Source code for vip_hci.metrics.detection

#! /usr/bin/env python
Module with detection algorithms.

__author__ = 'Carlos Alberto Gomez Gonzalez, Valentin Christiaens'
__all__ = ['detection',

import numpy as np
import pandas as pn
from hciplot import plot_frames
from scipy.ndimage import correlate
from astropy.stats import (sigma_clipped_stats, gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma,
from astropy.modeling import models, fitting
from skimage.feature import peak_local_max, blob_log, blob_dog
from ..var import (mask_circle, get_square, frame_center, fit_2dgaussian,
                   frame_filter_lowpass, dist_matrix)
from ..config.utils_conf import sep
from .snr_source import snr, snrmap, frame_report

[docs] def detection(array, fwhm=4, psf=None, mode='lpeaks', bkg_sigma=5, matched_filter=False, mask=True, snr_thresh=5, nproc=1, plot=True, debug=False, full_output=False, verbose=True, **kwargs): """Automatically find point-like sources in a 2d array. The algorithm is designed for automatically finding planets in post-processed high contrast final frames. Blob can be defined as a region of an image in which some properties are constant or vary within a prescribed range of values. See ``Notes`` below to read about the algorithm details. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray, 2d Input frame. fwhm : None or int, optional Size of the FWHM in pixels. If None and a ``psf`` is provided, then the FWHM is measured on the PSF image. psf : numpy ndarray Input PSF template. It must be normalized with the ``vip_hci.metrics.normalize_psf`` function. mode : {'lpeaks', 'log', 'dog', 'snrmap', 'snrmapf'}, optional Sets with algorithm to use. Each algorithm yields different results. See notes for the details of each method. bkg_sigma : int or float, optional The number standard deviations above the clipped median for setting the background level. Used when ``mode`` is either 'lpeaks', 'dog' or 'log'. matched_filter : bool, optional Whether to correlate with the psf of not. Used when ``mode`` is either 'lpeaks', 'dog' or 'log'. mask : bool, optional If True the central region (circular aperture of 2*FWHM radius) of the image will be masked out. snr_thresh : float, optional S/N threshold for deciding whether the blob is a detection or not. Used to threshold the S/N map when ``mode`` is set to 'snrmap' or 'snrmapf'. nproc : None or int, optional The number of processes for running the ``snrmap`` function. plot : bool, optional If True plots the frame showing the detected blobs on top. debug : bool, optional Whether to print and plot additional/intermediate results. full_output : bool, optional Whether to output just the coordinates of blobs that fulfill the SNR constraint or a table with all the blobs and the peak pixels and SNR. verbose : bool, optional Whether to print to stdout information about found blobs. **kwargs : dictionary, optional Arguments to be passed to ``plot_frames`` to customize the plot (and to save it to disk). Returns ------- yy, xx : numpy ndarray Two vectors with the y and x coordinates of the centers of the sources (potential planets). If full_output is True then a table with all the candidates that passed the 2d Gaussian fit constrains and the S/N threshold is returned. Note ---- When ``mode`` is either 'lpeaks', 'dog' or 'log', the detection might happen in the input frame or in a match-filtered version of it (by setting ``matched_filter`` to True and providing a PSF template, to run a correlation filter). Filtering the image will smooth the noise and maximize detectability of objects with a shape similar to the kernel. When ``mode`` is either 'snrmap' or 'snrmapf', the detection is done on an S/N map directly. When ``mode`` is set to: 'lpeaks' (Local maxima): The local peaks above the background (computed using sigma clipped statistics) on the (correlated) frame are detected. A maximum filter is used for finding local maxima. This operation dilates the original image and merges neighboring local maxima closer than the size of the dilation. Locations where the original image is equal to the dilated image are returned as local maxima. The minimum separation between the peaks is 1*FWHM. 'log' (Laplacian of Gaussian): It computes the Laplacian of Gaussian images with successively increasing standard deviation and stacks them up in a cube. Blobs are local maximas in this cube. LOG assumes that the blobs are again assumed to be bright on dark. 'dog' (Difference of Gaussians): This is a faster approximation of the Laplacian of Gaussian approach. In this case the image is blurred with increasing standard deviations and the difference between two successively blurred images are stacked up in a cube. DOG assumes that the blobs are again assumed to be bright on dark. 'snrmap' or 'snrmapf': A threshold is applied to the S/N map, computed with the ``snrmap`` function (``snrmapf`` calls ``snrmap`` with ``approximated`` set to True). The threshold is given by ``snr_thresh`` and local maxima are found as in the case of 'lpeaks'. Finally, a 2d Gaussian fit is done on each of the potential blobs constraining the position on a cropped sub-image and the sigma of the fit (to match the input FWHM). Finally the blobs are filtered based on its S/N value, according to ``snr_thresh``. """ def check_blobs(array, coords_temp, fwhm, debug): y_temp = coords_temp[:, 0] x_temp = coords_temp[:, 1] coords = [] # Fitting a 2d gaussian to each local maxima position for y, x in zip(y_temp, x_temp): subsi = 3 * int(np.ceil(fwhm)) if subsi % 2 == 0: subsi += 1 if mode in ('lpeaks', 'log', 'dog'): scy = y + pad scx = x + pad elif mode in ('snrmap', 'snrmapf'): scy = y scx = x subim, suby, subx = get_square(array, subsi, scy, scx, position=True, force=True, verbose=False) cy, cx = frame_center(subim) gauss = models.Gaussian2D(amplitude=subim.max(), x_mean=cx, y_mean=cy, theta=0, x_stddev=fwhm*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma, y_stddev=fwhm*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma) sy, sx = np.indices(subim.shape) fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() fit = fitter(gauss, sx, sy, subim) # checking that the amplitude is positive > 0 # checking whether the x and y centroids of the 2d gaussian fit # coincide with the center of the subimage (within 2px error) # checking whether the mean of the fwhm in y and x of the fit # are close to the FWHM_PSF with a margin of 3px fwhm_y = fit.y_stddev.value * gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm fwhm_x = fit.x_stddev.value * gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm mean_fwhm_fit = np.mean([np.abs(fwhm_x), np.abs(fwhm_y)]) condyf = np.allclose(fit.y_mean.value, cy, atol=2) condxf = np.allclose(fit.x_mean.value, cx, atol=2) condmf = np.allclose(mean_fwhm_fit, fwhm, atol=3) if fit.amplitude.value > 0 and condxf and condyf and condmf: coords.append((suby + fit.y_mean.value, subx + fit.x_mean.value)) if debug: print('Coordinates (Y,X): {:.3f},{:.3f}'.format(y, x)) print('fit peak = {:.3f}'.format(fit.amplitude.value)) msg = 'fwhm_y in px = {:.3f}, fwhm_x in px = {:.3f}' print(msg.format(fwhm_y, fwhm_x)) print('mean fit fwhm = {:.3f}'.format(mean_fwhm_fit)) if plot: plot_frames(subim, colorbar=True, axis=False, dpi=60) return coords def print_coords(coords): print('Blobs found:', len(coords)) print(' ycen xcen') print('------ ------') for j in range(len(coords[:, 0])): print('{:.3f} \t {:.3f}'.format(coords[j, 0], coords[j, 1])) def print_abort(): if verbose: print(sep) print('No potential sources found') print(sep) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if array.ndim != 2: raise TypeError('Input array is not a frame or 2d array') if psf is not None: if psf.ndim != 2 and psf.shape[0] < array.shape[0]: raise TypeError('Input psf is not a 2d array or has wrong size') else: if matched_filter: raise ValueError('`psf` must be provided when `matched_filter` is ' 'True') if fwhm is None: if psf is not None: # Getting the FWHM from the PSF array cenpsf = frame_center(psf) outdf = fit_2dgaussian(psf, cent=(cenpsf), debug=debug, full_output=True) fwhm_x, fwhm_y = outdf['fwhm_x'], outdf['fwhm_y'] fwhm = np.mean([fwhm_x, fwhm_y]) if verbose: print('FWHM = {:.2f} pxs\n'.format(fwhm)) if debug: print('FWHM_y', fwhm_y) print('FWHM_x', fwhm_x) else: raise ValueError('`fwhm` or `psf` must be provided') # Masking the center, 2*lambda/D is the expected IWA if mask: array = mask_circle(array, radius=fwhm) # Generating a detection map: Match-filtered frame or SNRmap # For 'lpeaks', 'dog', 'log' it is possible to skip this step if mode in ('lpeaks', 'log', 'dog'): if matched_filter: frame_det = correlate(array, psf) else: frame_det = array if debug and plot and matched_filter: print('Match-filtered frame:') plot_frames(frame_det, colorbar=True) # Estimation of background level _, median, stddev = sigma_clipped_stats(frame_det, sigma=5, maxiters=None) bkg_level = median + (stddev * bkg_sigma) if debug: print('Sigma clipped median = {:.3f}'.format(median)) print('Sigma clipped stddev = {:.3f}'.format(stddev)) print('Background threshold = {:.3f}'.format(bkg_level), '\n') elif mode in ('snrmap', 'snrmapf'): if mode == 'snrmap': approx = False elif mode == 'snrmapf': approx = True frame_det = snrmap(array, fwhm=fwhm, approximated=approx, plot=False, nproc=nproc, verbose=verbose) if debug and plot: print('Signal-to-noise ratio map:') plot_frames(frame_det, colorbar=True) if mode in ('lpeaks', 'log', 'dog'): # Padding the image with zeros to avoid errors at the edges pad = 10 array_padded = np.lib.pad(array, pad, 'constant', constant_values=0) else: pad = 0 if mode in ('lpeaks', 'snrmap', 'snrmapf'): if mode == 'lpeaks': threshold = bkg_level else: threshold = snr_thresh coords_temp = peak_local_max(frame_det, threshold_abs=threshold, min_distance=int(np.ceil(fwhm)), num_peaks=20) if mode == 'lpeaks': coords = check_blobs(array_padded, coords_temp, fwhm, debug) else: coords = check_blobs(array, coords_temp, fwhm, debug) coords = np.array(coords) if verbose and coords.shape[0] > 0: print_coords(coords-pad) elif mode == 'log': sigma = fwhm * gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma coords = blob_log(frame_det.astype('float'), threshold=bkg_level, min_sigma=sigma-.5, max_sigma=sigma+.5) if len(coords) == 0: print_abort() return 0, 0 coords = coords[:, :2] coords = check_blobs(array_padded, coords, fwhm, debug) coords = np.array(coords) if coords.shape[0] > 0 and verbose: print_coords(coords-pad) elif mode == 'dog': sigma = fwhm * gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma coords = blob_dog(frame_det.astype('float'), threshold=bkg_level, min_sigma=sigma-.5, max_sigma=sigma+.5) if len(coords) == 0: print_abort() return 0, 0 coords = coords[:, :2] coords = check_blobs(array_padded, coords, fwhm, debug) coords = np.array(coords) if coords.shape[0] > 0 and verbose: print_coords(coords-pad) else: raise ValueError('`mode` not recognized') if coords.shape[0] == 0: print_abort() return 0, 0 yy = coords[:, 0] xx = coords[:, 1] yy_final = [] xx_final = [] yy_out = [] xx_out = [] snr_list = [] snr_final = [] if mode in ('lpeaks', 'log', 'dog'): xx -= pad yy -= pad # Checking S/N for potential sources for i in range(yy.shape[0]): y = yy[i] x = xx[i] if verbose: print('') print(sep) print('X,Y = ({:.1f},{:.1f})'.format(x, y)) snr_value = snr(array, (x, y), fwhm, False, verbose=False) snr_list.append(snr_value) if snr_value >= snr_thresh: if verbose: _ = frame_report(array, fwhm, (x, y), verbose=verbose) yy_final.append(y) xx_final.append(x) snr_final.append(snr_value) else: yy_out.append(y) xx_out.append(x) if verbose: msg = 'S/N constraint NOT fulfilled (S/N = {:.3f})' print(msg.format(snr_value)) if debug: _ = frame_report(array, fwhm, (x, y), verbose=verbose) if verbose: print(sep) if debug: table_full = pn.DataFrame({'y': yy.tolist(), 'x': xx.tolist(), 'px_snr': snr_list}) table_full.sort_values('px_snr') print(table_full) yy_final = np.array(yy_final) xx_final = np.array(xx_final) yy_out = np.array(yy_out) xx_out = np.array(xx_out) table = pn.DataFrame( {'y': yy_final.tolist(), 'x': xx_final.tolist(), 'px_snr': snr_final}) if plot: coords = tuple(zip(xx_out.tolist() + xx_final.tolist(), yy_out.tolist() + yy_final.tolist())) circlealpha = [0.3] * len(xx_out) circlealpha += [1] * len(xx_final) plot_frames(array, dpi=120, circle=coords, circle_alpha=circlealpha, circle_label=True, circle_radius=fwhm, **kwargs) if full_output: return table else: return yy_final, xx_final
[docs] def peak_coordinates(obj_tmp, fwhm, approx_peak=None, search_box=None, channels_peak=False): """Find the pixel coordinates of maximum in either a frame or a cube, after convolution with gaussian. It first applies a gaussian filter, to lower the probability of returning a hot pixel (although it may still happen with clumps of hot pixels, hence parameter "approx_peak"). Parameters ---------- obj_tmp : cube_like or frame_like Input 3d cube or image. fwhm : float_like or 1d array Input full width half maximum value of the PSF in pixels. This will be used as the standard deviation for Gaussian kernel of the Gaussian filtering. Can be a 1d array if obj_tmp is a 3D cube. approx_peak: 2 components list or array, opt Gives the approximate yx coordinates of the peak. search_box: float or 2 components list or array, opt Gives the half-size in pixels of a box in which the peak is searched, around approx_peak. If float, it is assumed the same box size is wanted in both y and x. Note that this parameter should be provided if approx_peak is provided. channels_peak: bool, {False, True}, opt Whether returns the indices of the peak in each channel in addition to the global indices of the peak in the cube. If True, it would hence return two 1d-arrays. (note: only available if the input is a 3d cube) Returns ------- (zz_max,) yy_max, xx_max : integers Indices of peak in either 3D or 2D array ind_ch_max: 2d array Coordinates of the peak in each channel """ ndims = len(obj_tmp.shape) assert ndims == 2 or ndims == 3, "Array is not two or three dimensional" if approx_peak is not None: assert len(approx_peak) == 2, "Approx peak is not two dimensional" if isinstance(search_box, float) or isinstance(search_box, int): sbox_y = search_box sbox_x = search_box elif len(search_box) == 2: sbox_y = search_box[0] sbox_x = search_box[1] else: msg = "The search box does not have the right number of elements" raise ValueError(msg) if ndims == 3: n_z = obj_tmp.shape[0] sbox = np.zeros([n_z, 2*sbox_y+1, 2*sbox_x+1]) if ndims == 2: med_filt_tmp = frame_filter_lowpass(obj_tmp, 'median', median_size=int(fwhm)) if approx_peak is None: ind_max = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(med_filt_tmp), med_filt_tmp.shape) else: sbox = med_filt_tmp[approx_peak[0]-sbox_y:approx_peak[0]+sbox_y+1, approx_peak[1]-sbox_x:approx_peak[1]+sbox_x+1] ind_max_sbox = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(sbox), sbox.shape) ind_max = (approx_peak[0]-sbox_y+ind_max_sbox[0], approx_peak[1]-sbox_x+ind_max_sbox[1]) return ind_max if ndims == 3: n_z = obj_tmp.shape[0] med_filt_tmp = np.zeros_like(obj_tmp) ind_ch_max = np.zeros([n_z, 2]) if isinstance(fwhm, float) or isinstance(fwhm, int): fwhm = [fwhm]*n_z for zz in range(n_z): med_filt_tmp[zz] = frame_filter_lowpass(obj_tmp[zz], 'median', median_size=int(fwhm[zz])) if approx_peak is None: ind_ch_max[zz] = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(med_filt_tmp[zz]), med_filt_tmp[zz].shape) else: sbox[zz] = med_filt_tmp[zz, approx_peak[0]-sbox_y: approx_peak[0]+sbox_y+1, approx_peak[1]-sbox_x: approx_peak[1]+sbox_x+1] ind_max_sbox = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(sbox[zz]), sbox[zz].shape) ind_ch_max[zz] = (approx_peak[0]-sbox_y+ind_max_sbox[0], approx_peak[1]-sbox_x+ind_max_sbox[1]) if approx_peak is None: ind_max = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(med_filt_tmp), med_filt_tmp.shape) else: ind_max_tmp = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(sbox), sbox.shape) ind_max = (ind_max_tmp[0]+approx_peak[0]-sbox_y, ind_max_tmp[1]+approx_peak[1]-sbox_x) if channels_peak: return ind_max, ind_ch_max else: return ind_max
[docs] def mask_source_centers(array, fwhm, y=None, x=None): """ Creates a mask of ones with the size of the input frame and zeros at the center of the sources (planets) with coordinates x, y. If y and x are not provided, the sources will be found automatically using 'detection()' ('log' mode). Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input frame. fwhm : float Size in pixels of the FWHM. y, x : tuples of int (optional) Coordinates of the center of the sources. Returns ------- mask : numpy ndarray Mask frame. """ if array.ndim != 2: raise TypeError('Wrong input array shape.') frame = array.copy() if y is None or x is None: frame = mask_circle(frame, radius=2*fwhm) yy, xx = detection(frame, fwhm, plot=False, mode='log') else: yy = np.array(y) xx = np.array(x) mask = np.ones_like(array) # center sources become zeros mask[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = 0 return mask
[docs] def mask_sources(mask, ap_rad): """ Given an input mask with zeros only at the *center* of source locations (ones elsewhere), returns a mask with zeros within a radius ap_rad of all sources. Parameters ---------- mask : numpy ndarray Input mask with zeros at sources center. Mask has to be square. ap_rad : float Size in pixels of the apertures that should be filled with zeros around each source in the mask. Returns ------- mask_out : numpy ndarray Output mask frame. """ if mask.ndim != 2: raise TypeError('Wrong input array shape.') mask[np.where(mask > 1)] = 1 ny, nx = mask.shape n_s = int(ny*nx - np.sum(mask)) mask_out = np.ones([ny, nx]) if n_s == 0: return mask_out else: s_coords = np.where(mask == 0) for s in range(n_s): rad_arr = dist_matrix(ny, cx=s_coords[1][s], cy=s_coords[0][s]) mask_out[np.where(rad_arr < ap_rad)] = 0 return mask_out