Source code for vip_hci.metrics.roc

ROC curves generation.
__all__ = ['EvalRoc',

import copy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from hciplot import plot_frames
from scipy import stats
from photutils.segmentation import detect_sources
from munch import Munch
from ..config import time_ini, timing, Progressbar
from import cube_inject_companions
from ..psfsub.svd import SVDecomposer
from ..var import frame_center, get_annulus_segments, get_circle

# TODO: remove the munch dependency

[docs] class EvalRoc(object): """ Class for the generation of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. """ # COLOR_1 = "#d62728" # CADI # COLOR_2 = "#ff7f0e" # PCA # COLOR_3 = "#2ca02c" # LLSG # COLOR_4 = "#9467bd" # SODIRF # COLOR_5 = "#1f77b4" # SODINN # SYMBOL_1 = "^" # CADI # SYMBOL_2 = "X" # PCA # SYMBOL_3 = "P" # LLSG # SYMBOL_4 = "s" # SODIRF # SYMBOL_5 = "p" # SODINN # # For model PSF subtraction algos that rely on a S/N map # THRESHOLDS_05_5 = [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5] # # For algos that output a likelihood or probability map # THRESHOLDS_01_099 = np.linspace(0.1, 0.99, 10).tolist() def __init__(self, dataset, plsc=0.0272, n_injections=100, inrad=8, outrad=12, dist_flux=("uniform", 2, 500), mask=None): """ [...] dist_flux : tuple ('method', *args) 'method' can be a string, e.g: ("skewnormal", skew, mean, var) ("uniform", low, high) ("normal", loc, scale) or a function. [...] """ self.dataset = dataset self.plsc = plsc self.n_injections = n_injections self.inrad = inrad self.outrad = outrad self.dist_flux = dist_flux self.mask = mask self.methods = []
[docs] def add_algo(self, name, algo, color, symbol, thresholds): """ Parameters ---------- algo : HciPostProcAlgo thresholds : list of lists """ self.methods.append(Munch(algo=algo, name=name, color=color, symbol=symbol, thresholds=thresholds))
[docs] def inject_and_postprocess(self, patch_size, cevr=0.9, expvar_mode='annular', nproc=1): # """ # Notes # ----- # # TODO `methods` are not returned inside `results` and are *not* saved! # # TODO order of parameters for `skewnormal` `dist_flux` changed! (was [3], [1], [2]) # # TODO `save` not implemented # """ from .. import hci_postproc starttime = time_ini() # ===== number of PCs for PCA / rank for LLSG if cevr is not None: svdecomp = SVDecomposer(self.dataset.cube, mode=expvar_mode, inrad=self.inrad, outrad=self.outrad, svd_mode='lapack', verbose=False) _ = svdecomp.get_cevr(ncomp_list=None) ratio_cumsum = svdecomp.cevr self.optpcs = np.searchsorted(ratio_cumsum, cevr) + 1 print("{}% of CEVR with {} PCs".format(cevr, self.optpcs)) # for m in methods: # if hasattr(m, "ncomp") and m.ncomp is None: # PCA # m.ncomp = self.optpcs # # if hasattr(m, "rank") and m.rank is None: # LLSG # m.rank = self.optpcs # # ------> this should be moved inside the HCIPostProcAlgo classes! # # Getting indices in annulus width = self.outrad - self.inrad yy, xx = get_annulus_segments(self.dataset.cube[0], self.inrad, width)[0] num_patches = yy.shape[0] # Defining Fluxes according to chosen distribution dist_fkt = dict(skewnormal=stats.skewnorm.rvs, normal=np.random.normal, uniform=np.random.uniform).get(self.dist_flux[0], self.dist_flux[0]) self.fluxes = dist_fkt(*self.dist_flux[1:], size=self.n_injections) self.fluxes.sort() inds_inj = np.random.randint(0, num_patches, size=self.n_injections) self.dists = [] self.thetas = [] for m in range(self.n_injections): injx = xx[inds_inj[m]] injy = yy[inds_inj[m]] injx -= frame_center(self.dataset.cube[0])[1] injy -= frame_center(self.dataset.cube[0])[0] dist = np.sqrt(injx**2 + injy**2) theta = np.mod(np.arctan2(injy, injx) / np.pi * 180, 360) self.dists.append(dist) self.thetas.append(theta) for m in self.methods: m.frames = [] m.probmaps = [] self.list_xy = [] # Injections for n in Progressbar(range(self.n_injections), desc="injecting"): cufc, cox, coy = _create_synt_cube(self.dataset.cube, self.dataset.psf, self.dataset.angles, self.plsc, theta=self.thetas[n], flux=self.fluxes[n], dist=self.dists[n], verbose=False) cox = int(np.round(cox)) coy = int(np.round(coy)) self.list_xy.append((cox, coy)) for m in self.methods: # TODO: this is not elegant at all. # shallow copy. Should not copy e.g. the cube in memory, # just reference it. algo = copy.copy(m.algo) _dataset = copy.copy(self.dataset) _dataset.cube = cufc if isinstance(algo, hci_postproc.HCIPca): algo.ncomp = self.optpcs # elif isinstance(algo, hci_postproc.HCILLSG): # algo.rank = self.optpcs, verbose=False) algo.make_snrmap(approximated=True, nproc=nproc, verbose=False) m.frames.append(algo.frame_final) m.probmaps.append(algo.snr_map) timing(starttime)
[docs] def compute_tpr_fps(self, **kwargs): """ Calculate number of dets/fps for every injection/method/threshold. Take the probability maps and the desired thresholds for every method, and calculates the binary map, number of detections and FPS using ``compute_binary_map``. Sets each methods ``detections``, ``fps`` and ``bmaps`` attributes. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : keyword arguments Passed to ``compute_binary_map`` """ starttime = time_ini() for m in self.methods: m.detections = [] m.fps = [] m.bmaps = [] print('Evaluating injections:') for i in Progressbar(range(self.n_injections)): x, y = self.list_xy[i] for m in self.methods: dets, fps, bmaps = compute_binary_map( m.probmaps[i], m.thresholds, fwhm=self.dataset.fwhm, injections=(x, y), **kwargs ) m.detections.append(dets) m.fps.append(fps) m.bmaps.append(bmaps) timing(starttime)
[docs] def plot_detmaps(self, i=None, thr=9, dpi=100, axis=True, grid=False, vmin=-10, vmax='max', plot_type="horiz"): """ Plot the detection maps for one injection. Parameters ---------- i : int or None, optional Index of the injection, between 0 and self.n_injections. If None, takes the 30st injection, or if there are less injections, the middle one. thr : int, optional Index of the threshold. dpi, axis, grid, vmin, vmax Passed to ``pp_subplots`` plot_type : {"horiz" or "vert"}, optional Plot type. ``horiz`` One row per algorithm (frame, probmap, binmap) ``vert`` 1 row for final frames, 1 row for probmaps and 1 row for binmaps """ # input parameters if i is None: if len(self.list_xy) > 30: i = 30 else: i = len(self.list_xy) // 2 if vmax == 'max': # TODO: document this feature. vmax = np.concatenate([m.frames[i] for m in self.methods if hasattr(m, "frames") and len(m.frames) >= i]).max()/2 # print information print('X,Y: {}'.format(self.list_xy[i])) print('dist: {:.3f}, flux: {:.3f}'.format(self.dists[i], self.fluxes[i])) print() if plot_type in [1, "horiz"]: for m in self.methods: print('detection state: {} | false postives: {}'.format( m.detections[i][thr], m.fps[i][thr])) labels = ('{} frame'.format(, '{} S/Nmap'.format(, 'Thresholded at {:.1f}'.format(m.thresholds[thr])) plot_frames((m.frames[i] if len(m.frames) >= i else np.zeros((2, 2)), m.probmaps[i], m.bmaps[i][thr]), label=labels, dpi=dpi, horsp=0.2, axis=axis, grid=grid, cmap=['viridis', 'viridis', 'gray']) elif plot_type in [2, "vert"]: labels = tuple('{} frame'.format( for m in self.methods if hasattr(m, "frames") and len(m.frames) >= i) plot_frames(tuple(m.frames[i] for m in self.methods if hasattr(m, "frames") and len(m.frames) >= i), dpi=dpi, label=labels, vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin, axis=axis, grid=grid) plot_frames(tuple(m.probmaps[i] for m in self.methods), dpi=dpi, label=tuple(['{} S/Nmap'.format( for m in self.methods]), axis=axis, grid=grid) for m in self.methods: msg = '{} detection: {}, FPs: {}' print(msg.format(, m.detections[i][thr], m.fps[i][thr])) labels = tuple('Thresholded at {:.1f}'.format(m.thresholds[thr]) for m in self.methods) plot_frames(tuple(m.bmaps[i][thr] for m in self.methods), dpi=dpi, label=labels, axis=axis, grid=grid, colorbar=False, cmap='bone') else: raise ValueError("`plot_type` unknown")
[docs] def plot_roc_curves(self, dpi=100, figsize=(5, 5), xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=-0.05, ymax=1.02, xlog=True, label_skip_one=False, legend_loc='lower right', legend_size=6, show_data_labels=True, hide_overlap_label=True, label_gap=(0, -0.028), save_plot=False, label_params={}, line_params={}, marker_params={}, verbose=True): # """ # Parameters # ---------- # Returns # ------- # None, but modifies `methods`: adds .tpr and .mean_fps attributes # Notes # ----- # # TODO: load `roc_injections` and `roc_tprfps` from file (`load_res`) # # TODO: print flux distro information (is it actually stored in inj? # What to do with functions, do they pickle?) # # TODO: hardcoded `methodconf`? # """ labelskw = dict(alpha=1, fontsize=5.5, weight="bold", rotation=0, annotation_clip=True) linekw = dict(alpha=0.2) markerkw = dict(alpha=0.5, ms=3) labelskw.update(label_params) linekw.update(line_params) markerkw.update(marker_params) n_thresholds = len(self.methods[0].thresholds) if verbose: print('{} injections'.format(self.n_injections)) # print('Flux distro : {} [{}:{}]'.format(roc_injections.flux_distribution, # roc_injections.fluxp1, roc_injections.fluxp2)) print('Annulus from {} to {} pixels'.format(self.inrad, self.outrad)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if not isinstance(label_skip_one, (list, tuple)): label_skip_one = [label_skip_one]*len(self.methods) labels = [] # methodconf = {"CADI": dict(color="#d62728", symbol="^"), # "PCA": dict(color="#ff7f0e", symbol="X"), # "LLSG": dict(color="#2ca02c", symbol="P"), # "SODIRF": dict(color="#9467bd", symbol="s"), # "SODINN": dict(color="#1f77b4", symbol="p"), # "SODINN-pw": dict(color="#1f77b4", symbol="p") # } # maps to plot style for i, m in enumerate(self.methods): if not hasattr(m, "detections") or not hasattr(m, "fps"): raise AttributeError("method #{} has no detections/fps. Run" "`compute_tpr_fps` first.".format(i)) m.tpr = np.zeros((n_thresholds)) m.mean_fps = np.zeros((n_thresholds)) for j in range(n_thresholds): m.tpr[j] = np.asarray(m.detections)[:, j].tolist().count(1) / \ self.n_injections m.mean_fps[j] = np.asarray(m.fps)[:, j].mean() plt.plot(m.mean_fps, m.tpr, '--', color=m.color, **linekw) plt.plot(m.mean_fps, m.tpr, m.symbol,, color=m.color, **markerkw) if show_data_labels: if label_skip_one[i]: lab_x = m.mean_fps[1::2] lab_y = m.tpr[1::2] thr = m.thresholds[1::2] else: lab_x = m.mean_fps lab_y = m.tpr thr = m.thresholds for i, xy in enumerate(zip(lab_x + label_gap[0], lab_y + label_gap[1])): labels.append(ax.annotate('{:.2f}'.format(thr[i]), xy=xy, xycoords='data', color=m.color, **labelskw)) # TODO: reverse order of `self.methods` for better annot. # z-index? plt.legend(loc=legend_loc, prop={'size': legend_size}) if xlog: ax.set_xscale("symlog") plt.ylim(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax) plt.xlim(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax) plt.ylabel('TPR') plt.xlabel('Full-frame mean FPs') plt.grid(alpha=0.4) if show_data_labels: mask = np.zeros(fig.canvas.get_width_height(), bool) fig.canvas.draw() for label in labels: bbox = label.get_window_extent() negpad = -2 x0 = int(bbox.x0) + negpad x1 = int(np.ceil(bbox.x1)) + negpad y0 = int(bbox.y0) + negpad y1 = int(np.ceil(bbox.y1)) + negpad s = np.s_[x0:x1, y0:y1] if np.any(mask[s]): if hide_overlap_label: label.set_visible(False) else: mask[s] = True if save_plot: if isinstance(save_plot, str): plt.savefig(save_plot, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.savefig('roc_curve.pdf', dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
[docs] def compute_binary_map(frame, thresholds, injections, fwhm, npix=1, overlap_threshold=0.7, max_blob_fact=2, plot=False, debug=False): """ Take a list of ``thresholds``, create binary maps and counts detections/fps. A blob which is "too big" is split into apertures, and every aperture adds one 'false positive'. Parameters ---------- frame : numpy ndarray Detection map. thresholds : list or numpy ndarray List of thresholds (detection criteria). injections : tuple, list of tuples Coordinates (x,y) of the injected companions. Also accepts 1d/2d ndarrays. fwhm : float FWHM, used for obtaining the size of the circular aperture centered at the injection position (and measuring the overlapping with found blobs). The circular aperture has 2 * FWHM in diameter. npix : int, optional The number of connected pixels, each greater than the given threshold, that an object must have to be detected. ``npix`` must be a positive integer. Passed to ``detect_sources`` function from ``photutils``. overlap_threshold : float Percentage of overlap a blob has to have with the aperture around an injection. max_blob_fact : float Maximum size of a blob (in multiples of the resolution element) before it is considered as "too big" (= non-detection). plot : bool, optional If True, a final resulting plot summarizing the results will be shown. debug : bool, optional For showing optional information. Returns ------- list_detections : list of int List of detection count for each threshold. list_fps : list of int List of false positives count for each threshold. list_binmaps : list of 2d ndarray List of binary maps: detection maps thresholded for each threshold value. """ def _overlap_injection_blob(injection, fwhm, blob_mask): """ Parameters ---------- injection: tuple (y,x) fwhm : float blob_mask : 2d bool ndarray Returns ------- overlap_fact : float between 0 and 1 Percentage of the area overlap. If the blob is smaller than the resolution element, this is ``intersection_area / blob_area``, otherwise ``intersection_area / resolution_element``. """ if len(injections[0]) > 0: injection_mask = get_circle(np.ones_like(blob_mask), radius=fwhm, cy=injection[1], cx=injection[0], mode="mask") else: injection_mask = np.zeros_like(blob_mask) intersection = injection_mask & blob_mask smallest_area = min(blob_mask.sum(), injection_mask.sum()) return intersection.sum() / smallest_area # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- list_detections = [] list_fps = [] list_binmaps = [] sizey, sizex = frame.shape cy, cx = frame_center(frame) reselem_mask = get_circle(frame, radius=fwhm, cy=cy, cx=cx, mode="val") npix_circ_aperture = reselem_mask.shape[0] # normalize injections: accepts combinations of 1d/2d and tuple/list/array. injections = np.asarray(injections) if injections.ndim == 1: injections = np.array([injections]) for ithr, threshold in enumerate(thresholds): if debug: print("\nprocessing threshold #{}: {}".format(ithr + 1, threshold)) segments = detect_sources(frame, threshold, npix, connectivity=4) # required since photutils v0.7 if segments is None: binmap = np.zeros_like(frame) detections = 0 fps = 0 if debug: print("done with threshold #{}".format(ithr)) print("result: {} detections, {} fps".format(detections, fps)) list_detections.append(detections) list_binmaps.append(binmap) list_fps.append(fps) continue binmap = ( != 0) if debug: plot_frames((, binmap), cmap=('tab20b', 'binary'), circle=tuple(tuple(xy) for xy in injections), circle_radius=fwhm, circle_alpha=0.6, label=("segmentation map", "binary map")) detections = 0 fps = 0 for segment in segments.segments: label = segment.label blob_mask = ( == label) blob_area = segment.area if debug: lab = "blob #{}, area={}px**2".format(label, blob_area) plot_frames(blob_mask, circle_radius=fwhm, circle_alpha=0.6, circle=tuple(tuple(xy) for xy in injections), cmap='binary', label_size=8, label=lab, size_factor=3) for iinj, injection in enumerate(injections): if len(injections[0]) > 0: # checking injections is not empty if injection[0] > sizex or injection[1] > sizey: raise ValueError("Wrong coordinates in `injections`") if debug: print("\ttesting injection #{} at {}".format(iinj + 1, injection)) if blob_area > max_blob_fact * npix_circ_aperture: number_of_apertures_in_blob = blob_area / npix_circ_aperture fps += number_of_apertures_in_blob # float, rounded at end if debug: print("\tblob is too big (+{:.0f} fps)" "".format(number_of_apertures_in_blob)) print("\tskipping all other injections") # continue with next blob, do not check other injections break overlap = _overlap_injection_blob(injection, fwhm, blob_mask) if overlap > overlap_threshold: if debug: print("\toverlap of {}! (+1 detection)" "".format(overlap)) detections += 1 # continue with next blob, do not check other injections break if debug: print("\toverlap of {} -> do nothing".format(overlap)) else: if debug: print("\tdid not find a matching injection for this " "blob (+1 fps)") fps += 1 if debug: print("done with threshold #{}".format(ithr)) print("result: {} detections, {} fps".format(detections, fps)) fps = np.round(fps).astype(int).item() # -> python `int` list_detections.append(detections) list_binmaps.append(binmap) list_fps.append(fps) if plot: labs = tuple(str(det) + ' detections' + '\n' + str(fps) + ' false positives' for det, fps in zip(list_detections, list_fps)) if len(injections[0]) > 0: circles = tuple(tuple(xy) for xy in injections) else: circles = None plot_frames(tuple(list_binmaps), title='Final binary maps', label=labs, label_size=8, cmap='binary', circle_alpha=0.8, circle=circles, circle_radius=fwhm, circle_color='deepskyblue', axis=False) return list_detections, list_fps, list_binmaps
def _create_synt_cube(cube, psf, ang, plsc, dist, flux, theta=None, verbose=False): """ """ centy_fr, centx_fr = frame_center(cube[0]) if theta is None: np.random.seed() theta = np.random.randint(0, 360) posy = dist * np.sin(np.deg2rad(theta)) + centy_fr posx = dist * np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta)) + centx_fr if verbose: print('Theta:', theta) print('Flux_inj:', flux) cubefc = cube_inject_companions(cube, psf, ang, flevel=flux, plsc=plsc, rad_dists=[dist], n_branches=1, theta=theta, verbose=verbose) return cubefc, posx, posy