Source code for vip_hci.preproc.parangles

#! /usr/bin/env python
Module with frame parallactic angles calculations and de-rotation routines for

.. [MEE98]
   | J. Meeus 1998
   | **Astronomical Algorithms**
   | *Book*
   | `


__author__ = "V. Christiaens @ UChile/ULg, Carlos Alberto Gomez Gonzalez"
__all__ = [

import math
import numpy as np
import os
from ..fits import open_fits
from astropy.coordinates import FK5
from astropy.coordinates import sky_coordinate
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.units import hourangle, degree

[docs] def compute_paral_angles( header, latitude, ra_key, dec_key, lst_key, acqtime_key, date_key="DATE-OBS" ): """Calculates the parallactic angle for a frame, taking coordinates and local sidereal time from fits-headers (frames taken in an alt-az telescope with the image rotator off). The coordinates in the header are assumed to be J2000 FK5 coordinates. The spherical trigonometry formula for calculating the parallactic angle is taken from [MEE98]_. Parameters ---------- header : dictionary Header of current frame. latitude : float Latitude of the observatory in degrees. The dictionaries in ``vip_hci.conf.param`` can be used like: latitude=LBT['latitude']. ra_key, dec_key, lst_key, acqtime_key, date_key : strings Keywords where the values are stored in the header. Returns ------- pa.value : float Parallactic angle in degrees for current header (frame). """ obs_epoch = Time(header[date_key], format="iso", scale="utc") # equatorial coordinates in J2000 ra = header[ra_key] dec = header[dec_key] coor = sky_coordinate.SkyCoord( ra=ra, dec=dec, unit=(hourangle, degree), frame=FK5, equinox="J2000.0" ) # recalculate for DATE-OBS (precession) coor_curr = coor.transform_to(FK5(equinox=obs_epoch)) # new ra and dec in radians ra_curr = coor_curr.ra dec_curr = coor_curr.dec lst_split = header[lst_key].split(":") lst = float(lst_split[0]) + float(lst_split[1]) / 60 + float(lst_split[2]) / 3600 exp_delay = (header[acqtime_key] * 0.5) / 3600 # solar to sidereal time exp_delay = exp_delay * 1.0027 # hour angle in degrees hour_angle = (lst + exp_delay) * 15 - ra_curr.deg hour_angle = np.deg2rad(hour_angle) latitude = np.deg2rad(latitude) # PA formula from Astronomical Algorithms pa = -np.rad2deg( np.arctan2( -np.sin(hour_angle), np.cos(dec_curr) * np.tan(latitude) - np.sin(dec_curr) * np.cos(hour_angle), ) ) # if dec_curr.value > latitude: pa = (pa.value + 360) % 360 return pa.value
[docs] def compute_derot_angles_pa( objname_tmp_A, digit_format=3, objname_tmp_B="", inpath="./", writing=False, outpath="./", list_obj=None, PosAng_st_key="HIERARCH ESO ADA POSANG", PosAng_nd_key="HIERARCH ESO ADA POSANG END", verbose=False, ): """ Function that returns a numpy vector of angles to derotate datacubes so as to match North up, East left, based on the mean of the Position Angle at the beginning and the end of the exposure. => It is twice more precise than function derot_angles_CD (there can be >1deg difference in the resulting angle vector returned for fast rotators with long exposures!), but it requires: 1. a header keyword for both the position angle at start and end of exposure 2. no skewness of the frames The output is in appropriate format for the pca algorithm in the sense that: 1. all angles of the output are in degrees 2. all angles of the ouput are positive 3. there is no jump of more than 180 deg between consecutive values (e.g. no jump like [350deg,355deg,0deg,5deg] => replaced by [350deg,355deg,360deg,365deg]) Parameters ---------- objname_tmp_A: string Contains the common name of the cubes BEFORE the digits digit_format: int, optional Number of digits in the name of the cube. The digits are supposed to be the only changing part in the name of one cube to another. objname_tmp_B: string, optional Contains the name of the cubes AFTER the digits inpath: string, optional Contains the full path of the directory with the data writing: bool, optional True if you want to write the derotation angles in a txt file. outpath: string, optional Contains the full path of the directory where you want the txt file to be saved. list_obj: integer list or 1-D array, optional List of the digits corresponding to the cubes to be considered. If not provided, the function will consider automatically all the cubes with objname_tmp_A+digit+objname_tmp_B+'.fits' name structure in the provided "inpath". PosAng_st_key, PosAng_nd_key: strings, optional Name of the keywords to be looked up in the header, to provide the PA from North at start and end of integration. verbose: bool, optional True if you want more info to be printed. Examples -------- If your cubes are: ``/home/foo/out_cube_obj_HK_025_000_sorted.fits``, ``/home/foo/out_cube_obj_HK_025_001_sorted.fits``, ``/home/foo/out_cube_obj_HK_025_002_sorted.fits``, etc, the arguments should be: .. code-block:: python objname_tmp_A = 'out_cube_obj_HK_025_' digit_format = 3 objname_tmp_B = '_sorted' inpath = '/home/foo/' Returns ------- angle_list: 1-D numpy ndarray vector of angles corresponding to the angular difference between the positive y axis and the North in the image. sign convention: positive angles in anti-clockwise direction. Opposite values are applied when rotating the image to match North up. """ posang_st = [] posang_nd = [] def _fitsfile(ii): return "{}{}{:0{}d}{}.fits".format( inpath, objname_tmp_A, ii, digit_format, objname_tmp_B ) if list_obj is None: list_obj = [] for ii in range(10**digit_format): if os.path.exists(_fitsfile(ii)): list_obj.append(ii) _, header = open_fits(_fitsfile(ii), verbose=False, header=True) posang_st.append(header[PosAng_st_key]) posang_nd.append(header[PosAng_nd_key]) else: for ii in list_obj: _, header = open_fits(_fitsfile(ii), verbose=False, header=True) posang_st.append(header[PosAng_st_key]) posang_nd.append(header[PosAng_nd_key]) # Write the vector containing parallactic angles rot = np.zeros(len(list_obj)) for ii in range(len(list_obj)): rot[ii] = -(posang_st[ii] + posang_nd[ii]) / 2 # Check and correct to output at the right format rot = check_pa_vector(rot, "deg") if verbose: print("This is the list of angles to be applied: ") for ii in range(len(list_obj)): print(ii, " -> ", rot[ii]) if writing: if outpath == "" or outpath is None: outpath = inpath f = open(outpath + "Parallactic_angles.txt", "w") for ii in range(len(list_obj)): print(rot[ii], file=f) f.close() return rot
[docs] def compute_derot_angles_cd( objname_tmp_A, digit_format=3, objname_tmp_B="", inpath="./", skew=False, writing=False, outpath="./", list_obj=None, cd11_key="CD1_1", cd12_key="CD1_2", cd21_key="CD2_1", cd22_key="CD2_2", verbose=False, ): """ Function that returns a numpy vector of angles to derotate datacubes so as to match North up, East left, based on the CD matrix information contained in the header. In case the PosAng keyword is present in the header and there is no skewness between x and y axes, favor the use of function compute_derot_angles_PA (more precise as it averages for the middle of the exposure). The output is in appropriate format for the pca algorithm in the sense that: 1. all angles of the output are in degrees 2. all angles of the ouput are positive 3. there is no jump of more than 180 deg between consecutive values (e.g. no jump like [350deg,355deg,0deg,5deg] => replaced by [350deg,355deg,360deg,365deg]) Parameters ---------- objname_tmp_A: string Contains the common name of the cubes BEFORE the digits digit_format: int, optional Number of digits in the name of the cube. The digits are supposed to be the only changing part in the name of one cube to another. objname_tmp_B: string, optional Contains the name of the cubes AFTER the digits inpath: string, optional Contains the full path of the directory with the data skew: bool, optional True if you know there is a different rotation between y- and x- axes. The code also detects automatically if there is >1deg skew between y and x axes. In case of skewing, 2 vectors of derotation angles are returned: one for x and one for y, instead of only one vector. writing: bool, optional True if you want to write the derotation angles in a txt file. outpath: string, opt Contains the full path of the directory where you want the txt file to be saved. list_obj: integer list or 1-D array or None, optional List of the digits corresponding to the cubes to be considered. If not provided, the function will consider automatically all the cubes with objname_tmp_A+digit+objname_tmp_B+'.fits' name structure in the provided "inpath". cd11_key,cd12_key,cd21_key,cd22_key: strings, optional Name of the keywords to be looked up in the header, to provide the: - partial of first axis coordinate w.r.t. x (cd11_key) - partial of first axis coordinate w.r.t. y (cd12_key) - partial of second axis coordinate w.r.t. x (cd21_key) - partial of second axis coordinate w.r.t. y (cd22_key) Default values are the ones in the headers of ESO or HST fits files. For more information, go to: verbose: bool, optional True if you want more info to be printed. Examples -------- If your cubes are: ``/home/foo/out_cube_obj_HK_025_000_sorted.fits``, ``/home/foo/out_cube_obj_HK_025_001_sorted.fits``, ``/home/foo/out_cube_obj_HK_025_002_sorted.fits``, etc, the arguments should be: .. code:: python objname_tmp_A = 'out_cube_obj_HK_025_' digit_format = 3 objname_tmp_B = '_sorted' inpath = '/home/foo/' Returns ------- angle_list: 1-D numpy ndarray vector of angles corresponding to the angular difference between the positive y axis and the North in the image. sign convention: positive angles in anti-clockwise direction. Opposite values are applied when rotating the image to match North up. **Note:** if skew is set to True, there are 2 angle_list vectors returned; the first to rotate the x-axis and the second for the y-axis. """ cd1_1 = [] cd1_2 = [] cd2_1 = [] cd2_2 = [] def _fitsfile(ii): return "{}{}{:0{}d}{}.fits".format( inpath, objname_tmp_A, ii, digit_format, objname_tmp_B ) if list_obj is None: list_obj = [] for ii in range(10**digit_format): if os.path.exists(_fitsfile(ii)): list_obj.append(ii) _, header = open_fits(_fitsfile(ii), verbose=False, header=True) cd1_1.append(header[cd11_key]) cd1_2.append(header[cd12_key]) cd2_1.append(header[cd21_key]) cd2_2.append(header[cd22_key]) else: for ii in list_obj: _, header = open_fits(_fitsfile(ii), verbose=False, header=True) cd1_1.append(header[cd11_key]) cd1_2.append(header[cd12_key]) cd2_1.append(header[cd21_key]) cd2_2.append(header[cd22_key]) # Determine if it's a right- or left-handed coord system from first cube det = cd1_1[0] * cd2_2[0] - cd1_2[0] * cd2_1[0] if det < 0: sgn = -1 else: sgn = 1 # Write the vector containing parallactic angles rot = np.zeros(len(list_obj)) rot2 = np.zeros(len(list_obj)) for ii in range(len(cd1_1)): if cd2_1[ii] == 0 and cd1_2[ii] == 0: rot[ii] = 0 rot2[ii] = 0 else: rot[ii] = -np.arctan2(sgn * cd1_2[ii], sgn * cd1_1[ii]) rot2[ii] = -np.arctan2(-cd2_1[ii], cd2_2[ii]) if rot2[ii] < 0: rot2[ii] = 2 * math.pi + rot2[ii] if np.floor(rot[ii]) != np.floor(rot2[ii]): msg = "There is more than 1deg skewness between y and x! " msg2 = "Please re-run the function with argument skew=True" raise ValueError(msg + msg2) # Check and correct to output at the right format rot = check_pa_vector(rot, "rad") if skew: rot2 = check_pa_vector(rot2, "rad") if verbose: print("This is the list of angles to be applied: ") for ii in range(len(cd1_1)): print(ii, " -> ", rot[ii]) if skew: print("rot2: ", ii, " -> ", rot2[ii]) if writing: if outpath == "" or outpath is None: outpath = inpath f = open(outpath + "Parallactic_angles.txt", "w") if skew: for ii in range(len(cd1_1)): print(rot[ii], rot2[ii], file=f) else: for ii in range(len(cd1_1)): print(rot[ii], file=f) f.close() if skew: return rot, rot2 else: return rot
[docs] def check_pa_vector(angle_list, unit="deg"): """Check if the angle list has the right format to avoid any bug in the\ psfsub algorithms. The right format complies to 3 criteria: 1. angles are expressed in degree 2. the angles are positive 3. there is no jump of more than 180 deg between consecutive values (e.g. no jump like [350deg,355deg,0deg,5deg] => replaced by [350deg,355deg,360deg,365deg]) Parameters ---------- angle_list: 1D-numpy ndarray Vector containing the derotation angles unit: string, {'deg','rad'}, optional The unit type of the input angle list Returns ------- angle_list: 1-D numpy ndarray Vector containing the derotation angles (after correction to comply with the 3 criteria, if needed) """ angle_list = angle_list.copy() if unit != "rad" and unit != "deg": raise ValueError("The input unit should either be 'deg' or 'rad'") npa = angle_list.shape[0] for ii in range(npa): if unit == "rad": angle_list[ii] = np.rad2deg(angle_list[ii]) if angle_list[ii] < 0: angle_list[ii] = 360 + angle_list[ii] correct = False # sorted_rot = np.sort(angle_list) # Check if there is a jump > 180deg within the angle list for ii in range(npa - 1): # if abs(sorted_rot[ii+1]-sorted_rot[ii]) > 180: if abs(angle_list[ii + 1] - angle_list[ii]) > 180: correct = True break # In the previous case, correct for it by adding 360deg to angles < 180deg if correct: for ii in range(npa): if angle_list[ii] < 180: angle_list[ii] = 360 + angle_list[ii] return angle_list