Source code for vip_hci.objects.dataset

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Module with Dataset and Frame classes."""

__author__ = "Carlos Alberto Gomez Gonzalez"
__all__ = ["Dataset", "Frame"]

import numpy as np
import copy
import hciplot as hp
from ..fits import open_fits
from import (
from ..preproc import (
from ..preproc import (
from ..var import (
from ..stats import (
from ..metrics import frame_report, snr, snrmap, detection

from ..config.utils_conf import check_array, Saveable, print_precision
from ..config.mem import check_enough_memory

[docs] class Frame(object): """High-contrast imaging frame (2d array). Parameters ---------- data : numpy ndarray 2d array. hdu : int, optional If ``cube`` is a String, ``hdu`` indicates the HDU from the FITS file. By default the first HDU is used. fwhm : float, optional The FWHM associated with this dataset (instrument dependent). Required for several methods (operations on the cube). """ def __init__(self, data, hdu=0, fwhm=None): """Frame object initialization.""" if isinstance(data, str): = open_fits(data, hdu, verbose=False) else: = data check_array(, dim=2, msg="") print("Frame shape: {}".format( self.fwhm = fwhm if self.fwhm is not None: print("FWHM: {}".format(self.fwhm))
[docs] def crop(self, size, xy=None, force=False): """Cropping the frame. Parameters ---------- size : int, odd Size of the subframe. cenxy : tuple, optional Coordinates of the center of the subframe. force : bool, optional Size and the size of the 2d array must be both even or odd. With ``force`` set to True this condition can be avoided. """ = frame_crop(, size, xy, force, verbose=True)
[docs] def detect_blobs( self, psf, bkg_sigma=1, method="lpeaks", matched_filter=False, mask=True, snr_thresh=5, plot=True, debug=False, verbose=False, save_plot=None, plot_title=None, angscale=False, ): """Detect blobs on the 2d array.""" self.detection_results = detection(, psf, bkg_sigma, method, matched_filter, mask, snr_thresh, plot, debug, True, verbose, save_plot, plot_title, angscale, )
[docs] def filter( self, method, mode, median_size=5, kernel_size=5, fwhm_size=5, btw_cutoff=0.2, btw_order=2, hann_cutoff=5, gauss_mode="conv", ): """High/low pass filtering the frames of the image. Parameters ---------- method : {'lp', 'hp'} Low-pass or high-pass filtering. mode : str Type of low/high-pass filtering. ``median`` [lp] applies a median low-pass filter to the image. ``gauss`` [lp] applies a Gaussian low-pass filter to the image. ``laplacian`` [hp] applies a Laplacian filter with kernel size defined by ``kernel_size`` using the Opencv library. ``laplacian-conv`` [hp] applies a Laplacian high-pass filter by defining a kernel (with ``kernel_size``) and using the ``convolve_fft`` Astropy function. ``median-subt`` [hp] subtracts a median low-pass filtered version of the image. ``gauss-subt`` [hp] subtracts a Gaussian low-pass filtered version of the image. ``fourier-butter`` [hp] applies a high-pass 2D Butterworth filter in Fourier domain. ``hann`` [hp] uses a Hann window. median_size : int, optional Size of the median box for the ``median`` or ``median-subt`` filter. kernel_size : int, optional Size of the Laplacian kernel used in ``laplacian`` mode. It must be a positive odd integer value. fwhm_size : float, optional Size of the Gaussian kernel used in ``gauss`` or ``gauss-subt`` mode. btw_cutoff : float, optional Frequency cutoff for low-pass 2d Butterworth filter used in ``fourier-butter`` mode. btw_order : int, optional Order of low-pass 2d Butterworth filter used in ``fourier-butter`` mode. hann_cutoff : float Frequency cutoff for the ``hann`` mode. gauss_mode : {'conv', 'convfft'}, str optional 'conv' uses the multidimensional gaussian filter from scipy.ndimage and 'convfft' uses the fft convolution with a 2d Gaussian kernel. """ if method == "hp": = frame_filter_highpass(, mode, median_size, kernel_size, fwhm_size, btw_cutoff, btw_order, hann_cutoff, conv_mode=gauss_mode, ) elif method == "lp": = frame_filter_lowpass(, mode, median_size, fwhm_size, gauss_mode ) else: raise ValueError("Filtering mode not recognized") print("Image successfully filtered")
[docs] def get_center(self, verbose=True): """Get the coordinates of the center of the image. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool optional If True the center coordinates are printed out. """ return frame_center(, verbose)
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """Plot the 2d array. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict, optional Parameters passed to the function ``plot_frames`` of the package ``HCIplot``. """ hp.plot_frames(, **kwargs)
[docs] def radial_profile(self, sep=1): """Calculate the average radial profile of an image. Parameters ---------- sep : int, optional The average radial profile is recorded every ``sep`` pixels. """ radpro = frame_average_radprofile(, sep=sep, plot=True) return radpro
[docs] def recenter( self, method="satspots", xy=None, subi_size=19, sigfactor=6, imlib="vip-fft", interpolation="lanczos4", debug=False, verbose=True, ): """Recenter the frame using the satellite spots or a radon transform. Parameters ---------- method : {'satspots', 'radon'}, str optional Method for recentering the frame. xy : tuple, optional Tuple with coordinates X,Y of the satellite spots. When the spots are in an X configuration, the order is the following: top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right. When the spots are in an + (cross-like) configuration, the order is the following: top, right, left, bottom. """ if method == "satspots": if xy is None: raise ValueError("`xy` must be a tuple of 4 tuples"), _, _ = frame_center_satspots(, xy, subi_size, sigfactor, True, imlib, interpolation, debug, verbose, ) elif method == "radon": pass # = frame_center_radon() else: raise ValueError("Recentering method not recognized")
[docs] def rescale(self, scale, imlib="vip-fft", interpolation="bicubic", verbose=True): """Resample the image (upscaling or downscaling). Parameters ---------- scale : int, float or tuple Scale factor for upsampling or downsampling the frames in the cube. If a tuple it corresponds to the scale along x and y. imlib : {'ndimage', 'opencv', 'vip-fft'}, str optional Library used for image transformations. ndimage is the default. interpolation : str, optional For 'ndimage' library: 'nearneig', bilinear', 'bicuadratic', 'bicubic', 'biquartic', 'biquintic'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'biquintic' the slowest. The 'nearneig' is the worst option for interpolation of noisy astronomical images. For 'opencv' library: 'nearneig', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'lanczos4'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'lanczos4' the slowest and accurate. verbose : bool, optional Whether to print out additional info such as the new image shape. """ = frame_px_resampling(, scale, imlib, interpolation, verbose)
[docs] def rotate(self, angle, imlib="vip-fft", interpolation="lanczos4", cxy=None): """Rotate the image by a given ``angle``. Parameters ---------- imlib : {'opencv', 'skimage', 'vip-fft'}, str optional Library used for image transformations. Opencv is faster than ndimage or skimage. interpolation : str, optional For 'skimage' library: 'nearneig', bilinear', 'bicuadratic', 'bicubic', 'biquartic', 'biquintic'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'biquintic' the slowest. The 'nearneig' is the poorer option for interpolation of noisy astronomical images. For 'opencv' library: 'nearneig', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'lanczos4'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'lanczos4' the slowest and accurate. 'lanczos4' is the default. cxy : tuple of int, optional Coordinates X,Y of the point with respect to which the rotation will be performed. By default the rotation is done with respect to the center of the frames, as it is returned by the function vip_hci.var.frame_center. """ = frame_rotate(, angle, imlib, interpolation, cxy) print("Image successfully rotated")
[docs] def shift(self, shift_y, shift_x, imlib="vip-fft", interpolation="lanczos4"): """Shift the image. Parameters ---------- shift_y, shift_x: float Shifts in x and y directions. imlib : {'opencv', 'ndimage-fourier', 'ndimage-interp', 'vip-fft'}, str opt Library or method used for performing the image shift. 'ndimage-fourier', does a fourier shift operation and preserves better the pixel values (therefore the flux and photometry). Interpolation based shift ('opencv' and 'ndimage-interp') is faster than the fourier shift. 'opencv' is recommended when speed is critical. interpolation : {'bicubic', 'bilinear', 'nearneig'}, optional Only used in case of imlib is set to 'opencv' or 'ndimage-interp', where the images are shifted via interpolation. For 'ndimage-interp' library: 'nearneig', bilinear', 'bicuadratic', 'bicubic', 'biquartic', 'biquintic'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'biquintic' the slowest. The 'nearneig' is the poorer option for interpolation of noisy astronomical images. For 'opencv' library: 'nearneig', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'lanczos4'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'lanczos4' the slowest and accurate. 'lanczos4' is the default. """ = frame_shift(, shift_y, shift_x, imlib, interpolation) print("Image successfully shifted")
[docs] def snr(self, source_xy, plot=False, verbose=True): """Calculate the S/N for a test resolution element ``source_xy``. Parameters ---------- source_xy : tuple of floats X and Y coordinates of the planet or test speckle. plot : bool, optional Plots the frame and the apertures considered for clarity. verbose : bool, optional Chooses whether to print some output or not. Returns ------- snr_val : float Value of the S/N for ``source_xy``. """ if self.fwhm is None: raise ValueError("FWHM has not been set") return snr(, source_xy, self.fwhm, False, None, plot, verbose)
[docs] def stats( self, region="circle", radius=5, xy=None, annulus_inner_radius=0, annulus_width=5, source_xy=None, verbose=True, plot=True, ): """Calculate statistics on the image, both in the full-frame and in a region. The region can be a circular aperture or an annulus. Also, the S/N of the either ``source_xy`` or the max pixel is calculated. Parameters ---------- region : {'circle', 'annulus'}, str optional Region in which basic statistics (mean, stddev, median and max) are calculated. radius : int, optional Radius of the circular aperture. xy : tuple of floats, optional Center of the circular aperture. annulus_inner_radius : int, optional Inner radius of the annular region. annulus_width : int, optional Width of the annular region. source_xy : tuple of floats, optional Coordinates for which the S/N information will be obtained. If None, the S/N is estimated for the pixel with the maximum value. verbose : bool, optional Whether to print out the values of the calculated statistics. plot : bool, optional Whether to plot the frame, histograms and region. """ res_region = frame_basic_stats(, region, radius, xy, annulus_inner_radius, annulus_width, plot, True, ) if verbose: if region == "circle": msg = "Stats in circular aperture of radius: {}pxs" print(msg.format(radius)) elif region == "annulus": msg = "Stats in annulus. Inner_rad: {}pxs, width: {}pxs" print(msg.format(annulus_inner_radius, annulus_width)) mean, std_dev, median, maxi = res_region msg = "Mean: {:.3f}, Stddev: {:.3f}, Median: {:.3f}, Max: {:.3f}" print(msg.format(mean, std_dev, median, maxi)) res_ff = frame_histo_stats(, plot) if verbose: mean, median, std, maxim, minim = res_ff print("Stats in the whole frame:") msg = "Mean: {:.3f}, Stddev: {:.3f}, Median: {:.3f}, Max: {:.3f}, " msg += "Min: {:.3f}" print(msg.format(mean, std, median, maxim, minim)) print("\nS/N info:") _ = frame_report(, self.fwhm, source_xy, verbose)
[docs] class Dataset(Saveable): """High-contrast imaging dataset class. Parameters ---------- cube : str or numpy array 3d or 4d high-contrast image sequence. If a string is provided, cube is interpreted as the path of the FITS file containing the sequence. hdu : int, optional If ``cube`` is a String, ``hdu`` indicates the HDU from the FITS file. By default the first HDU is used. angles : list or numpy array, optional The vector of parallactic angles. wavelengths : list or numpy array, optional The vector of wavelengths (to be used as scaling factors). fwhm : float, optional The FWHM associated with this dataset (instrument dependent). Required for several methods (operations on the cube). px_scale : float, optional The pixel scale associated with this dataset (instrument dependent). psf : numpy array, optional The PSF template associated with this dataset. psfn : numpy array, optional Normalized/cropped/centered version of the PSF template associated with this dataset. cuberef : str or numpy array 3d or 4d high-contrast image sequence. To be used as a reference cube. """ _saved_attributes = [ "cube", "psf", "psfn", "angles", "fwhm", "wavelengths", "px_scale", "cuberef", "injections_yx", ] def __init__( self, cube, hdu=0, angles=None, wavelengths=None, fwhm=None, px_scale=None, psf=None, psfn=None, cuberef=None, ): """Initialize the Dataset object.""" # Loading the 3d/4d cube or image sequence if isinstance(cube, str): self.cube = open_fits(cube, hdu, verbose=False) elif isinstance(cube, np.ndarray): if not (cube.ndim == 3 or cube.ndim == 4): raise ValueError("`Cube` array has wrong dimensions") self.cube = cube else: raise TypeError("`Cube` has a wrong type") print("Cube array shape: {}".format(self.cube.shape)) if self.cube.ndim == 3: self.n, self.y, self.x = self.cube.shape self.w = 1 elif self.cube.ndim == 4: self.w, self.n, self.y, self.x = self.cube.shape # Loading the reference cube if isinstance(cuberef, str): self.cuberef = open_fits(cuberef, hdu, verbose=False) elif isinstance(cuberef, np.ndarray): msg = "`Cuberef` array has wrong dimensions" if not cuberef.ndim == 3: raise ValueError(msg) if not cuberef.shape[1] == self.y: raise ValueError(msg) self.cuberef = cuberef elif isinstance(cuberef, Dataset): msg = "`Cuberef` array has wrong dimensions" if not cuberef.cube.ndim == 3: raise ValueError(msg) if not cuberef.cube.shape[1] == self.y: raise ValueError(msg) self.cuberef = cuberef.cube else: self.cuberef = None if self.cuberef is not None: print("Cuberef array shape: {}".format(self.cuberef.shape)) # Loading the angles (ADI) if isinstance(angles, str): self.angles = open_fits(angles, verbose=False) else: self.angles = angles if self.angles is not None: print("Angles array shape: {}".format(self.angles.shape)) # Checking the shape of the angles vector check_array(self.angles, dim=1, msg="Parallactic angles vector") if not self.angles.shape[0] == self.n: raise ValueError("Parallactic angles vector has a wrong shape") # Loading the scaling factors (mSDI) if isinstance(wavelengths, str): self.wavelengths = open_fits(wavelengths, verbose=False) else: self.wavelengths = wavelengths if self.wavelengths is not None: print("Wavelengths array shape: {}".format(self.wavelengths.shape)) # Checking the shape of the scaling vector check_array(self.wavelengths, dim=1, msg="Wavelengths vector") if not self.wavelengths.shape[0] == self.w: raise ValueError("Wavelengths vector has a wrong shape") # Loading the PSF if isinstance(psf, str): self.psf = open_fits(psf, verbose=False) else: self.psf = psf if self.psf is not None: print("PSF array shape: {}".format(self.psf.shape)) # Checking the shape of the PSF array if not self.psf.ndim == self.cube.ndim - 1: msg = "PSF array has a wrong shape. Must have {} dimensions, " msg += "got {} instead" raise ValueError(msg.format(self.cube.ndim - 1, self.psf.ndim)) # Loading the normalized PSF if isinstance(psfn, str): self.psfn = open_fits(psfn, verbose=False) else: self.psfn = psfn if self.psfn is not None: print("Normalized PSF array shape: {}".format(self.psfn.shape)) # Checking the shape of the PSF array if not self.psfn.ndim == self.cube.ndim - 1: msg = "Normalized PSF array has a wrong shape. Must have {} " msg += "dimensions, got {} instead" raise ValueError(msg.format(self.cube.ndim - 1, self.psfn.ndim)) self.fwhm = fwhm if self.fwhm is not None: if self.cube.ndim == 4: check_array(self.fwhm, dim=1, msg="FWHM") elif self.cube.ndim == 3: print("FWHM: {}".format(self.fwhm)) self.px_scale = px_scale if self.px_scale is not None: print("Pixel/plate scale: {}".format(self.px_scale)) self.injections_yx = None
[docs] def collapse(self, mode="median", n=50): """Collapsing the sequence into a 2d array.""" frame = cube_collapse(self.cube, mode, n) print("Cube successfully collapsed") return Frame(frame)
[docs] def crop_frames(self, size, xy=None, force=False): """Crop the frames of the sequence (3d or 4d cube). Parameters ---------- size : int New size of the (square) frames. xy : tuple of ints X, Y coordinates of new frame center. If you are getting the coordinates from ds9 subtract 1, python has 0-based indexing. force : bool, optional ``Size`` and the original size of the frames must be both even or odd. With ``force`` set to True this condition can be avoided. """ self.cube = cube_crop_frames(self.cube, size, xy, force, verbose=True)
[docs] def derotate( self, imlib="vip-fft", interpolation="lanczos4", cxy=None, nproc=1, border_mode="constant", mask_val=np.nan, edge_blend=None, interp_zeros=False, ker=1, ): """Derotating the frames of the sequence according to the parallactic angles. Parameters ---------- imlib : {'opencv', 'skimage', 'vip-fft'}, str optional Library used for image transformations. Opencv is faster than ndimage or skimage. interpolation : str, optional For 'skimage' library: 'nearneig', bilinear', 'bicuadratic', 'bicubic', 'biquartic', 'biquintic'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'biquintic' the slowest. The 'nearneig' is the poorer option for interpolation of noisy astronomical images. For 'opencv' library: 'nearneig', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'lanczos4'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'lanczos4' the slowest and accurate. 'lanczos4' is the default. cxy : tuple of int, optional Coordinates X,Y of the point with respect to which the rotation will be performed. By default the rotation is done with respect to the center of the frames, as it is returned by the function vip_hci.var.frame_center. nproc : int, optional Whether to rotate the frames in the sequence in a multi-processing fashion. Only useful if the cube is significantly large (frame size and number of frames). border_mode : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_rotate`` function. mask_val : float, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_rotate`` function. edge_blend : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_rotate`` function. interp_zeros : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_rotate`` function. ker: int, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_rotate`` function. """ if self.angles is None: raise ValueError("Parallactic angles vector has not been set") self.cube = cube_derotate( self.cube, self.angles, imlib, interpolation, cxy, nproc, border_mode, mask_val, edge_blend, interp_zeros, ker, ) print("Cube successfully derotated")
[docs] def drop_frames(self, n, m, verbose=True): """ Slice the cube so that all frames between ``n``and ``m`` are kept. The indices ``n`` and ``m`` are included and 1-based. Examples -------- For a cube which has 5 frames numbered ``1, 2, 3, 4, 5``, calling ``ds.drop_frames(2, 4)`` would result in the frames ``2, 3, 4`` to be kept, so the first and the last frame would be discarded. """ res = cube_drop_frames(self.cube, n, m, self.angles, verbose=verbose) if self.angles: self.cube, self.angles = res else: self.cube = res
[docs] def filter( self, method, mode, median_size=5, kernel_size=5, fwhm_size=5, btw_cutoff=0.2, btw_order=2, hann_cutoff=5, gauss_mode="conv", verbose=True, ): """High/low pass filtering the frames of the cube. Parameters ---------- method : {'lp', 'hp'} Low-pass or high-pass filtering. mode : str Type of low/high-pass filtering. ``median`` [lp] applies a median low-pass filter to the image. ``gauss`` [lp] applies a Gaussian low-pass filter to the image. ``laplacian`` [hp] applies a Laplacian filter with kernel size defined by ``kernel_size`` using the Opencv library. ``laplacian-conv`` [hp] applies a Laplacian high-pass filter by defining a kernel (with ``kernel_size``) and using the ``convolve_fft`` Astropy function. ``median-subt`` [hp] subtracts a median low-pass filtered version of the image. ``gauss-subt`` [hp] subtracts a Gaussian low-pass filtered version of the image. ``fourier-butter`` [hp] applies a high-pass 2D Butterworth filter in Fourier domain. ``hann`` [hp] uses a Hann window. median_size : int, optional Size of the median box for the ``median`` or ``median-subt`` filter. kernel_size : int, optional Size of the Laplacian kernel used in ``laplacian`` mode. It must be a positive odd integer value. fwhm_size : float, optional Size of the Gaussian kernel used in ``gauss`` or ``gauss-subt`` mode. btw_cutoff : float, optional Frequency cutoff for low-pass 2d Butterworth filter used in ``fourier-butter`` mode. btw_order : int, optional Order of low-pass 2d Butterworth filter used in ``fourier-butter`` mode. hann_cutoff : float Frequency cutoff for the ``hann`` mode. gauss_mode : {'conv', 'convfft'}, str optional 'conv' uses the multidimensional gaussian filter from scipy.ndimage and 'convfft' uses the fft convolution with a 2d Gaussian kernel. """ if method == "hp": self.cube = cube_filter_highpass( self.cube, mode, median_size=median_size, kernel_size=kernel_size, fwhm_size=fwhm_size, btw_cutoff=btw_cutoff, btw_order=btw_order, hann_cutoff=hann_cutoff, verbose=verbose, conv_mode=gauss_mode, ) elif method == "lp": self.cube = cube_filter_lowpass( self.cube, mode, median_size, fwhm_size, gauss_mode, verbose ) else: raise ValueError("Filtering mode not recognized")
[docs] def frame_distances( self, frame, region="full", dist="sad", inner_radius=None, width=None, plot=True ): """Calculate the frame distance/correlation with respect to a reference image. Parameters ---------- frame : int or 2d array Reference frame in the cube or 2d array. region : {'full', 'annulus'}, string optional Whether to use the full frames or a centered annulus. dist : {'sad','euclidean','mse','pearson','spearman', 'ssim'}, str optional Which criterion to use. inner_radius : None or int, optional The inner radius when mode is 'annulus'. width : None or int, optional The width when mode is 'annulus'. plot : bool, optional Whether to plot the distances or not. """ _ = cube_distance(self.cube, frame, region, dist, inner_radius, width, plot)
[docs] def frame_stats( self, region="circle", radius=5, xy=None, annulus_inner_radius=0, annulus_width=5, wavelength=0, plot=True, ): """Calculate statistics on a ``region`` of each image of the sequence. The ``region`` can be a circular aperture or an annulus. Parameters ---------- region : {'circle', 'annulus'}, str optional Region in which basic statistics (mean, stddev, median and max) are calculated. radius : int, optional Radius of the circular aperture. xy : tuple of floats, optional Center of the circular aperture. annulus_inner_radius : int, optional Inner radius of the annular region. annulus_width : int, optional Width of the annular region. wavelength : int, optional Index of the wavelength to be analyzed in the case of a 4d cube. plot : bool, optional Whether to plot the frame, histograms and region. """ if self.cube.ndim == 3: _ = cube_basic_stats( self.cube, region, radius, xy, annulus_inner_radius, annulus_width, plot, False, ) elif self.cube.ndim == 4: print("Stats for wavelength {}".format(wavelength + 1)) _ = cube_basic_stats( self.cube[wavelength], region, radius, xy, annulus_inner_radius, annulus_width, plot, False, )
[docs] def inject_companions( self, flux, rad_dists, n_branches=1, theta=0, imlib="vip-fft", interpolation="lanczos4", full_output=False, verbose=True, ): """Inject fake companions in 3d or 4d cubes. Parameters ---------- flux : float or list Factor for controlling the brightness of the fake companions. rad_dists : float, list or array 1d Vector of radial distances of fake companions in pixels. n_branches : int, optional Number of azimutal branches. theta : float, optional Angle in degrees for rotating the position of the first branch that by default is located at zero degrees. Theta counts counterclockwise from the positive x axis. imlib : {'opencv', 'ndimage-fourier', 'ndimage-interp', 'vip-fft'}, str opt Library or method used for performing the image shift. 'ndimage-fourier', does a fourier shift operation and preserves better the pixel values (therefore the flux and photometry). Interpolation based shift ('opencv' and 'ndimage-interp') is faster than the fourier shift. 'opencv' is recommended when speed is critical. interpolation : {'bicubic', 'bilinear', 'nearneig'}, optional Only used in case of imlib is set to 'opencv' or 'ndimage-interp', where the images are shifted via interpolation. For 'ndimage-interp' library: 'nearneig', bilinear', 'bicuadratic', 'bicubic', 'biquartic', 'biquintic'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'biquintic' the slowest. The 'nearneig' is the poorer option for interpolation of noisy astronomical images. For 'opencv' library: 'nearneig', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'lanczos4'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'lanczos4' the slowest and accurate. 'lanczos4' is the default. full_output : bool, optional Return the coordinates of the injected companions. verbose : bool, optional If True prints out additional information. Returns ------- yx : list of tuple(y,x) [full_output=True] Pixel coordinates of the injections in the first frame (and first wavelength for 4D cubes). These are only the new injections - all injections (from multiple calls to this function) are stored in ``self.injections_yx``. """ if self.angles is None: raise ValueError("The PA angles have not been set") if self.psfn is None: raise ValueError("The normalized PSF array cannot be found") if self.px_scale is None: raise ValueError("Pixel/plate scale has not been set") if self.cube.ndim == 4: if self.wavelengths is None: raise ValueError("The wavelengths vector has not been set") self.cube, yx = cube_inject_companions( self.cube, self.psfn, self.angles, flux, rad_dists, self.px_scale, n_branches, theta, imlib, interpolation, full_output=True, verbose=verbose, ) if self.injections_yx is None: self.injections_yx = [] self.injections_yx += yx if verbose: print("Coordinates of the injections stored in self.injections_yx") if full_output: return yx
[docs] def generate_copies_with_injections( self, n_copies, inrad=8, outrad=12, dist_flux=("uniform", 2, 500) ): """ Create copies of this dataset, containing different random injections. Parameters ---------- n_copies : int This is the number of 'cube copies' returned. inrad,outrad : float Inner and outer radius of the injections. The actual injection position is chosen randomly. dist_flux : tuple('method', *params) Tuple describing the flux selection. Method can be a function, the ``*params`` are passed to it. Method can also be a string, for a pre-defined random function: ``('skewnormal', skew, mean, var)`` uses scipy.stats.skewnorm.rvs ``('uniform', low, high)`` uses np.random.uniform ``('normal', loc, scale)`` uses np.random.normal Yields ------- fake_dataset : Dataset Copy of the original Dataset, with injected companions. """ for data in generate_cube_copies_with_injections( self.cube, self.psf, self.angles, self.px_scale, n_copies=n_copies, inrad=inrad, outrad=outrad, dist_flux=dist_flux, ): dsi = self.copy() dsi.cube = data["cube"] dsi.injections_yx = data["positions"] # data["dist"], data["theta"], data["flux"] are not used. yield dsi
[docs] def get_nbytes(self): """Return the total number of bytes the Dataset consumes.""" return sum( arr.nbytes for arr in [ self.cube, self.cuberef, self.angles, self.wavelengths, self.psf, self.psfn, ] if arr is not None )
[docs] def copy(self, deep=True, check_mem=True): """ Create an in-memory copy of this Dataset. This is especially useful for keeping a backup copy of the original dataset before modifying if (e.g. with injections). Parameters ---------- deep : bool, optional By default, a deep copy is created. That means every (sub)attribute is copied in memory. While this requires more memory, one can safely modify the attributes without touching the original Dataset. When ``deep=False``, a shallow copy of the Dataset is returned instead. That means all attributes (e.g. ``self.cube``) point back to the original object's attributes. Pay attention when modifying such a shallow copy! check_mem : bool, optional [deep=True] If True, verifies that the system has enough memory to store the result. Returns ------- new_dataset : Dataset (deep) copy of this Dataset. """ if deep: if check_mem and not check_enough_memory( self.get_nbytes(), 1.5, verbose=False ): raise RuntimeError("copy would require more memory than " "available.") return copy.deepcopy(self) else: return copy.copy(self)
[docs] def load_angles(self, angles, hdu=0): """Load the PA vector from a FITS file. It is possible to specify the HDU. Parameters ---------- angles : str or 1d numpy ndarray List or vector with the parallactic angles. hdu : int, optional If ``angles`` is a String, ``hdu`` indicates the HDU from the FITS file. By default the first HDU is used. """ if isinstance(angles, str): self.angles = open_fits(angles, hdu) elif isinstance(angles, (list, np.ndarray)): self.angles = angles else: msg = "`Angles` has a wrong type. Must be a list or 1d np.ndarray" raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def load_wavelengths(self, wavelengths, hdu=0): """Load the scaling factors vector from a FITS file. It is possible to specify the HDU. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : str or 1d numpy ndarray List or vector with the wavelengths. hdu : int, optional If ``wavelengths`` is a String, ``hdu`` indicates the HDU from the FITS file. By default the first HDU is used. """ if isinstance(wavelengths, str): self.wavelengths = open_fits(wavelengths, hdu) elif isinstance(wavelengths, (list, np.ndarray)): self.wavelengths = wavelengths else: msg = "`wavelengths` has a wrong type. Must be a list or np.ndarray" raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def mask_center(self, radius, fillwith=0, mode="in"): """Mask the values inside/outside a centered circular aperture. Parameters ---------- radius : int Radius of the circular aperture. fillwith : int, float or np.nan, optional Value to put instead of the masked out pixels. mode : {'in', 'out'}, optional When set to 'in' then the pixels inside the radius are set to ``fillwith``. When set to 'out' the pixels outside the circular mask are set to ``fillwith``. """ self.cube = mask_circle(self.cube, radius, fillwith, mode)
# TODO: change fit_fwhm description (include float support)
[docs] def normalize_psf( self, fit_fwhm=True, size=None, threshold=None, mask_core=None, model="gauss", imlib="vip-fft", interpolation="lanczos4", force_odd=True, verbose=True, ): """Normalize a PSF (2d or 3d array), to have the flux in a 1xFWHM aperture = 1. Also allows to crop the array and center the PSF at the center of the frame(s). Parameters ---------- fit_fwhm: bool, optional Whether to fit a ``model`` to estimate the FWHM instead of using the self.fwhm attribute. size : int or None, optional If int it will correspond to the size of the squared subimage to be cropped form the psf array. threshold : None of float, optional Sets to zero small values, trying to leave only the core of the PSF. mask_core : None of float, optional Sets the radius of a circular aperture for the core of the PSF, everything else will be set to zero. imlib : {'opencv', 'ndimage-fourier', 'ndimage-interp', 'vip-fft'}, str opt Library or method used for performing the image shift. 'ndimage-fourier', does a fourier shift operation and preserves better the pixel values (therefore the flux and photometry). Interpolation based shift ('opencv' and 'ndimage-interp') is faster than the fourier shift. 'opencv' is recommended when speed is critical. interpolation : {'bicubic', 'bilinear', 'nearneig'}, optional Only used in case of imlib is set to 'opencv' or 'ndimage-interp', where the images are shifted via interpolation. For 'ndimage-interp' library: 'nearneig', bilinear', 'bicuadratic', 'bicubic', 'biquartic', 'biquintic'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'biquintic' the slowest. The 'nearneig' is the poorer option for interpolation of noisy astronomical images. For 'opencv' library: 'nearneig', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'lanczos4'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'lanczos4' the slowest and accurate. 'lanczos4' is the default. force_odd : str, optional If True the resulting array will have odd size (and the PSF will be placed at its center). If False, and the frame size is even, then the PSF will be put at the center of an even-sized frame. verbose : bool, optional If True intermediate results are printed out. """ if self.psf is None: raise ValueError("PSF array has not been loaded") if fit_fwhm is True: fwhm = "fit" elif fit_fwhm: fwhm = fit_fwhm elif self.fwhm: fwhm = self.fwhm else: fwhm = "fit" res = normalize_psf( self.psf, fwhm, size, threshold, mask_core, model, imlib, interpolation, force_odd, True, verbose, ) self.psfn, self.aperture_flux, self.fwhm = res print("Normalized PSF array shape: {}".format(self.psfn.shape)) print("The attribute `psfn` contains the normalized PSF") print("`fwhm` attribute set to") print_precision(self.fwhm)
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """Plot the frames of a 3D or 4d cube. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict, optional Parameters passed to the function ``plot_cubes`` of the package ``HCIplot``. """ hp.plot_cubes(self.cube, **kwargs)
[docs] def recenter( self, method="2dfit", xy=None, subi_size=5, model="gauss", nproc=1, imlib="vip-fft", interpolation="lanczos4", offset=None, negative=False, threshold=False, save_shifts=False, cy_1=None, cx_1=None, upsample_factor=100, alignment_iter=5, gamma=1, min_spat_freq=0.5, max_spat_freq=3, recenter_median=False, sigfactor=6, cropsize=101, hsize=0.4, step=0.01, mask_center=None, verbose=True, debug=False, plot=True, ): """Recenter frame-to-frame. Parameters ---------- method : {'2dfit', 'dftups', 'dftupspeckles', 'satspots', 'radon'}, optional Recentering method. xy : tuple or ints or tuple of 4 tuples of ints, optional For the 2dfitting, ``xy`` are the coordinates of the center of the subimage (wrt the original frame). For the satellite spots method, it is a tuple with coordinates X,Y of the 4 satellite spots. When the spots are in an X configuration, the order is the following: top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right. When the spots are in an + (cross-like) configuration, the order is the following: top, right, left, bottom. subi_size : int, optional Size of the square subimage sides in pixels. model : str, optional [method=2dfit] Sets the type of fit to be used. 'gauss' for a 2d Gaussian fit and 'moff' for a 2d Moffat fit. nproc : int or None, optional Number of processes (>1) for parallel computing. If 1 then it runs in serial. If None the number of processes will be set to (cpu_count()/2). imlib : {'opencv', 'ndimage-fourier', 'ndimage-interp', 'vip-fft'}, str opt Library or method used for performing the image shift. 'ndimage-fourier', does a fourier shift operation and preserves better the pixel values (therefore the flux and photometry). Interpolation based shift ('opencv' and 'ndimage-interp') is faster than the fourier shift. 'opencv' is recommended when speed is critical. interpolation : {'bicubic', 'bilinear', 'nearneig'}, optional Only used in case of imlib is set to 'opencv' or 'ndimage-interp', where the images are shifted via interpolation. For 'ndimage-interp' library: 'nearneig', bilinear', 'bicuadratic', 'bicubic', 'biquartic', 'biquintic'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'biquintic' the slowest. The 'nearneig' is the poorer option for interpolation of noisy astronomical images. For 'opencv' library: 'nearneig', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'lanczos4'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'lanczos4' the slowest and accurate. 'lanczos4' is the default. offset : tuple of floats, optional [method=2dfit] If None the region of the frames used for the 2d Gaussian/Moffat fit is shifted to the center of the images (2d arrays). If a tuple is given it serves as the offset of the fitted area wrt the center of the 2d arrays. negative : bool, optional [method=2dfit/dftups/dftupspeckles] If True a negative 2d Gaussian/Moffat fit is performed. threshold : bool, optional [method=2dfit] If True the background pixels (estimated using sigma clipped statistics) will be replaced by small random Gaussian noise. save_shifts : bool, optional [method=2dfit/dftups] Whether to save the shifts to a file in disk. cy_1, cx_1 : int, optional [method=dftups] Coordinates of the center of the subimage for fitting a 2d Gaussian and centroiding the 1st frame. upsample_factor : int, optional [method=dftups] Upsampling factor (default 100). Images will be registered to within 1/upsample_factor of a pixel. alignment_iter : int, optional [method=dftupspeckles] Number of alignment iterations (recomputes median after each iteration). gamma : int, optional [method=dftupspeckles] Applies a gamma correction to emphasize speckles (useful for faint stars). min_spat_freq : float, optional [method=dftupspeckles] Spatial frequency for high pass filter. max_spat_freq : float, optional [method=dftupspeckles] Spatial frequency for low pass filter. recenter_median : bool, optional [method=dftupspeckles] Recenter the frames at each iteration based on the gaussian fit. sigfactor : int, optional [method=satspots] The background pixels will be thresholded before fitting a 2d Gaussian to the data using sigma clipped statistics. All values smaller than (MEDIAN + sigfactor*STDDEV) will be replaced by small random Gaussian noise. cropsize : odd int, optional [method=radon] Size in pixels of the cropped central area of the input array that will be used. It should be large enough to contain the satellite spots. hsize : float, optional [method=radon] Size of the box for the grid search. The frame is shifted to each direction from the center in a hsize length with a given step. step : float, optional [method=radon] The step of the coordinates change. mask_center : None or int, optional [method=radon] If None the central area of the frame is kept. If int a centered zero mask will be applied to the frame. By default the center isn't masked. verbose : bool, optional Whether to print to stdout the timing and aditional info. debug : bool, optional If True debug information is printed and plotted. plot : bool, optional Whether to plot the shifts. """ if method == "2dfit": if self.fwhm is None: raise ValueError("FWHM has not been set") self.cube = cube_recenter_2dfit( self.cube, xy, self.fwhm, subi_size, model, nproc, imlib, interpolation, offset, negative, threshold, save_shifts, False, verbose, debug, plot, ) elif method == "dftups": if self.fwhm is None: raise ValueError("FWHM has not been set") self.cube = cube_recenter_dft_upsampling( self.cube, cy_1, cx_1, negative, self.fwhm, subi_size, upsample_factor, imlib, interpolation, False, verbose, save_shifts, debug, plot, ) elif method == "dftupspeckles": if self.fwhm is None: raise ValueError("FWHM has not been set") res = cube_recenter_via_speckles( self.cube, self.cuberef, alignment_iter, gamma, min_spat_freq, max_spat_freq, self.fwhm, debug, negative, recenter_median, subi_size, imlib, interpolation, plot, ) if self.cuberef is None: self.cube = res[0] else: self.cube = res[0] self.cuberef = res[1] elif method == "satspots": self.cube, _, _ = cube_recenter_satspots( self.cube, xy, subi_size, sigfactor, plot, debug, verbose ) elif method == "radon": self.cube = cube_recenter_radon( self.cube, full_output=False, verbose=verbose, imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation, cropsize=cropsize, hsize=hsize, step=step, mask_center=mask_center, nproc=nproc, debug=debug, ) else: raise ValueError("Method not recognized")
[docs] def remove_badframes( self, method="corr", frame_ref=None, crop_size=30, dist="pearson", percentile=20, stat_region="annulus", inner_radius=10, width=10, top_sigma=1.0, low_sigma=1.0, window=None, roundlo=-0.2, roundhi=0.2, lambda_ref=0, plot=True, verbose=True, ): """ Find outlying/bad frames and slice the cube accordingly. Besides modifying ``self.cube`` and ``self.angles``, also sets a ``self.good_indices`` which contain the indices of the angles which were kept. Parameters ---------- method : {'corr', 'pxstats', 'ellip'}, optional Method which is used to determine bad frames. Refer to the ``preproc.badframes`` submodule for explanation of the different methods. frame_ref : int, 2d array or None, optional [method=corr] Index of the frame that will be used as a reference or 2d reference array. crop_size : int, optional [method=corr] Size in pixels of the square subframe to be analyzed. dist : {'sad','euclidean','mse','pearson','spearman'}, optional [method=corr] One of the similarity or dissimilarity measures from function vip_hci.stats.distances.cube_distance(). percentile : float, optional [method=corr] The percentage of frames that will be discarded [0..100]. stat_region : {'annulus', 'circle'}, optional [method=pxstats] Whether to take the statistics from a circle or an annulus. inner_radius : int, optional [method=pxstats] If stat_region is 'annulus' then 'in_radius' is the inner radius of the annular region. If stat_region is 'circle' then 'in_radius' is the radius of the aperture. width : int, optional [method=pxstats] Size of the annulus. Ignored if mode is 'circle'. top_sigma : int, optional [method=pxstats] Top boundary for rejection. low_sigma : int, optional [method=pxstats] Lower boundary for rejection. window : int, optional [method=pxstats] Window for smoothing the median and getting the rejection statistic. roundlo,roundhi : float, optional [method=ellip] : Lower and higher bounds for the ellipticipy. lambda_ref : int, optional [4D cube] Which wavelength to consider when determining bad frames on a 4D cube. plot : bool, optional If true it plots the mean fluctuation as a function of the frames and the boundaries. verbose : bool, optional Show debug output. """ if self.cube.ndim == 4: tcube = self.cube[lambda_ref] else: tcube = self.cube if method == "corr": if frame_ref is None: print("Correlation method selected but `frame_ref` is missing") print("Setting the 1st frame as the reference") frame_ref = 0 self.good_indices, _ = cube_detect_badfr_correlation( tcube, frame_ref, crop_size, dist, percentile, plot, verbose ) elif method == "pxstats": self.good_indices, _ = cube_detect_badfr_pxstats( tcube, stat_region, inner_radius, width, top_sigma, low_sigma, window, plot, verbose, ) elif method == "ellip": if self.cube.ndim == 4: fwhm = self.fwhm[lambda_ref] else: fwhm = self.fwhm self.good_indices, _ = cube_detect_badfr_ellipticity( tcube, fwhm, crop_size, roundlo, roundhi, plot, verbose ) else: raise ValueError("Bad frames detection method not recognized") if self.cube.ndim == 4: self.cube = self.cube[:, self.good_indices] else: self.cube = self.cube[self.good_indices] if verbose: print("New cube shape: {}".format(self.cube.shape)) if self.angles is not None: self.angles = self.angles[self.good_indices] if verbose: msg = "New parallactic angles vector shape: {}" print(msg.format(self.angles.shape))
[docs] def rescale(self, scale, imlib="ndimage", interpolation="bicubic", verbose=True): """Resample the pixels (upscaling or downscaling the frames). Parameters ---------- scale : int, float or tuple Scale factor for upsampling or downsampling the frames in the cube. If a tuple it corresponds to the scale along x and y. imlib : {'ndimage', 'opencv', 'vip-fft'}, str optional Library used for image transformations. ndimage is the default. interpolation : str, optional For 'ndimage' library: 'nearneig', bilinear', 'bicuadratic', 'bicubic', 'biquartic', 'biquintic'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'biquintic' the slowest. The 'nearneig' is the worst option for interpolation of noisy astronomical images. For 'opencv' library: 'nearneig', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'lanczos4'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'lanczos4' the slowest and accurate. verbose : bool, optional Whether to print out additional info such as the new cube shape. """ self.cube = cube_px_resampling(self.cube, scale, imlib, interpolation, verbose)
[docs] def subsample(self, window, mode="mean"): """Sumb-sample temporally the sequence (3d or 4d cube). Parameters ---------- window : int Window for mean/median. mode : {'mean', 'median'}, optional Switch for choosing mean or median. """ if self.angles is not None: self.cube, self.angles = cube_subsample( self.cube, window, mode, self.angles ) else: self.cube = cube_subsample(self.cube, window, mode)