self.y_map * np.tan(np.deg2rad(self.itilt)) # dist to reach +zmax, AU: lzp_map = self.dust_density.dust_distribution_calc.zmax/self.cosi + \ lz0_map # dist to reach -zmax, AU: lzm_map = -self.dust_density.dust_distribution_calc.zmax/self.cosi + \ lz0_map dl_map = np.absolute(lzp_map-lzm_map) # l range, in AU # squared maximum l value to reach the outer disk radius, in AU^2: lmax2 = self.dust_density.dust_distribution_calc.rmax**2 - \ (self.x_map**2+self.y_map**2) # squared minimum l value to reach the inner disk radius, in AU^2: lmin2 = (self.x_map**2+self.y_map**2)-self.rmin**2 validPixel_map = (lmax2 > 0.) * (lmin2 > 0.) lwidth = 100. # control the distribution of distances along l nbSlices = 2*halfNbSlices-1 # total number of distances # along the line of sight tmp = (np.exp(np.arange(halfNbSlices)*np.log(lwidth+1.) / (halfNbSlices-1.))-1.)/lwidth # between 0 and 1 ll = np.concatenate((-tmp[:0:-1], tmp)) # 1d array pre-calculated values, AU ycs_vector = self.cosi*self.y_map[validPixel_map] # 1d array pre-calculated values, AU zsn_vector = -self.sini*self.y_map[validPixel_map] xd_vector = self.x_map[validPixel_map] # x_disk, in AU limage = np.ndarray((nbSlices, self.ny, self.nx)) limage.fill(0.) for il in range(nbSlices): # distance along the line of sight to reach the plane z l_vector = lz0_map[validPixel_map] + ll[il]*dl_map[validPixel_map] # rotation about x axis yd_vector = ycs_vector + self.sini * l_vector # y_Disk in AU zd_vector = zsn_vector + self.cosi * l_vector # z_Disk, in AU # Dist and polar angles in the frame centered on the star position: # squared distance to the star, in AU^2 d2star_vector = xd_vector**2+yd_vector**2+zd_vector**2 dstar_vector = np.sqrt(d2star_vector) # distance to the star, in AU # midplane distance to the star (r coordinate), in AU rstar_vector = np.sqrt(xd_vector**2+yd_vector**2) thetastar_vector = np.arctan2(yd_vector, xd_vector) # Phase angles: cosphi_vector = (rstar_vector*self.sini*np.sin(thetastar_vector) + zd_vector*self.cosi)/dstar_vector # in radians # Polar coordinates in the disk frame, and semi-major axis: # midplane distance to the disk center (r coordinate), in AU r_vector = np.sqrt((xd_vector-self.xdo)**2+(yd_vector-self.ydo)**2) # polar angle in radians between 0 and pi theta_vector = np.arctan2(yd_vector-self.ydo, xd_vector-self.xdo) costheta_vector = np.cos(theta_vector-np.deg2rad( # Scattered light: # volume density rho_vector = self.dust_density.density_cylindrical(r_vector, costheta_vector, zd_vector) phase_function = self.phase_function.compute_phase_function_from_cosphi( cosphi_vector) image = np.ndarray((self.ny, self.nx)) image.fill(0.) image[validPixel_map] = rho_vector*phase_function/d2star_vector limage[il, :, :] = image self.scattered_light_map.fill(0.) for il in range(1, nbSlices): self.scattered_light_map += (ll[il]-ll[il-1]) * (limage[il-1, :, :] + limage[il, :, :]) self.scattered_light_map[validPixel_map] *= dl_map[validPixel_map] / 2. * self.pxInAU**2 if self.flux_max is not None: self.scattered_light_map *= (self.flux_max / np.nanmax(self.scattered_light_map)) return self.scattered_light_map
[docs] class Dust_distribution(object): """This class represents the dust distribution """ def __init__(self, density_dico={'name': '2PowerLaws', 'ain': 5, 'aout': -5, 'a': 60, 'e': 0, 'ksi0': 1., 'gamma': 2., 'beta': 1., 'amin': 0., 'dens_at_r0': 1.}): """ Constructor for the Dust_distribution class. We assume the dust density is 0 radially after it drops below 0.5% (the accuracy variable) of the peak density in the midplane, and vertically whenever it drops below 0.5% of the peak density in the midplane """ self.accuracy = 5.e-3 if not isinstance(density_dico, dict): errmsg = 'The parameters describing the dust density distribution' \ ' must be a Python dictionnary' raise TypeError(errmsg) if 'name' not in density_dico.keys(): errmsg = 'The dictionnary describing the dust density ' \ 'distribution must contain the key "name"' raise TypeError(errmsg) self.type = density_dico['name'] if self.type == '2PowerLaws': self.dust_distribution_calc = DustEllipticalDistribution2PowerLaws( self.accuracy, density_dico) else: errmsg = 'The only dust distribution implemented so far is the' \ ' "2PowerLaws"' raise TypeError(errmsg)
[docs] def set_density_distribution(self, density_dico): """ Update the parameters of the density distribution. """ self.dust_distribution_calc.set_density_distribution(density_dico)
[docs] def density_cylindrical(self, r, costheta, z): """ Return the particule volume density at r, theta, z. """ return self.dust_distribution_calc.density_cylindrical(r, costheta, z)
[docs] def density_cartesian(self, x, y, z): """ Return the particule volume density at x,y,z, taking into account the offset of the disk. """ return self.dust_distribution_calc.density_cartesian(x, y, z)
[docs] def print_info(self, pxInAu=None): """ Utility function that displays the parameters of the radial distribution of the dust Input: - pxInAu (optional): the pixel size in au """ print('----------------------------') print('Dust distribution parameters') print('----------------------------') self.dust_distribution_calc.print_info(pxInAu)
class DustEllipticalDistribution2PowerLaws: """ """ def __init__(self, accuracy=5.e-3, density_dico={'ain': 5, 'aout': -5, 'a': 60, 'e': 0, 'ksi0': 1., 'gamma': 2., 'beta': 1., 'amin': 0., 'dens_at_r0': 1.}): """ Constructor for the Dust_distribution class. We assume the dust density is 0 radially after it drops below 0.5% (the accuracy variable) of the peak density in the midplane, and vertically whenever it drops below 0.5% of the peak density in the midplane """ self.accuracy = accuracy self.set_density_distribution(density_dico) def set_density_distribution(self, density_dico): """ """ if 'ksi0' not in density_dico.keys(): ksi0 = 1. else: ksi0 = density_dico['ksi0'] if 'beta' not in density_dico.keys(): beta = 1. else: beta = density_dico['beta'] if 'gamma' not in density_dico.keys(): gamma = 1. else: gamma = density_dico['gamma'] if 'aout' not in density_dico.keys(): aout = -5. else: aout = density_dico['aout'] if 'ain' not in density_dico.keys(): ain = 5. else: ain = density_dico['ain'] if 'e' not in density_dico.keys(): e = 0. else: e = density_dico['e'] if 'a' not in density_dico.keys(): a = 60. else: a = density_dico['a'] if 'amin' not in density_dico.keys(): amin = 0. else: amin = density_dico['amin'] if 'dens_at_r0' not in density_dico.keys(): dens_at_r0 = 1. else: dens_at_r0 = density_dico['dens_at_r0'] self.set_vertical_density(ksi0=ksi0, gamma=gamma, beta=beta) self.set_radial_density( ain=ain, aout=aout, a=a, e=e, amin=amin, dens_at_r0=dens_at_r0) def set_vertical_density(self, ksi0=1., gamma=2., beta=1.): """ Sets the parameters of the vertical density function Parameters ---------- ksi0 : float scale height in au at the reference radius (default 1 a.u.) gamma : float exponent (2=gaussian,1=exponential profile, default 2) beta : float flaring index (0=no flaring, 1=linear flaring, default 1) """ if gamma < 0.: print('Warning the vertical exponent gamma is negative') print('Gamma was changed from {0:6.2f} to 0.1'.format(gamma)) gamma = 0.1 if ksi0 < 0.: print('Warning the scale height ksi0 is negative') print('ksi0 was changed from {0:6.2f} to 0.1'.format(ksi0)) ksi0 = 0.1 if beta < 0.: print('Warning the flaring coefficient beta is negative') print( 'beta was changed from {0:6.2f} to 0 (flat disk)'.format(beta)) beta = 0. self.ksi0 = float(ksi0) self.gamma = float(gamma) self.beta = float(beta) self.zmax = ksi0*(-np.log(self.accuracy))**(1./gamma) def set_radial_density(self, ain=5., aout=-5., a=60., e=0., amin=0., dens_at_r0=1.): """ Sets the parameters of the radial density function Parameters ---------- ain : float slope of the power-low distribution in the inner disk. It must be positive (default 5) aout : float slope of the power-low distribution in the outer disk. It must be negative (default -5) a : float reference radius in au (default 60) e : float eccentricity (default 0) amin: float minimim semi-major axis: the dust density is 0 below this value (default 0) """ if ain < 0.1: print('Warning the inner slope is greater than 0.1') print('ain was changed from {0:6.2f} to 0.1'.format(ain)) ain = 0.1 if aout > -0.1: print('Warning the outer slope is greater than -0.1') print('aout was changed from {0:6.2f} to -0.1'.format(aout)) aout = -0.1 if e < 0: print('Warning the eccentricity is negative') print('e was changed from {0:6.2f} to 0'.format(e)) e = 0. if e >= 1: print('Warning the eccentricity is greater or equal to 1') print('e was changed from {0:6.2f} to 0.99'.format(e)) e = 0.99 if a < 0: raise ValueError('Warning the semi-major axis a is negative') if amin < 0: raise ValueError('Warning the minimum radius a is negative') print('amin was changed from {0:6.2f} to 0.'.format(amin)) amin = 0. if dens_at_r0 < 0: raise ValueError( 'Warning the reference dust density at r0 is negative') print('It was changed from {0:6.2f} to 1.'.format(dens_at_r0)) dens_at_r0 = 1. self.ain = float(ain) self.aout = float(aout) self.a = float(a) self.e = float(e) self.p = self.a*(1-self.e**2) self.amin = float(amin) # we assume the inner hole is also elliptic (convention) self.pmin = self.amin*(1-self.e**2) self.dens_at_r0 = float(dens_at_r0) try: # maximum distance of integration, AU self.rmax = self.a*self.accuracy**(1/self.aout) if self.ain != self.aout: self.apeak = self.a * np.power(-self.ain/self.aout, 1./(2.*(self.ain-self.aout))) Gamma_in = self.ain+self.beta Gamma_out = self.aout+self.beta self.apeak_surface_density = self.a * np.power(-Gamma_in/Gamma_out, 1./(2.*(Gamma_in-Gamma_out))) # the above formula comes from Augereau et al. 1999. else: self.apeak = self.a self.apeak_surface_density = self.a except OverflowError: print('The error occured during the calculation of rmax or apeak') print('Inner slope: {0:.6e}'.format(self.ain)) print('Outer slope: {0:.6e}'.format(self.aout)) print('Accuracy: {0:.6e}'.format(self.accuracy)) raise OverflowError except ZeroDivisionError: print('The error occured during the calculation of rmax or apeak') print('Inner slope: {0:.6e}'.format(self.ain)) print('Outer slope: {0:.6e}'.format(self.aout)) print('Accuracy: {0:.6e}'.format(self.accuracy)) raise ZeroDivisionError self.itiltthreshold = np.rad2deg(np.arctan(self.rmax/self.zmax)) def print_info(self, pxInAu=None): """ Utility function that displays the parameters of the radial distribution of the dust Input: - pxInAu (optional): the pixel size in au """ def rad_density(r): return np.sqrt(2/(np.power(r/self.a, -2*self.ain) + np.power(r/self.a, -2*self.aout))) def half_max_density(r): return rad_density(r) / \ rad_density(self.apeak)-1./2. try: if self.aout < -3: a_plus_hwhm = newton(half_max_density, self.apeak*1.04) else: a_plus_hwhm = newton(half_max_density, self.apeak*1.1) except RuntimeError: a_plus_hwhm = np.nan try: if self.ain < 2: a_minus_hwhm = newton(half_max_density, self.apeak*0.5) else: a_minus_hwhm = newton(half_max_density, self.apeak*0.95) except RuntimeError: a_minus_hwhm = np.nan if pxInAu is not None: msg = 'Reference semi-major axis: {0:.1f}au or {1:.1f}px' print(msg.format(self.a, self.a/pxInAu)) msg2 = 'Semi-major axis at maximum dust density in plane z=0: {0:.1f}au or ' \ '{1:.1f}px (same as ref sma if ain=-aout)' print(msg2.format(self.apeak, self.apeak/pxInAu)) msg3 = 'Semi-major axis at half max dust density in plane z=0: {0:.1f}au or ' \ '{1:.1f}px for the inner edge ' \ '/ {2:.1f}au or {3:.1f}px for the outer edge, with a FWHM of ' \ '{4:.1f}au or {5:.1f}px' print(msg3.format(a_minus_hwhm, a_minus_hwhm/pxInAu, a_plus_hwhm, a_plus_hwhm/pxInAu, a_plus_hwhm-a_minus_hwhm, (a_plus_hwhm-a_minus_hwhm)/pxInAu)) msg4 = 'Semi-major axis at maximum dust surface density: {0:.1f}au or ' \ '{1:.1f}px (same as ref sma if ain=-aout)' print( msg4.format( self.apeak_surface_density, self.apeak_surface_density / pxInAu)) msg5 = 'Ellipse p parameter: {0:.1f}au or {1:.1f}px' print(msg5.format(self.p, self.p/pxInAu)) else: print('Reference semi-major axis: {0:.1f}au'.format(self.a)) msg = 'Semi-major axis at maximum dust density in plane z=0: {0:.1f}au (same ' \ 'as ref sma if ain=-aout)' print(msg.format(self.apeak)) msg3 = 'Semi-major axis at half max dust density: {0:.1f}au ' \ '/ {1:.1f}au for the inner/outer edge, or a FWHM of ' \ '{2:.1f}au' print( msg3.format( a_minus_hwhm, a_plus_hwhm, a_plus_hwhm - a_minus_hwhm)) msg4 = 'Semi-major axis at maximum dust surface density: {0:.1f}au ' \ '(same as ref sma if ain=-aout)' print( msg4.format( self.apeak_surface_density)) print('Ellipse p parameter: {0:.1f}au'.format(self.p)) print('Ellipticity: {0:.3f}'.format(self.e)) print('Inner slope: {0:.2f}'.format(self.ain)) print('Outer slope: {0:.2f}'.format(self.aout)) print( 'Density at the reference semi-major axis: {0:4.3e} (arbitrary unit'.format(self.dens_at_r0)) if self.amin > 0: print('Minimum radius (sma): {0:.2f}au'.format(self.amin)) if pxInAu is not None: msg = 'Scale height: {0:.1f}au or {1:.1f}px at {2:.1f}' print(msg.format(self.ksi0, self.ksi0/pxInAu, self.a)) else: print('Scale height: {0:.2f} au at {1:.2f}'.format(self.ksi0, self.a)) print('Vertical profile index: {0:.2f}'.format(self.gamma)) msg = 'Disc vertical FWHM: {0:.2f} at {1:.2f}' print(msg.format(2.*self.ksi0*np.power(np.log10(2.), 1./self.gamma), self.a)) print('Flaring coefficient: {0:.2f}'.format(self.beta)) print('------------------------------------') print('Properties for numerical integration') print('------------------------------------') print('Requested accuracy {0:.2e}'.format(self.accuracy)) # print('Minimum radius for integration: {0:.2f} au'.format(self.rmin)) print('Maximum radius for integration: {0:.2f} au'.format(self.rmax)) print('Maximum height for integration: {0:.2f} au'.format(self.zmax)) msg = 'Inclination threshold: {0:.2f} degrees' print(msg.format(self.itiltthreshold)) return def density_cylindrical(self, r, costheta, z): """ Returns the particule volume density at r, theta, z """ radial_ratio = r/(self.p/(1-self.e*costheta)) den = (np.power(radial_ratio, -2*self.ain) + np.power(radial_ratio, -2*self.aout)) radial_density_term = np.sqrt(2./den)*self.dens_at_r0 if self.pmin > 0: radial_density_term[r/(self.pmin/(1-self.e*costheta)) <= 1] = 0 den2 = (self.ksi0*np.power(radial_ratio, self.beta)) vertical_density_term = np.exp(-np.power(np.abs(z)/den2, self.gamma)) return radial_density_term*vertical_density_term def density_cartesian(self, x, y, z): """ Returns the particule volume density at x,y,z, taking into account the offset of the disk """ r = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2) if r == 0: costheta = 0 else: costheta = x/r return self.density_cylindrical(r, costheta, z)
[docs] class Phase_function(object): """ This class represents the scattering phase function (spf). It contains the attribute phase_function_calc that implements either a single Henyey Greenstein phase function, a double Heyney Greenstein, or any custom function (data interpolated from an input list of phi, spf(phi)). """ def __init__(self, spf_dico={'name': 'HG', 'g': 0., 'polar': False}): """ Constructor of the Phase_function class. It checks whether the spf_dico contains a correct name and sets the attribute phase_function_calc Parameters ---------- spf_dico : dictionnary Parameters describing the scattering phase function to be implemented. By default, an isotropic phase function is implemented. It should at least contain the key "name" chosen between 'HG' (single Henyey Greenstein), 'DoubleHG' (double Heyney Greenstein) or 'interpolated' (custom function). The parameter "polar" enables to switch on the polarisation (if set to True, the default is False). In this case it assumes either - a Rayleigh polarised fraction (1-(cos phi)^2) / (1+(cos phi)^2). if nothing else is specified - a polynomial if the keyword 'polar_polynom_coeff' is defined and corresponds to an array of polynomial coefficient, e.g. [p3,p2,p1,p0] evaluated as np.polyval([p3,p2,p1,p0],np.arange(0, 180, 1)) """ if not isinstance(spf_dico, dict): msg = 'The parameters describing the phase function must be a ' \ 'Python dictionnary' raise TypeError(msg) if 'name' not in spf_dico.keys(): msg = 'The dictionnary describing the phase function must contain' \ ' the key "name"' raise TypeError(msg) self.type = spf_dico['name'] if 'polar' not in spf_dico.keys(): self.polar = False else: if not isinstance(spf_dico['polar'], bool): msg = 'The dictionnary describing the polarisation must be a ' \ 'boolean' raise TypeError(msg) self.polar = spf_dico['polar'] if 'polar_polynom_coeff' in spf_dico.keys(): self.polar_polynom = True if isinstance(spf_dico['polar_polynom_coeff'], (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): self.polar_polynom_coeff = spf_dico['polar_polynom_coeff'] else: msg = 'The dictionnary describing the polarisation polynomial function must be an ' \ 'array' raise TypeError(msg) else: self.polar_polynom = False if self.type == 'HG': self.phase_function_calc = HenyeyGreenstein_SPF(spf_dico) elif self.type == 'DoubleHG': self.phase_function_calc = DoubleHenyeyGreenstein_SPF(spf_dico) elif self.type == 'interpolated': self.phase_function_calc = Interpolated_SPF(spf_dico) else: msg = 'Type of phase function not understood: {0:s}' raise TypeError(msg.format(self.type))
[docs] def compute_phase_function_from_cosphi(self, cos_phi): """ Compute the phase function at (a) specific scattering scattering angle(s) phi. The argument is not phi but cos(phi) for optimization reasons. Parameters ---------- cos_phi : float or array cosine of the scattering angle(s) at which the scattering function must be calculated. """ phf = self.phase_function_calc.compute_phase_function_from_cosphi( cos_phi) if self.polar: if self.polar_polynom: phi = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(cos_phi)) return np.polyval(self.polar_polynom_coeff, phi) * phf else: return (1-cos_phi**2)/(1+cos_phi**2) * phf else: return phf
[docs] def print_info(self): """ Prints information on the type and parameters of the scattering phase function. """ print('----------------------------') print('Phase function parameters') print('----------------------------') print('Type of phase function: {0:s}'.format(self.type)) print('Linear polarisation: {0!r}'.format(self.polar)) self.phase_function_calc.print_info()
[docs] def plot_phase_function(self): """ Plots the scattering phase function """ phi = np.arange(0, 180, 1) phase_func = self.compute_phase_function_from_cosphi( np.cos(np.deg2rad(phi))) if self.polar: if self.polar_polynom: phase_func = np.polyval( self.polar_polynom_coeff, phi) * phase_func else: phase_func = (1-np.cos(np.deg2rad(phi))**2) / \ (1+np.cos(np.deg2rad(phi))**2) * phase_func plt.close(0) plt.figure(0) plt.plot(phi, phase_func) plt.xlabel('Scattering phase angle in degrees') plt.ylabel('Scattering phase function') plt.grid() plt.xlim(0, 180)
class HenyeyGreenstein_SPF(object): """ Implementation of a scattering phase function with a single Henyey Greenstein function. """ def __init__(self, spf_dico={'g': 0.}): """ Constructor of a Heyney Greenstein phase function. Parameters ---------- spf_dico : dictionnary containing the key "g" (float) g is the Heyney Greenstein coefficient and should be between -1 (backward scattering) and 1 (forward scattering). """ # it must contain the key "g" if 'g' not in spf_dico.keys(): raise TypeError('The dictionnary describing a Heyney Greenstein ' 'phase function must contain the key "g"') # the value of "g" must be a float or a list of floats elif not isinstance(spf_dico['g'], (float, int)): raise TypeError('The key "g" of a Heyney Greenstein phase function' ' dictionnary must be a float or an integer') self.set_phase_function(spf_dico['g']) def set_phase_function(self, g): """ Set the value of g """ if g >= 1: print('Warning the Henyey Greenstein parameter is greater than or ' 'equal to 1') print('The value was changed from {0:6.2f} to 0.99'.format(g)) g = 0.99 elif g <= -1: print('Warning the Henyey Greenstein parameter is smaller than or ' 'equal to -1') print('The value was changed from {0:6.2f} to -0.99'.format(g)) g = -0.99 self.g = float(g) def compute_phase_function_from_cosphi(self, cos_phi): """ Compute the phase function at (a) specific scattering scattering angle(s) phi. The argument is not phi but cos(phi) for optimization reasons. Parameters ---------- cos_phi : float or array cosine of the scattering angle(s) at which the scattering function must be calculated. """ return 1./(4*np.pi)*(1-self.g**2) / \ (1+self.g**2-2*self.g*cos_phi)**(3./2.) def print_info(self): """ Prints the value of the HG coefficient """ print('Heynyey Greenstein coefficient: {0:.2f}'.format(self.g)) class DoubleHenyeyGreenstein_SPF(object): """ Implementation of a scattering phase function with a double Henyey Greenstein function. """ def __init__(self, spf_dico={'g': [0.5, -0.3], 'weight': 0.7}): """ """ # it must contain the key "g" if 'g' not in spf_dico.keys(): raise TypeError('The dictionnary describing a Heyney Greenstein' ' phase function must contain the key "g"') # the value of "g" must be a list of floats elif not isinstance(spf_dico['g'], (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError('The key "g" of a Heyney Greenstein phase ' 'function dictionnary must be a list of floats') # it must contain the key "weight" if 'weight' not in spf_dico.keys(): raise TypeError('The dictionnary describing a multiple Henyey ' 'Greenstein phase function must contain the ' 'key "weight"') # the value of "weight" must be a list of floats elif not isinstance(spf_dico['weight'], (float, int)): raise TypeError('The key "weight" of a Heyney Greenstein phase ' 'function dictionnary must be a float (weight of ' 'the first HG coefficient between 0 and 1)') elif spf_dico['weight'] < 0 or spf_dico['weight'] > 1: raise ValueError('The key "weight" of a Heyney Greenstein phase' ' function dictionnary must be between 0 and 1. It' ' corresponds to the weight of the first HG ' 'coefficient') if len(spf_dico['g']) != 2: raise TypeError('The keys "weight" and "g" must contain the same' ' number of elements') self.g = spf_dico['g'] self.weight = spf_dico['weight'] def print_info(self): """ Prints the value of the HG coefficients and weights """ print('Heynyey Greenstein first component : coeff {0:.2f} , ' 'weight {1:.1f}%'.format(self.g[0], self.weight*100)) print('Heynyey Greenstein second component: coeff {0:.2f} , ' 'weight {1:.1f}%'.format(self.g[1], (1-self.weight)*100.)) def compute_singleHG_from_cosphi(self, g, cos_phi): """ Compute a single Heyney Greenstein phase function at (a) specific scattering scattering angle(s) phi. The argument is not phi but cos(phi) for optimization reasons. Parameters ---------- g : float Heyney Greenstein coefficient cos_phi : float or array cosine of the scattering angle(s) at which the scattering function must be calculated. """ return 1./(4*np.pi)*(1-g**2)/(1+g**2-2*g*cos_phi)**(3./2.) def compute_phase_function_from_cosphi(self, cos_phi): """ Compute the phase function at (a) specific scattering scattering angle(s) phi. The argument is not phi but cos(phi) for optimization reasons. Parameters ---------- cos_phi : float or array cosine of the scattering angle(s) at which the scattering function must be calculated. """ return self.weight * self.compute_singleHG_from_cosphi(self.g[0], cos_phi) + \ (1-self.weight) * self.compute_singleHG_from_cosphi(self.g[1], cos_phi) class Interpolated_SPF(object): """ Custom implementation of a scattering phase function by providing a list of scattering phase angles and corresponding values of the phase function. """ def __init__(self, spf_dico={'phi': np.array([0, 18, 36, 54, 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 162]), 'spf': np.array([3.580, 0.703, 0.141, 0.0489, 0.0233, 0.0136, 0.0091, 0.0069, 0.0056, 0.005])}): """ Constructor of the Interpolated_SPF class. It checks whether the spf_dico contains the keys 'phi' and 'spf' Parameters ---------- spf_dico : dict dictionnary containing at least the keys "phi" (list of scattering angles) and "spf" (list of corresponding scattering phase function values) Optionnaly it can specify the kind of interpolation requested (as specified by the scipy.interpolate.interp1d function), by default it uses a quadratic interpolation. """ for key in ['phi', 'spf']: if key not in spf_dico.keys(): raise TypeError('The dictionnary describing a ' '"interpolated" phase function must contain ' 'the key "{0:s}"'.format(key)) elif not isinstance(spf_dico[key], (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError('The key "{0:s}" of a "interpolated" phase' ' function dictionnary must be a list, np array' ' or tuple'.format(key)) if len(spf_dico['phi']) != len(spf_dico['spf']): raise TypeError('The keys "phi" and "spf" must contain the same' ' number of elements') self.interpolate_phase_function(spf_dico) def print_info(self): """ Prints the information of the spf """ phi = np.linspace(0, 180, 19) spf = self.compute_phase_function_from_cosphi(np.cos(np.deg2rad(phi))) print('Scattering angle: ', phi) print('Interpolated scattering phase function: ', spf) def interpolate_phase_function(self, spf_dico): """ Creates the function that returns the scattering phase function based on the scattering angle by interpolating the values given in the dictionnary. By default it uses a quadractic interpolation. Parameters ---------- spf_dico : dict dictionnary containing at least the keys "phi" (list of scattering angles) and "spf" (list of corresponding scattering phase function values) Optionnaly it can specify the kind of interpolation requested (as specified by the scipy.interpolate.interp1d function), by default it uses a quadratic interpolation. """ if 'kind' in spf_dico.keys(): if not isinstance(spf_dico['kind'], int) and spf_dico['kind'] not in \ ['linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'previous', 'next']: raise TypeError('The key "{0:s}" must be an integer ' 'or a string ("linear", "nearest", "zero", "slinear", ' '"quadratic", "cubic", "previous",' '"next"'.format(spf_dico['kind'])) else: kind = spf_dico['kind'] else: kind = 'quadratic' self.interpolation_function = interp1d(spf_dico['phi'], spf_dico['spf'], kind=kind, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan) def compute_phase_function_from_cosphi(self, cos_phi): """ Compute the phase function at (a) specific scattering scattering angle(s) phi. The argument is not phi but cos(phi) for optimization reasons. Parameters ---------- cos_phi : float or array cosine of the scattering angle(s) at which the scattering function must be calculated. """ return self.interpolation_function(np.rad2deg(np.arccos(cos_phi))) # return self.interpolation_function(cos_phi) if __name__ == '__main__': """ It is an example of use of the ScatteredLightDisk class. """ # Example 1: creation of a disk at 20pc, with semi-major axis 20 a.u. # inner and outer slopes 2 and -5, inclined by 70degrees wrt # the line of sight and with a PA of 45degrees, an isotropic # phase function Scattered_light_disk1 = ScatteredLightDisk(nx=201, ny=201, distance=20, itilt=70., omega=0., pxInArcsec=0.01225, pa=45., density_dico={'name': '2PowerLaws', 'ain': 5, 'aout': -5, 'a': 40, 'e': 0, 'ksi0': 1., 'gamma': 2., 'beta': 1.}, spf_dico={'name': 'HG', 'g': 0., 'polar': False}) disk1 = Scattered_light_disk1.compute_scattered_light() # If you prefer set the parameters in differen steps, you can also do that # with: (this is identical) Scattered_light_disk1 = ScatteredLightDisk(nx=201, ny=201, distance=20) Scattered_light_disk1.set_pa(45) Scattered_light_disk1.set_inclination(70) Scattered_light_disk1.set_density_distribution({'name': '2PowerLaws', 'ain': 2, 'aout': -5, 'a': 20, 'e': 0, 'ksi0': 1., 'gamma': 2., 'beta': 1.}) Scattered_light_disk1.set_phase_function( {'name': 'HG', 'g': 0., 'polar': False}) disk1 = Scattered_light_disk1.compute_scattered_light() # If you want to know what are the parameters you set for your disk: Scattered_light_disk1.print_info() # Example 2: Creation of a disk similar to example 1 but with a double # Heyney Greenstein phase function Scattered_light_disk2 = ScatteredLightDisk(nx=201, ny=201, distance=20) Scattered_light_disk2.set_pa(45) Scattered_light_disk2.set_inclination(70) Scattered_light_disk2.set_density_distribution({'name': '2PowerLaws', 'ain': 2, 'aout': -5, 'a': 20, 'e': 0, 'ksi0': 1., 'gamma': 2., 'beta': 1.}) Scattered_light_disk2.set_phase_function({'name': 'DoubleHG', 'g': [0.6, -0.6], 'weight': 0.7, 'polar': False}) Scattered_light_disk2.print_info() disk2 = Scattered_light_disk2.compute_scattered_light() # Let's turn the polarisation on now: Scattered_light_disk2.set_phase_function({'name': 'DoubleHG', 'g': [0.6, -0.6], 'weight': 0.7, 'polar': True}) disk2_polar = Scattered_light_disk2.compute_scattered_light()