Source code for vip_hci.metrics.snr_source

#! /usr/bin/env python
Module with S/N calculation functions. We strongly recommend users to read
[MAW14]_ before using routines of this module.


__author__ = 'Carlos Alberto Gomez Gonzalez, O. Absil @ ULg, V. Christiaens'
__all__ = ['snr',

import numpy as np
    from photutils.aperture import aperture_photometry, CircularAperture
    from photutils import aperture_photometry, CircularAperture
from scipy.stats import norm, t
from hciplot import plot_frames
from skimage.draw import disk, circle_perimeter
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from astropy.convolution import convolve, Tophat2DKernel
from astropy.stats import median_absolute_deviation as mad
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from ..config.utils_conf import pool_map, iterable, sep
from ..config import time_ini, timing, check_array
from ..var import get_annulus_segments, frame_center, dist

[docs] def snrmap(array, fwhm, approximated=False, plot=False, known_sources=None, nproc=None, array2=None, use2alone=False, exclude_negative_lobes=False, verbose=True, **kwargs): """Parallel implementation of the S/N map generation function. Applies the S/N function (small samples penalty) at each pixel. The S/N is computed as in [MAW14]_ for each radial separation. **DISCLAIMER**: Signal-to-noise ratio is not significance! For a conversion from SNR to n-sigma (i.e. the equivalent confidence level of a Gaussian n-sigma), use the ``significance`` function. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input frame (2d array). fwhm : float Size in pixels of the FWHM. approximated : bool, optional If True, an approximated S/N map is generated. plot : bool, optional If True plots the S/N map. False by default. known_sources : None, tuple or tuple of tuples, optional To take into account existing sources. It should be a tuple of float/int or a tuple of tuples (of float/int) with the coordinate(s) of the known sources. nproc : int or None Number of processes for parallel computing. array2 : numpy ndarray, optional Additional image (e.g. processed image with negative derotation angles) enabling to have more noise samples. Should have the same dimensions as array. use2alone: bool, optional Whether to use array2 alone to estimate the noise (might be useful to estimate the snr of extended disk features). verbose: bool, optional Whether to print timing or not. **kwargs : dictionary, optional Arguments to be passed to ``plot_frames`` to customize the plot (and to save it to disk). Returns ------- snrmap : 2d numpy ndarray Frame with the same size as the input frame with each pixel. """ if verbose: start_time = time_ini() check_array(array, dim=2, msg='array') sizey, sizex = array.shape snrmap_array = np.zeros_like(array) width = min(sizey, sizex) / 2 - 1.5*fwhm mask = get_annulus_segments(array, (fwhm / 2) + 1, width, mode="mask")[0] mask = # by making a bool mask *after* applying the mask to the array, we also mask # out zero values from the array. This logic cannot be simplified by using # mode="ind"! yy, xx = np.where(mask) coords = zip(xx, yy) if nproc is None: nproc = cpu_count() // 2 # Hyper-threading doubles the # of cores if known_sources is None: # proxy to S/N calculation if approximated: cy, cx = frame_center(array) tophat_kernel = Tophat2DKernel(fwhm / 2) array = convolve(array, tophat_kernel) width = min(sizey, sizex) / 2 - 1.5 * fwhm mask = get_annulus_segments(array, (fwhm / 2) + 1, width - 1, mode="mask")[0] mask = yy, xx = np.where(mask) coords = [(int(x), int(y)) for (x, y) in zip(xx, yy)] res = pool_map(nproc, _snr_approx, array, iterable(coords), fwhm, cy, cx) res = np.array(res, dtype=object) yy = res[:, 0] xx = res[:, 1] snr_value = res[:, 2] snrmap_array[yy.astype(int), xx.astype(int)] = snr_value # computing s/n map with Mawet+14 definition else: res = pool_map(nproc, snr, array, iterable(coords), fwhm, True, array2, use2alone, exclude_negative_lobes) res = np.array(res, dtype=object) yy = res[:, 0] xx = res[:, 1] snr_value = res[:, -1] snrmap_array[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr_value # masking known sources else: if not isinstance(known_sources, tuple): raise TypeError("`known_sources` must be a tuple or tuple of " "tuples") else: source_mask = np.zeros_like(array) if isinstance(known_sources[0], tuple): for coor in known_sources: source_mask[coor[::-1]] = 1 elif isinstance(known_sources[0], int): source_mask[known_sources[1], known_sources[0]] = 1 else: raise TypeError("`known_sources` seems to have wrong type. It " "must be a tuple of ints or tuple of tuples " "(of ints)") # checking the mask with the sources if source_mask[source_mask == 1].shape[0] > 50: msg = 'Input source mask is too crowded (check its validity)' raise RuntimeError(msg) soury, sourx = np.where(source_mask == 1) sources = [] coor_ann = [] arr_masked_sources = array.copy() centery, centerx = frame_center(array) for y, x in zip(soury, sourx): radd = dist(centery, centerx, int(y), int(x)) if int(radd) < centery - np.ceil(fwhm): sources.append((y, x)) for source in sources: y, x = source radd = dist(centery, centerx, int(y), int(x)) anny, annx = get_annulus_segments(array, int(radd-fwhm), int(np.round(3 * fwhm)))[0] ciry, cirx = disk((y, x), int(np.ceil(fwhm))) # masking the sources positions (using the MAD of pixels in annulus) arr_masked_sources[ciry, cirx] = mad(array[anny, annx]) # S/Ns of annulus without the sources coor_ann = [(x, y) for (x, y) in zip(annx, anny) if (x, y) not in zip(cirx, ciry)] res = pool_map(nproc, snr, arr_masked_sources, iterable(coor_ann), fwhm, True, array2, use2alone, exclude_negative_lobes) res = np.array(res, dtype=object) yy_res = res[:, 0] xx_res = res[:, 1] snr_value = res[:, 4] snrmap_array[yy_res.astype('int'), xx_res.astype('int')] = snr_value coor_ann += coor_ann # S/Ns of the rest of the frame without the annulus coor_rest = [(x, y) for (x, y) in zip(xx, yy) if (x, y) not in coor_ann] res = pool_map(nproc, snr, array, iterable(coor_rest), fwhm, True, array2, use2alone, exclude_negative_lobes) res = np.array(res, dtype=object) yy_res = res[:, 0] xx_res = res[:, 1] snr_value = res[:, 4] snrmap_array[yy_res.astype('int'), xx_res.astype('int')] = snr_value if plot: plot_frames(snrmap_array, colorbar=True, title='S/N map', **kwargs) if verbose: print("S/N map created using {} processes".format(nproc)) timing(start_time) return snrmap_array
def _snr_approx(array, source_xy, fwhm, centery, centerx): """ array - frame convolved with top hat kernel """ sourcex, sourcey = source_xy rad = dist(centery, centerx, sourcey, sourcex) ind_aper = disk((sourcey, sourcex), fwhm/2.) # noise : STDDEV in convolved array of 1px wide annulus (while # masking the flux aperture) * correction of # of resolution elements ind_ann = circle_perimeter(int(centery), int(centerx), int(rad)) array2 = array.copy() array2[ind_aper] = mad(array[ind_ann]) # mask n2 = (2 * np.pi * rad) / fwhm - 1 noise = array2[ind_ann].std(ddof=1) * np.sqrt(1+(1/n2)) # signal : central px minus the mean of the pxs (masked) in 1px annulus signal = array[sourcey, sourcex] - array2[ind_ann].mean() snr_value = signal / noise return sourcey, sourcex, snr_value
[docs] def indep_ap_centers(array, source_xy, fwhm, exclude_negative_lobes=False, exclude_theta_range=None, no_gap=False): """ Define independent aperture centers at a given radial separation, starting from a test location provided with source_xy. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray, 2d Frame in which the apertures will be defined (its dimensions are used). source_xy : tuple of floats X and Y coordinates of the planet or test speckle. fwhm : float Size in pixels of the FWHM, corresponding to the diameter of the non-overlapping apertures. exclude_negative_lobes : bool, opt Whether to include the adjacent aperture lobes to the tested location or not. Can be set to True if the image shows significant neg lobes. exclude_theta_range : tuple of 2 floats or None, opt If provided, range of trigonometric angles in deg (measured from positive x axis), to be avoided for apertures used for noise estimation. WARNING: this is to be used wisely, e.g. only if a known authentic circumstellar signal is biasing the SNR estimate. no_gap: bool, opt Whether an overlapping aperture is defined between the first and last non-overlapping aperture (at the end of making a full circle), in order to leave no gap. False by default. Returns ------- (yy, xx) : tuple of 2 numpy ndarray Tuple containing y and x coordinates of the apertures """ sourcex, sourcey = source_xy centery, centerx = frame_center(array) sep = dist(centery, centerx, float(sourcey), float(sourcex)) theta_0 = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(sourcey - centery, sourcex - centerx)) if exclude_theta_range is not None: exc_theta_range = list(exclude_theta_range) if not sep > (fwhm / 2) + 1: raise RuntimeError('`source_xy` is too close to the frame center') # sens = 'clock' # counterclock # assumes clockwise rotation when building test apertures # change sign and conditions if counterclockwise sign = -1 if exclude_theta_range is not None: if theta_0 > exc_theta_range[0] and theta_0 < exc_theta_range[1]: exc_theta_range[0] += 360 while theta_0 < exc_theta_range[1]: theta_0 += 360 theta = theta_0 angle = np.arcsin(fwhm / 2. / sep) * 2 number_apertures = int(np.floor(2 * np.pi / angle)) if no_gap: # if requested, add an (overlapping) aperture to avoid a gap number_apertures += 1 yy = [] xx = [] yy_all = np.zeros(number_apertures) xx_all = np.zeros(number_apertures) cosangle = np.cos(angle) sinangle = np.sin(angle) xx.append(sourcex - centerx) yy.append(sourcey - centery) xx_all[0] = sourcex - centerx yy_all[0] = sourcey - centery for i in range(number_apertures - 1): xx_all[i + 1] = cosangle * xx_all[i] - sign * sinangle * yy_all[i] yy_all[i + 1] = cosangle * yy_all[i] + sign * sinangle * xx_all[i] theta += sign * np.rad2deg(angle) if exclude_negative_lobes and (i == 0 or i == number_apertures - 2): continue if exclude_theta_range is None: xx.append(cosangle * xx_all[i] - sign * sinangle * yy_all[i]) yy.append(cosangle * yy_all[i] + sign * sinangle * xx_all[i]) else: if theta < exc_theta_range[0] or theta > exc_theta_range[1]: xx.append(cosangle * xx_all[i] - sign * sinangle * yy_all[i]) yy.append(cosangle * yy_all[i] + sign * sinangle * xx_all[i]) xx = np.array(xx) yy = np.array(yy) xx += centerx yy += centery return yy, xx
[docs] def snr(array, source_xy, fwhm, full_output=False, array2=None, use2alone=False, exclude_negative_lobes=False, exclude_theta_range=None, plot=False, verbose=False): """ Calculate the S/N (signal to noise ratio) of a test resolution element in a residual frame (e.g. post-processed with LOCI, PCA, etc). Implements the approach described in [MAW14]_ on small sample statistics, where a student t-test (eq. 9) can be used to determine S/N (and contrast) in high contrast imaging. 3 extra possibilities compared to [MAW14]_: * possibility to provide a second array (e.g. obtained with opposite \ derotation angles) to have more apertures for noise estimation; * possibility to exclude negative ADI lobes directly adjacent to the \ tested xy location, to not bias the noise estimate; * possibility to use only the second array for the noise estimation \ (useful for images containing a lot of disk/extended signals). *** DISCLAIMER *** Signal-to-noise ratio is not significance! For a conversion from snr to n-sigma (i.e. the equivalent confidence level of a Gaussian n-sigma), use the significance() function. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray, 2d Post-processed frame where we want to measure S/N. source_xy : tuple of floats X and Y coordinates of the planet or test speckle. fwhm : float Size in pixels of the FWHM. full_output : bool, optional If True returns back the S/N value, the y, x input coordinates, noise and flux. array2 : None or numpy ndarray, 2d, optional Additional image (e.g. processed image with negative derotation angles) enabling to have more apertures for noise estimation at each radial separation. Should have the same dimensions as array. use2alone : bool, opt Whether to use array2 alone to estimate the noise (can be useful to estimate the S/N of extended disk features) exclude_negative_lobes : bool, opt Whether to include the adjacent aperture lobes to the tested location or not. Can be set to True if the image shows significant neg lobes. exclude_theta_range : tuple of 2 floats or None, opt If provided, range of trigonometric angles in deg (measured from positive x axis), to be avoided for apertures used for noise estimation. WARNING: this is to be used wisely, e.g. only if a known authentic circumstellar signal is biasing the SNR estimate. plot : bool, optional Plots the frame and the apertures considered for clarity. verbose: bool, optional Chooses whether to print some output or not. Returns ------- [if full_output=True:] sourcey : numpy ndarray [full_output=True] Input coordinates (``source_xy``) in Y. sourcex : numpy ndarray [full_output=True] Input coordinates (``source_xy``) in X. f_source : float [full_output=True] Flux in test elemnt. fluxes : numpy ndarray [full_output=True] Background apertures fluxes. [always:] snr_vale : float Value of the S/N for the given test resolution element. """ check_array(array, dim=2, msg='array') if not isinstance(source_xy, tuple): raise TypeError("`source_xy` must be a tuple of floats") if array2 is not None: if not array2.shape == array.shape: raise TypeError('`array2` has not the same shape as input array') sourcex, sourcey = source_xy yy, xx = indep_ap_centers(array, source_xy, fwhm, exclude_negative_lobes, exclude_theta_range) rad = fwhm/2. apertures = CircularAperture(zip(xx, yy), r=rad) # Coordinates (X,Y) fluxes = aperture_photometry(array, apertures, method='exact') fluxes = np.array(fluxes['aperture_sum']) if array2 is not None: fluxes2 = aperture_photometry(array2, apertures, method='exact') fluxes2 = np.array(fluxes2['aperture_sum']) if use2alone: fluxes = np.concatenate(([fluxes[0]], fluxes2[:])) else: fluxes = np.concatenate((fluxes, fluxes2)) f_source = fluxes[0].copy() fluxes = fluxes[1:] n2 = fluxes.shape[0] backgr_apertures_std = fluxes.std(ddof=1) snr_vale = (f_source - fluxes.mean())/(backgr_apertures_std * np.sqrt(1+(1/n2))) if verbose: msg1 = 'S/N for the given pixel = {:.3f}' msg2 = 'Integrated flux in FWHM test aperture = {:.3f}' msg3 = 'Mean of background apertures integrated fluxes = {:.3f}' msg4 = 'Std-dev of background apertures integrated fluxes = {:.3f}' print(msg1.format(snr_vale)) print(msg2.format(f_source)) print(msg3.format(fluxes.mean())) print(msg4.format(backgr_apertures_std)) if plot: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6)) ax.imshow(array, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', alpha=0.5, cmap='gray') for i in range(xx.shape[0]): # Circle takes coordinates as (X,Y) aper = plt.Circle((xx[i], yy[i]), radius=fwhm/2., color='r', fill=False, alpha=0.8) ax.add_patch(aper) cent = plt.Circle((xx[i], yy[i]), radius=0.8, color='r', fill=True, alpha=0.5) ax.add_patch(cent) aper_source = plt.Circle((sourcex, sourcey), radius=0.7, color='b', fill=True, alpha=0.5) ax.add_patch(aper_source) ax.grid(False) if full_output: return sourcey, sourcex, f_source, fluxes, snr_vale else: return snr_vale
[docs] def significance(snr, rad, fwhm, student_to_gauss=True, verbose=True): """Convert a S/N ratio (measured as in [MAW14]_) into a Gaussian\ significance (n-sigma) with equivalent false alarm probability for a\ point-source detection measured at a given separation, or the opposite. Parameters ---------- snr : float or numpy array SNR value(s) rad : float or numpy array Radial separation(s) from the star in pixels. If an array, it should be the same shape as snr and provide the radial separation corresponding to each snr measurement. fwhm : float Full Width Half Maximum of the PSF. student_to_gauss : bool, optional Whether the conversion is from Student SNR to Gaussian significance (True), or the opposite (False). Returns ------- sig : float Equivalent Gaussian significance [student_to_gauss=True] or equivalent Student S/N ratio [student_to_gauss=False]. """ if student_to_gauss: sig = norm.ppf(t.cdf(snr, (rad/fwhm)*2*np.pi-2)) if t.cdf(snr, (rad/fwhm)*2*np.pi-2) == 1.0: print("Warning high S/N! cdf>0.9999999999999999 is rounded to 1") msg = "Returning 8.2 sigma, but quote significance > 8.2 sigma." print(msg) return 8.2 if verbose: msg = r"At a separation of {:.1f} px ({:.1f} FWHM), S/N = {:.1f} " msg += r"corresponds to a {:.1f}-sigma detection in terms of " msg += r"Gaussian false alarm probability." print(msg.format(rad, rad/fwhm, snr, sig)) else: sig = t.ppf(norm.cdf(snr), (rad/fwhm)*2*np.pi-2) if verbose: msg = r"At a separation of {:.1f} px ({:.1f} FWHM), a {:.1f}-sigma " msg += r"detection in terms of Gaussian false alarm probability " msg += r"translates into a Student S/N = {:.1f}." print(msg.format(rad, rad/fwhm, snr, sig)) return sig
[docs] def frame_report(array, fwhm, source_xy=None, verbose=True, **snr_arguments): """Provide info about candidate companions in a given post-processed frame. Either a list of source positions is passed, or the position with the highest is automatically considered. Integrated flux in aperture, S/N of\ central pixel (either ``source_xy`` or at max S/N value), mean S/N in aperture at those/that location. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray 2d array or input frame. fwhm : float Size of the FWHM in pixels. source_xy : tuple of floats or list (of tuples of floats) X and Y coordinates of the center(s) of the source(s). verbose : bool, optional If True prints to stdout the frame info. snr_arguments: dictionary, optional Optional parameters for the ``vip_hci.metrics.snrmap`` function. Returns ------- source_xy : tuple of floats or list (of tuples of floats) X and Y coordinates of the center(s) of the source(s). obj_flux : list of floats Integrated flux in aperture. snr_centpx : list of floats S/N of the ``source_xy`` pixels. meansnr_pixels : list of floats Mean S/N of pixels in 1xFWHM apertures centered on ``source_xy``. """ if array.ndim != 2: raise TypeError('Array is not 2d.') obj_flux = [] meansnr_pixels = [] snr_centpx = [] if source_xy is not None: if isinstance(source_xy, (list, tuple)): if not isinstance(source_xy[0], tuple): source_xy = [source_xy] else: raise TypeError("`source_xy` must be a tuple of floats or tuple " "of tuples") for xy in source_xy: x, y = xy if verbose: print(sep) print('Coords of chosen px (X,Y) = {:.1f}, {:.1f}'.format(x, y)) # we get integrated flux on aperture with diameter=1FWHM aper = CircularAperture((x, y), r=fwhm / 2.) obj_flux_i = aperture_photometry(array, aper, method='exact') obj_flux_i = obj_flux_i['aperture_sum'][0] # we get the mean and stddev of SNRs on aperture yy, xx = disk((y, x), fwhm / 2) snr_pixels_i = [snr(array, (x_, y_), fwhm, plot=False, verbose=False) for y_, x_ in zip(yy, xx)] meansnr_i = np.mean(snr_pixels_i) stdsnr_i = np.std(snr_pixels_i, ddof=1) pxsnr_i = snr(array, (x, y), fwhm, plot=False, verbose=False) obj_flux.append(obj_flux_i) meansnr_pixels.append(meansnr_i) snr_centpx.append(pxsnr_i) if verbose: msg0 = 'Flux in a centered 1xFWHM circular aperture = {:.3f}' print(msg0.format(obj_flux_i)) print('Central pixel S/N = {:.3f}'.format(pxsnr_i)) print(sep) print('Inside a centered 1xFWHM circular aperture:') msg1 = 'Mean S/N (shifting the aperture center) = {:.3f}' print(msg1.format(meansnr_i)) msg2 = 'Max S/N (shifting the aperture center) = {:.3f}' print(msg2.format(np.max(snr_pixels_i))) msg3 = 'stddev S/N (shifting the aperture center) = {:.3f}' print(msg3.format(stdsnr_i)) print('') else: snr_map = snrmap(array, fwhm, **snr_arguments) y, x = np.where(snr_map == np.nanmax(snr_map)) y, x = y[0], x[0] # assuming there is only one max, taking 1st if clump source_xy = (x, y) if verbose: print(sep) print('Coords of Max px (X,Y) = {:.1f}, {:.1f}'.format(x, y)) # we get integrated flux on aperture with diameter=1FWHM aper = CircularAperture((x, y), r=fwhm / 2.) obj_flux_i = aperture_photometry(array, aper, method='exact') obj_flux_i = obj_flux_i['aperture_sum'][0] # we get the mean and stddev of SNRs on aperture yy, xx = disk((y, x), fwhm / 2.) snr_pixels_i = [snr(array, (x_, y_), fwhm, plot=False, verbose=False) for y_, x_ in zip(yy, xx)] meansnr_pixels = np.mean(snr_pixels_i) stdsnr_i = np.std(snr_pixels_i, ddof=1) pxsnr_i = snr(array, (x, y), fwhm, plot=False, verbose=False) obj_flux.append(obj_flux_i) snr_centpx.append(pxsnr_i) if verbose: msg0 = 'Flux in a centered 1xFWHM circular aperture = {:.3f}' print(msg0.format(obj_flux_i)) print('Central pixel S/N = {:.3f}'.format(pxsnr_i)) print(sep) print('Inside a centered 1xFWHM circular aperture:') msg1 = 'Mean S/N (shifting the aperture center) = {:.3f}' print(msg1.format(meansnr_pixels)) msg2 = 'Max S/N (shifting the aperture center) = {:.3f}' print(msg2.format(np.max(snr_pixels_i))) msg3 = 'stddev S/N (shifting the aperture center) = {:.3f}' print(msg3.format(stdsnr_i)) print(sep) return source_xy, obj_flux, snr_centpx, meansnr_pixels