Source code for vip_hci.metrics.completeness

#! /usr/bin/env python
Module with completeness curve and map generation function.

.. [DAH21b]
   | Dahlqvist et al. 2021b
   | **Auto-RSM: An automated parameter-selection algorithm for the RSM map
     exoplanet detection algorithm**
   | *Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 656, Issue 2, p. 54*
   | `

.. [JEN18]
   | Jensen-Clem et al. 2018
   | **A New Standard for Assessing the Performance of High Contrast Imaging
   | *The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 155, Issue 1, p. 19*
   | `

.. [MAW14]
   | Mawet et al. 2014
   | **Fundamental Limitations of High Contrast Imaging Set by Small Sample
   | *The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 792, Issue 1, p. 97*
   | `


__author__ = "C.H. Dahlqvist, V. Christiaens, T. Bédrine"
__all__ = ["completeness_curve", "completeness_map"]

from math import gcd
from inspect import getfullargspec
from multiprocessing import cpu_count

import numpy as np
from astropy.convolution import convolve, Tophat2DKernel
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from skimage.draw import disk

from .contrcurve import contrast_curve
from .snr_source import snrmap, _snr_approx, snr
from ..config.utils_conf import pool_map, iterable, vip_figsize, vip_figdpi
from import cube_inject_companions, normalize_psf
from import find_nearest
from ..preproc import cube_crop_frames
from ..var import get_annulus_segments, frame_center

def _estimate_snr_fc(
    cubefc = cube_inject_companions(
        flevel=level * starphot,
        theta=b / n_fc * 360,

    if isinstance(fwhm, (np.ndarray, list)):
        fwhm_med = np.median(fwhm)
        fwhm_med = fwhm

    if cube.ndim == 4:
        cy, cx = frame_center(cube[0, 0, :, :])
        cy, cx = frame_center(cube[0])

    # TODO: Clean below?
    # Consider 3 cases depending on whether algo is (i) defined externally,
    # (ii) a VIP postproc algorithm; (iii) ineligible for contrast curves
    argl = getfullargspec(algo).args
    if "cube" in argl and "angle_list" in argl and "verbose" in argl:
        # (i) external algorithm with appropriate parameters [OK]
        algo_name = algo.__name__
        idx = algo.__module__.index(
            '.', algo.__module__.index('.') + 1)
        mod = algo.__module__[:idx]
        tmp = __import__(
            mod, fromlist=[algo_name.upper()+'_Params'])
        algo_params = getattr(tmp, algo_name.upper()+'_Params')
        argl = [attr for attr in vars(algo_params)]
        if "cube" in argl and "angle_list" in argl and "verbose" in argl:
            # (ii) a VIP postproc algorithm [OK]
            # (iii) ineligible routine for contrast curves [Raise error]
            msg = "Ineligible algo for contrast curve function. algo should "
            msg += "have parameters 'cube', 'angle_list' and 'verbose'"
            raise TypeError(msg)
    # algo_params = signature(algo).parameters
    # param_name = next(iter(algo_params))
    # class_name = algo_params[param_name].annotation

    # argl = [attr for attr in vars(class_name)]
    if "verbose" in argl:
        algo_dict["verbose"] = False
    if "fwhm" in argl:
        algo_dict["fwhm"] = fwhm_med
    if "radius_int" in argl:
        if algo_dict.get("asize") is None:
            annulus_width = int(np.ceil(fwhm))
        elif isinstance(algo_dict.get("asize"), (int, float)):
            annulus_width = algo_dict.get("asize")

        if a > 2 * annulus_width:
            n_annuli = 5
            radius_int = (a // annulus_width - 2) * annulus_width
            n_annuli = 4
            radius_int = (a // annulus_width - 1) * annulus_width
        if 2 * (radius_int + n_annuli * annulus_width) < cube.shape[-1]:
            cubefc_crop = cube_crop_frames(
                int(2 * (radius_int + n_annuli * annulus_width)),
                xy=(cx, cy),
            cubefc_crop = cubefc

        frame_temp = algo(
            cube=cubefc_crop, angle_list=angle_list, radius_int=radius_int, **algo_dict
        frame_fin = np.zeros((cube.shape[-2], cube.shape[-1]))
        indices = get_annulus_segments(
            frame_fin, 0, radius_int + n_annuli * annulus_width, 1
        sub = (frame_fin.shape[0] - frame_temp.shape[0]) // 2
        frame_fin[indices[0][0], indices[0][1]] = frame_temp[
            indices[0][0] - sub, indices[0][1] - sub
        frame_fin = algo(cube=cubefc, angle_list=angle_list, **algo_dict)

    snrmap_temp = np.zeros_like(frame_fin)
    cy, cx = frame_center(frame_fin)
    if "radius_int" in argl:
        mask = get_annulus_segments(
            frame_fin, a - (fwhm_med // 2), fwhm_med + 1, mode="mask"
        width = min(frame_fin.shape) / 2 - 1.5 * fwhm_med
        mask = get_annulus_segments(frame_fin, (fwhm_med / 2) + 2, width, mode="mask")[
    bmask =
    yy, xx = np.where(bmask)

    if approximated:
        coords = [(int(x), int(y)) for (x, y) in zip(xx, yy)]
        tophat_kernel = Tophat2DKernel(fwhm / 2)
        frame_fin = convolve(frame_fin, tophat_kernel)
        res = pool_map(1, _snr_approx, frame_fin,
                       iterable(coords), fwhm_med, cy, cx)
        res = np.array(res, dtype=object)
        yy = res[:, 0]
        xx = res[:, 1]
        snr_value = res[:, 2]
        snrmap_temp[yy.astype(int), xx.astype(int)] = snr_value

        coords = zip(xx, yy)
        res = pool_map(
            1, snr, frame_fin, iterable(
                coords), fwhm_med, True, None, False, True
        res = np.array(res, dtype=object)
        yy = res[:, 0]
        xx = res[:, 1]
        snr_value = res[:, -1]
        snrmap_temp[yy.astype("int"), xx.astype("int")] = snr_value

    snrmap_fin = np.where(
        abs(np.nan_to_num(snrmap_temp)) > 0.000001, 0, snrmap_empty
    ) + np.nan_to_num(snrmap_temp)

    y, x = frame_fin.shape
    twopi = 2 * np.pi
    sigposy = int(y / 2 + np.sin(b / n_fc * twopi) * a)
    sigposx = int(x / 2 + np.cos(b / n_fc * twopi) * a)

    indc = disk((sigposy, sigposx), 4)
    max_target = np.nan_to_num(snrmap_fin[indc[0], indc[1]]).max()
    snrmap_fin[indc[0], indc[1]] = 0
    max_map = np.nan_to_num(snrmap_fin).max()

    if b == 2 and max_target - max_map < 0:
        from hciplot import plot_frames

        plot_frames((snrmap_empty, snrmap_temp, snrmap_fin))

    return max_target - max_map, b

# TODO: Include algo_class modifications in any tutorial using this function
[docs] def completeness_curve( cube, angle_list, psf, fwhm, algo, an_dist=None, ini_contrast=None, starphot=1, pxscale=0.1, n_fc=20, completeness=0.95, snr_approximation=True, max_iter=50, nproc=1, algo_dict={}, verbose=True, plot=True, dpi=vip_figdpi, save_plot=None, object_name=None, fix_y_lim=(), figsize=vip_figsize, algo_class=None, ): """ Function allowing the computation of completeness-based contrast curves with any of the psf-subtraction algorithms provided by VIP. The code relies on the approach proposed in [DAH21b]_, itself inspired by the framework developed in [JEN18]_. It relies on the computation of the contrast associated to a completeness level achieved at a level defined as the first false positive in the original SNR map (brightest speckle observed in the empty map) instead of the computation o the local noise and throughput (see the ``vip_hci.metrics.contrast_curve`` function). The computation of the completeness level associated to a contrast is done via the sequential injection of multiple fake companions. The algorithm uses multiple interpolations to find the contrast associated to the selected completeness level (0.95 by default). More information about the algorithm can be found in [DAH21b]_. Parameters ---------- cube : 3d or 4d numpy ndarray The input cube, 3d (ADI data) or 4d array (IFS data), without fake companions. angle_list : 1d numpy ndarray Vector with parallactic angles. psf : 2d or 3d numpy ndarray Frame with the psf template for the fake companion(s). PSF must be centered in array. Normalization is done internally. fwhm: int or float or 1d array, optional The the Full Width Half Maximum in pixels. It can handle a different FWHM value for different wavelengths (IFS data). algo : callable or function The post-processing algorithm, e.g. ``vip_hci.pca.pca``. an_dist: list or ndarray, optional List of angular separations for which a contrast has to be estimated. Default is None which corresponds to a range spanning 2 FWHM to half the size of the provided cube - PSF size //2 with a step of 5 pixels ini_contrast: list, 1d ndarray or None, optional Initial contrast for the range of angular separations included in `an_dist`. The number of initial contrasts should be equivalent to the number of angular separations. Default is None which corresponds to the 5-sigma contrast_curve obtained with ``vip_hci.metrics.contrast_curve``. starphot : int or float or 1d array, optional If int or float it corresponds to the aperture photometry of the non-coronagraphic PSF which we use to scale the contrast. Default is 1, which corresponds to an output contrast expressed in ADU. pxscale : float, optional Plate scale or pixel scale of the instrument. Only used for plots. n_fc: int, optional Number of azimuths considered for the computation of the True positive rate/completeness,(number of fake companions injected sequentially). The number of azimuths is defined such that the selected completeness is reachable (e.g. 95% of completeness requires at least 20 fake companion injections). Default 20. completeness: float, optional The completeness level to be achieved when computing the contrasts, i.e. the True positive rate reached at the threshold associated to the first false positive (the first false positive is defined as the brightest speckle present in the entire detection map). Default 95. snr_approximation : bool, optional If True, an approximated S/N map is generated. If False the approach of [MAW14]_ is used. Default is True, for speed. max_iter: int, optional Maximum number of iterations to consider in the search for the contrast level achieving desired completeness before considering it unachievable. nproc : int or None, optional Number of processes for parallel computing. algo_dict: dictionary, optional Any other valid parameter of the post-processing algorithms can be passed here, including e.g. imlib and interpolation. verbose : bool, optional Whether to print more info while running the algorithm. Default: True. plot : bool, optional Whether to plot the final contrast curve or not. True by default. dpi : int optional Dots per inch for the plots. 100 by default. 300 for printing quality. save_plot: string or None, optional If provided, the contrast curve will be saved to this path. object_name: string or None, optional Target name, used in the plot title. fix_y_lim: tuple, optional If provided, the y axis limits will be fixed, for easier comparison between plots. fig_size: tuple, optional Figure size Returns ------- an_dist: 1d numpy ndarray Radial distances where the contrasts are calculated cont_curve: 1d numpy ndarray Contrasts for the considered radial distances and selected completeness level. """ if (100 * completeness) % (100 / n_fc) > 0: n_fc = int(100 / gcd(int(100 * completeness), 100)) if cube.ndim != 3 and cube.ndim != 4: raise TypeError("The input array is not a 3d or 4d cube") if cube.ndim == 3 and (cube.shape[0] != angle_list.shape[0]): raise TypeError("Input parallactic angles vector has wrong length") if cube.ndim == 4 and (cube.shape[1] != angle_list.shape[0]): raise TypeError("Input parallactic angles vector has wrong length") if cube.ndim == 3 and psf.ndim != 2: raise TypeError("Template PSF is not a frame (for ADI case)") if cube.ndim == 4 and psf.ndim != 3: raise TypeError("Template PSF is not a cube (for ADI+IFS case)") if nproc is None: nproc = cpu_count() // 2 if isinstance(fwhm, (np.ndarray, list)): fwhm_med = np.median(fwhm) else: fwhm_med = fwhm if an_dist is None: an_dist = np.array( range(2 * round(fwhm_med), int(cube.shape[-1] // 2 - 2 * fwhm_med), 5) ) print("an_dist not provided, the following list will be used:", an_dist) elif an_dist[-1] > cube.shape[-1] // 2 - 2 * fwhm_med: raise TypeError("Please decrease the maximum annular distance") if ini_contrast is None: print("Contrast curve not provided => will be computed first...") ini_cc = contrast_curve( cube, angle_list, psf, fwhm_med, pxscale, starphot, algo, sigma=3, nbranch=1, theta=0, inner_rad=1, wedge=(0, 360), fc_snr=100, plot=False, algo_class=algo_class, **algo_dict, ) ini_rads = np.array(ini_cc["distance"]) ini_cc = np.array(ini_cc["sensitivity_student"]) if np.amax(an_dist) > np.amax(ini_rads): msg = "Max requested annular distance larger than covered by " msg += "contrast curve. Please decrease the maximum annular distance" raise ValueError(msg) # find closest contrast values to requested radii ini_contrast = [] for aa, ad in enumerate(an_dist): idx = find_nearest(ini_rads, ad) ini_contrast.append(ini_cc[idx]) if verbose: print("Calculating initial SNR map with no injected companion...") # TODO: Clean below? # Consider 3 cases depending on whether algo is (i) defined externally, # (ii) a VIP postproc algorithm; (iii) ineligible for contrast curves argl = getfullargspec(algo).args if "cube" in argl and "angle_list" in argl and "verbose" in argl: # (i) external algorithm with appropriate parameters [OK] pass else: algo_name = algo.__name__ idx = algo.__module__.index( '.', algo.__module__.index('.') + 1) mod = algo.__module__[:idx] tmp = __import__( mod, fromlist=[algo_name.upper()+'_Params']) algo_params = getattr(tmp, algo_name.upper()+'_Params') argl = [attr for attr in vars(algo_params)] if "cube" in argl and "angle_list" in argl and "verbose" in argl: # (ii) a VIP postproc algorithm [OK] pass else: # (iii) ineligible routine for contrast curves [Raise error] msg = "Ineligible algo for contrast curve function. algo should " msg += "have parameters 'cube', 'angle_list' and 'verbose'" raise TypeError(msg) if "cube" in argl and "angle_list" in argl: if "fwhm" in argl: frame_fin = algo( cube=cube, angle_list=angle_list, fwhm=fwhm_med, verbose=False, **algo_dict, ) else: frame_fin = algo( cube=cube, angle_list=angle_list, verbose=False, **algo_dict ) else: raise ValueError("'cube' and 'angle_list' must be arguments of algo") snrmap_empty = snrmap( frame_fin, fwhm, approximated=snr_approximation, plot=False, known_sources=None, nproc=nproc, array2=None, use2alone=False, exclude_negative_lobes=False, verbose=False, ) cont_curve = np.zeros((len(an_dist))) # We crop the PSF and check if PSF has been normalized (so that flux in # 1*FWHM aperture = 1) and fix if needed new_psf_size = int(round(3 * fwhm_med)) if new_psf_size % 2 == 0: new_psf_size += 1 # Normalize psf psf = normalize_psf( psf, fwhm=fwhm, verbose=False, size=min(new_psf_size, psf.shape[1]) ) for k in range(len(an_dist)): a = an_dist[k] level = ini_contrast[k] pos_detect = [] if verbose: print("*** Calculating contrast at r = {} ***".format(a)) detect_bound = [None, None] level_bound = [None, None] ii = 0 err_msg = "Could not converge on a contrast level matching required " err_msg += "completeness within {} iterations. Tested level: {}. " err_msg += "Is there too much self-subtraction? Consider decreasing " err_msg += "ncomp if using PCA, or increasing minimum requested radius." while len(pos_detect) == 0 and ii < max_iter: pos_detect = [] pos_non_detect = [] val_detect = [] val_non_detect = [] res = pool_map( nproc, _estimate_snr_fc, a, iterable(range(0, n_fc)), level, n_fc, cube, psf, angle_list, fwhm, algo, algo_dict, snrmap_empty, starphot, approximated=snr_approximation, ) for res_i in res: if res_i[0] > 0: pos_detect.append(res_i[1]) val_detect.append(res_i[0]) else: pos_non_detect.append(res_i[1]) val_non_detect.append(res_i[0]) if len(pos_detect) == 0: level = level * 1.5 ii += 1 if verbose: msg = "Found contrast level for first TP detection: {}" print(msg.format(level)) if ii == max_iter: raise ValueError(err_msg.format(max_iter, level)) if len(pos_detect) > round(completeness * n_fc): detect_bound[1] = len(pos_detect) level_bound[1] = level elif len(pos_detect) < round(completeness * n_fc): detect_bound[0] = len(pos_detect) level_bound[0] = level pos_non_detect_temp = pos_non_detect.copy() val_non_detect_temp = val_non_detect.copy() pos_detect_temp = pos_detect.copy() val_detect_temp = val_detect.copy() cond1 = detect_bound[0] is None or detect_bound[1] is None cond2 = len(pos_detect) != round(completeness * n_fc) ii = 0 while cond1 and cond2 and ii < max_iter: if detect_bound[0] is None: level = level * 0.5 pos_detect = [] pos_non_detect = [] val_detect = [] val_non_detect = [] res = pool_map( nproc, _estimate_snr_fc, a, iterable(range(0, n_fc)), level, n_fc, cube, psf, angle_list, fwhm, algo, algo_dict, snrmap_empty, starphot, approximated=snr_approximation, ) for res_i in res: if res_i[0] > 0: pos_detect.append(res_i[1]) val_detect.append(res_i[0]) else: pos_non_detect.append(res_i[1]) val_non_detect.append(res_i[0]) comp_temp = round(completeness * n_fc) if len(pos_detect) > comp_temp and level_bound[1] > level: detect_bound[1] = len(pos_detect) level_bound[1] = level elif len(pos_detect) < comp_temp: detect_bound[0] = len(pos_detect) level_bound[0] = level pos_non_detect_temp = pos_non_detect.copy() val_non_detect_temp = val_non_detect.copy() pos_detect_temp = pos_detect.copy() val_detect_temp = val_detect.copy() elif detect_bound[1] is None: level = level * 1.5 res = pool_map( nproc, _estimate_snr_fc, a, iterable(-np.sort(-np.array(pos_non_detect))), level, n_fc, cube, psf, angle_list, fwhm, algo, algo_dict, snrmap_empty, starphot, approximated=snr_approximation, ) it = len(pos_non_detect) - 1 for res_i in res: if res_i[0] > 0: pos_detect.append(res_i[1]) val_detect.append(res_i[0]) del pos_non_detect[it] del val_non_detect[it] it -= 1 comp_temp = round(completeness * n_fc) if len(pos_detect) > comp_temp: detect_bound[1] = len(pos_detect) level_bound[1] = level elif len(pos_detect) < comp_temp and level_bound[0] < level: detect_bound[0] = len(pos_detect) level_bound[0] = level pos_non_detect_temp = pos_non_detect.copy() val_non_detect_temp = val_non_detect.copy() pos_detect_temp = pos_detect.copy() val_detect_temp = val_detect.copy() cond1 = detect_bound[0] is None or detect_bound[1] is None cond2 = len(pos_detect) != comp_temp ii += 1 if verbose: msg = "Found lower and upper bounds of sought contrast: {}" print(msg.format(level_bound)) if ii == max_iter: raise ValueError(err_msg.format(max_iter, level)) if len(pos_detect) != round(completeness * n_fc): pos_non_detect = pos_non_detect_temp.copy() val_non_detect = val_non_detect_temp.copy() pos_detect = pos_detect_temp.copy() val_detect = val_detect_temp.copy() ii = 0 while len(pos_detect) != round(completeness * n_fc) and ii < max_iter: fact = (level_bound[1] - level_bound[0]) / ( detect_bound[1] - detect_bound[0] ) level = level_bound[0] + fact * \ (completeness * n_fc - detect_bound[0]) res = pool_map( nproc, _estimate_snr_fc, a, iterable(-np.sort(-np.array(pos_non_detect))), level, n_fc, cube, psf, angle_list, fwhm, algo, algo_dict, snrmap_empty, starphot, approximated=snr_approximation, ) it = len(pos_non_detect) - 1 for res_i in res: if res_i[0] > 0: pos_detect.append(res_i[1]) val_detect.append(res_i[0]) del pos_non_detect[it] del val_non_detect[it] it -= 1 comp_temp = round(completeness * n_fc) if len(pos_detect) > comp_temp: detect_bound[1] = len(pos_detect) level_bound[1] = level elif len(pos_detect) < comp_temp and level_bound[0] < level: detect_bound[0] = len(pos_detect) level_bound[0] = level pos_non_detect_temp = pos_non_detect.copy() val_non_detect_temp = val_non_detect.copy() pos_detect_temp = pos_detect.copy() val_detect_temp = val_detect.copy() if len(pos_detect) != comp_temp: pos_non_detect = pos_non_detect_temp.copy() val_non_detect = val_non_detect_temp.copy() pos_detect = pos_detect_temp.copy() val_detect = val_detect_temp.copy() ii += 1 if ii == max_iter: raise ValueError(err_msg.format(max_iter, level)) if verbose: msg = "=> found final contrast for {}% completeness: {}" print(msg.format(completeness * 100, level)) cont_curve[k] = level # plotting if plot: an_dist_arcsec = np.asarray(an_dist) * pxscale label = ["Sensitivity"] plt.rc("savefig", dpi=dpi) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) (con1,) = ax1.plot( an_dist_arcsec, cont_curve, "-", alpha=0.2, lw=2, color="green" ) (con2,) = ax1.plot(an_dist_arcsec, cont_curve, ".", alpha=0.2, color="green") lege = [(con1, con2)] plt.legend(lege, label, fancybox=True, fontsize="medium") plt.xlabel("Angular separation [arcsec]") plt.ylabel(str(int(completeness * 100)) + "% completeness contrast") plt.grid("on", which="both", alpha=0.2, linestyle="solid") ax1.set_yscale("log") ax1.set_xlim(0, 1.1 * np.max(an_dist_arcsec)) # Give a title to the contrast curve plot if object_name is not None: # Retrieve ncomp and pca_type info to use in title ncomp = algo_dict["ncomp"] if algo_dict["cube_ref"] is None: pca_type = "ADI" else: pca_type = "RDI" title = "{} {} {}pc".format(pca_type, object_name, ncomp) plt.title(title, fontsize=14) # Option to fix the y-limit if len(fix_y_lim) == 2: min_y_lim = min(fix_y_lim[0], fix_y_lim[1]) max_y_lim = max(fix_y_lim[0], fix_y_lim[1]) ax1.set_ylim(min_y_lim, max_y_lim) # Optionally, save the figure to a path if save_plot is not None: fig.savefig(save_plot, dpi=dpi) return an_dist, cont_curve
# TODO: Include the algo_class in the metrics tutorial !!
[docs] def completeness_map( cube, angle_list, psf, fwhm, algo, an_dist, ini_contrast, starphot=1, n_fc=20, snr_approximation=True, nproc=1, algo_dict={}, verbose=True, algo_class=None, ): """ Function allowing the computation of two dimensional (radius and completeness) contrast curves with any psf-subtraction algorithm provided by VIP. The code relies on the approach proposed by [DAH21b]_, itself inspired by the framework developped in [JEN18]_. It relies on the computation of the contrast associated to a completeness level achieved at a level defined as the first false positive in the original SNR map (brightest speckle observed in the empty map). The computation of the completeness level associated to a contrast is done via the sequential injection of multiple fake companions. The algorithm uses multiple interpolations to find the contrast associated to the selected completeness level (0.95 by default). The function allows the computation of three dimensional completeness maps, with contrasts computed for multiple completeness level, allowing the reconstruction of the contrast/completeness distribution for every considered angular separations. For more details see [DAH21b]_. Parameters ---------- cube : 3d or 4d numpy ndarray The input cube, 3d (ADI data) or 4d array (IFS data), without fake companions. angle_list : 1d numpy ndarray Vector with parallactic angles. psf : 2d or 3d numpy ndarray Frame with the psf template for the fake companion(s). PSF must be centered in array. Normalization is done internally. fwhm: int or float or 1d array, optional The the Full Width Half Maximum in pixels. It can handle a different FWHM value for different wavelengths (IFS data). algo : callable or function The post-processing algorithm, e.g. vip_hci.pca.pca. an_dist: list or ndarray List of angular separations for which a contrast has to be estimated. Default is None which corresponds to a range of spanning between 2 FWHM and half the size of the provided cube - PSF size //2 with a step of 5 pixels ini_contrast: list, 1d ndarray or None, optional Initial contrast for the range of angular separations included in `an_dist`. The number of initial contrasts should be equivalent to the number of angular separations. Default is None which corresponds to the 5-sigma contrast_curve obtained with ``vip_hci.metrics.contrast_curve``. starphot : int or float or 1d array If int or float it corresponds to the aperture photometry of the non-coronagraphic PSF which we use to scale the contrast. Default is 1 which corresponds to the contrast expressed in ADU. n_fc: int, optional Number of azimuths considered for the computation of the True positive rate/completeness, (number of fake companions injected separately). The range of achievable completeness depends on the number of considered azimuths (the minimum completeness is defined as 1/n_fc and the maximum is 1-1/n_fc). Default is 20. snr_approximated : bool, optional If True, an approximated S/N map is generated. If False the approach of [MAW14]_ is used. Default is True nproc : int or None Number of processes for parallel computing. algo_dict Any other valid parameter of the post-processing algorithms can be passed here, including e.g. imlib and interpolation. verbose : Boolean, optional If True the function prints intermediate info about the comptation of the completeness map. Default is True. Returns ------- an_dist: 1d numpy ndarray Radial distances where the contrasts are calculated comp_levels: 1d numpy ndarray Completeness levels for which the contrasts are calculated cont_curve: 2d numpy ndarray Contrast matrix, with the first axis associated to the radial distances and the second axis associated to the completeness level, calculated from 1/n_fc to (n_fc-1)/n_fc. """ if cube.ndim != 3 and cube.ndim != 4: raise TypeError("The input array is not a 3d or 4d cube") if cube.ndim == 3 and (cube.shape[0] != angle_list.shape[0]): raise TypeError("Input parallactic angles vector has wrong length") if cube.ndim == 4 and (cube.shape[1] != angle_list.shape[0]): raise TypeError("Input parallactic angles vector has wrong length") if cube.ndim == 3 and psf.ndim != 2: raise TypeError("Template PSF is not a frame (for ADI case)") if cube.ndim == 4 and psf.ndim != 3: raise TypeError("Template PSF is not a cube (for ADI+IFS case)") if nproc is None: nproc = cpu_count() // 2 if isinstance(fwhm, (np.ndarray, list)): fwhm_med = np.median(fwhm) else: fwhm_med = fwhm if an_dist is None: an_dist = np.array( range(2 * round(fwhm), cube.shape[-1] // 2 - 2 * fwhm_med, 5) ) elif an_dist[-1] > cube.shape[-1] // 2 - 2 * fwhm_med: raise TypeError("Please decrease the maximum annular distance") if ini_contrast is None: print("Contrast curve not provided => will be computed first...") # pxscale unused if plot=False ini_cc = contrast_curve( cube, angle_list, psf, fwhm_med, pxscale=0.1, starphot=starphot, algo=algo, sigma=3, plot=False, **algo_dict, ) ini_rads = np.array(ini_cc["distance"]) ini_cc = np.array(ini_cc["sensitivity_student"]) if np.amax(an_dist) > np.amax(ini_rads): msg = "Max requested annular distance larger than covered by " msg += "contrast curve. Please decrease the maximum annular distance" raise ValueError(msg) # find closest contrast values to requested radii ini_contrast = [] for aa, ad in enumerate(an_dist): idx = find_nearest(ini_rads, ad) ini_contrast.append(ini_cc[idx]) # argl = getfullargspec(algo).args # does not work with recent object support """Because all psfsub algorithms now take more vague parameters, looking for specific named arguments can be a puzzle. We have to first identify the parameters tied to the algorithm by looking at its object of parameters.""" # TODO: Clean below? # Consider 3 cases depending on whether algo is (i) defined externally, # (ii) a VIP postproc algorithm; (iii) ineligible for contrast curves argl = getfullargspec(algo).args if "cube" in argl and "angle_list" in argl and "verbose" in argl: # (i) external algorithm with appropriate parameters [OK] pass else: algo_name = algo.__name__ idx = algo.__module__.index( '.', algo.__module__.index('.') + 1) mod = algo.__module__[:idx] tmp = __import__( mod, fromlist=[algo_name.upper()+'_Params']) algo_params = getattr(tmp, algo_name.upper()+'_Params') argl = [attr for attr in vars(algo_params)] if "cube" in argl and "angle_list" in argl and "verbose" in argl: # (ii) a VIP postproc algorithm [OK] pass else: # (iii) ineligible routine for contrast curves [Raise error] msg = "Ineligible algo for contrast curve function. algo should " msg += "have parameters 'cube', 'angle_list' and 'verbose'" raise TypeError(msg) if "cube" in argl and "angle_list" in argl and "verbose" in argl: if "fwhm" in argl: frame_fin = algo( cube=cube, angle_list=angle_list, fwhm=fwhm_med, verbose=False, **algo_dict, ) else: frame_fin = algo( cube=cube, angle_list=angle_list, verbose=False, **algo_dict ) snrmap_empty = snrmap( frame_fin, fwhm_med, approximated=snr_approximation, plot=False, known_sources=None, nproc=nproc, array2=None, use2alone=False, exclude_negative_lobes=False, verbose=False, ) contrast_matrix = np.zeros((len(an_dist), n_fc + 1)) detect_pos_matrix = [[]] * (n_fc + 1) for k in range(0, len(an_dist)): a = an_dist[k] level = ini_contrast[k] pos_detect = [] det_bound = [None, None] lvl_bound = [None, None] print("Starting annulus " + "{}".format(a)) while len(pos_detect) == 0: pos_detect = [] pos_non_detect = [] res = pool_map( nproc, _estimate_snr_fc, a, iterable(range(0, n_fc)), level, n_fc, cube, psf, angle_list, fwhm, algo, algo_dict, snrmap_empty, starphot, approximated=snr_approximation, ) for res_i in res: if res_i[0] > 0: pos_detect.append(res_i[1]) else: pos_non_detect.append(res_i[1]) contrast_matrix[k, len(pos_detect)] = level detect_pos_matrix[len(pos_detect)] = [ list(pos_detect.copy()), list(pos_non_detect.copy()), ] if len(pos_detect) == 0: level = level * 1.5 while contrast_matrix[k, 0] == 0: level = level * 0.75 res = pool_map( nproc, _estimate_snr_fc, a, iterable(-np.sort(-np.array(pos_detect))), level, n_fc, cube, psf, angle_list, fwhm, algo, algo_dict, snrmap_empty, starphot, approximated=snr_approximation, ) it = len(pos_detect) - 1 for res_i in res: if res_i[0] < 0: pos_non_detect.append(res_i[1]) del pos_detect[it] it -= 1 contrast_matrix[k, len(pos_detect)] = level detect_pos_matrix[len(pos_detect)] = [ list(pos_detect.copy()), list(pos_non_detect.copy()), ] if verbose: print("Lower bound ({:.0f}%) found: {}".format(100 / n_fc, level)) level = contrast_matrix[k, np.where(contrast_matrix[k, :] > 0)[0][-1]] pos_detect = [] pos_non_detect = list(np.arange(0, n_fc)) while contrast_matrix[k, n_fc] == 0: level = level * 1.25 res = pool_map( nproc, _estimate_snr_fc, a, iterable(-np.sort(-np.array(pos_non_detect))), level, n_fc, cube, psf, angle_list, fwhm, algo, algo_dict, snrmap_empty, starphot, approximated=snr_approximation, ) it = len(pos_non_detect) - 1 for res_i in res: if res_i[0] > 0: pos_detect.append(res_i[1]) del pos_non_detect[it] it -= 1 contrast_matrix[k, len(pos_detect)] = level detect_pos_matrix[len(pos_detect)] = [ list(pos_detect.copy()), list(pos_non_detect.copy()), ] if verbose: print( "Upper bound ({:.0f}%) found: {}".format( 100 * (n_fc - 1) / n_fc, level) ) missing = np.where(contrast_matrix[k, :] == 0)[0] computed = np.where(contrast_matrix[k, :] > 0)[0] while len(missing) > 0: pos_temp = np.argmax((computed - missing[0])[computed < missing[0]]) det_bound[0] = computed[pos_temp] lvl_bound[0] = contrast_matrix[k, det_bound[0]] sort_temp = np.sort((missing[0] - computed)) sort_temp = sort_temp[np.sort((missing[0] - computed)) < 0] det_bound[1] = -np.sort(-computed)[np.argmax(sort_temp)] lvl_bound[1] = contrast_matrix[k, det_bound[1]] it = 0 while len(pos_detect) != missing[0]: if ( np.argmin( [ len(detect_pos_matrix[det_bound[1]][0]), len(detect_pos_matrix[det_bound[0]][1]), ] ) == 0 ): pos_detect = np.sort(detect_pos_matrix[det_bound[1]][0]) pos_non_detect = np.sort(detect_pos_matrix[det_bound[1]][1]) pos_detect = list(pos_detect) pos_non_detect = list(pos_non_detect) num = lvl_bound[1] - lvl_bound[0] denom = det_bound[1] - det_bound[0] level = lvl_bound[1] + num * \ (missing[0] - det_bound[1]) / denom res = pool_map( nproc, _estimate_snr_fc, a, iterable(-np.sort(-np.array(pos_detect))), level, n_fc, cube, psf, angle_list, fwhm, algo, algo_dict, snrmap_empty, starphot, approximated=snr_approximation, ) it = len(pos_detect) - 1 for res_i in res: if res_i[0] < 0: pos_non_detect.append(res_i[1]) del pos_detect[it] it -= 1 else: pos_detect = np.sort(detect_pos_matrix[det_bound[0]][0]) pos_non_detect = np.sort(detect_pos_matrix[det_bound[0]][1]) pos_detect = list(pos_detect) pos_non_detect = list(pos_non_detect) num = lvl_bound[1] - lvl_bound[0] denom = det_bound[1] - det_bound[0] level = lvl_bound[0] + num * \ (missing[0] - det_bound[0]) / denom res = pool_map( nproc, _estimate_snr_fc, a, iterable(-np.sort(-np.array(pos_non_detect))), level, n_fc, cube, psf, angle_list, fwhm, algo, algo_dict, snrmap_empty, starphot, approximated=snr_approximation, ) it = len(pos_non_detect) - 1 for res_i in res: if res_i[0] > 0: pos_detect.append(res_i[1]) del pos_non_detect[it] it -= 1 if len(pos_detect) > missing[0]: det_bound[1] = len(pos_detect) lvl_bound[1] = level elif len(pos_detect) < missing[0] and lvl_bound[0] < level: det_bound[0] = len(pos_detect) lvl_bound[0] = level contrast_matrix[k, len(pos_detect)] = level detect_pos_matrix[len(pos_detect)] = [ list(pos_detect.copy()), list(pos_non_detect.copy()), ] if len(pos_detect) == missing[0]: if verbose: print( "Data point " + "{}".format(len(pos_detect) / n_fc) + " found. Still " + "{}".format(len(missing) - it - 1) + " data point(s) missing" ) computed = np.where(contrast_matrix[k, :] > 0)[0] missing = np.where(contrast_matrix[k, :] == 0)[0] comp_levels = np.linspace(1 / n_fc, 1 - 1 / n_fc, n_fc - 1, endpoint=True) return an_dist, comp_levels, contrast_matrix[:, 1:-1]