Source code for vip_hci.preproc.recentering

#! /usr/bin/env python
Module containing functions for cubes frame registration.

.. [GUI08]
   | Guizar-Sicairos et al. 2008
   | **Efficient subpixel image registration algorithms**
   | *Optics Letters, Volume 33, Issue 2, p. 156*
   | `

.. [PUE15]
   | Pueyo et al. 2015
   | **Reconnaissance of the HR 8799 Exosolar System. II. Astrometry and Orbital
   | *The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 803, Issue 1, p. 31*
   | `


__author__ = 'C. A. Gomez Gonzalez, V. Christiaens, G. Ruane, R. Farkas'
__all__ = ['frame_shift',

import warnings

import numpy as np

    import cv2
    no_opencv = False
except ImportError:
    msg = "Opencv python bindings are missing."
    warnings.warn(msg, ImportWarning)
    no_opencv = True

from hciplot import plot_frames
from scipy.ndimage import fourier_shift
from scipy.ndimage import shift
from skimage.transform import radon
from skimage.registration import phase_cross_correlation
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from ..config import time_ini, timing, Progressbar
from ..config.utils_conf import vip_figsize, check_array
from ..config.utils_conf import pool_map, iterable
from ..stats import frame_basic_stats
from ..var import (get_square, frame_center, get_annulus_segments,
                   fit_2dmoffat, fit_2dgaussian, fit_2dairydisk,
                   fit_2d2gaussian, cube_filter_lowpass, cube_filter_highpass,
                   frame_filter_highpass, frame_filter_lowpass)
from .cosmetics import cube_crop_frames, frame_crop
from .subsampling import cube_collapse

[docs] def frame_shift(array, shift_y, shift_x, imlib='vip-fft', interpolation='lanczos4', border_mode='reflect'): """Shift a 2D array by shift_y, shift_x. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input 2d array. shift_y, shift_x: float Shifts in y and x directions. imlib : {'opencv', 'ndimage-fourier', 'ndimage-interp', 'vip-fft'}, str opt Library or method used for performing the image shift. 'ndimage-fourier' or 'vip-fft': does a fourier shift operation and preserves better the pixel values - therefore the flux and photometry (wrapper of scipy.ndimage.fourier_shift). Interpolation-based shift ('opencv' and 'ndimage-interp') is faster but less accurate than the fourier shift. 'opencv' is recommended when speed is critical. interpolation : str, optional Only used in case of imlib is set to 'opencv' or 'ndimage-interp' (Scipy.ndimage), where the images are shifted via interpolation. For Scipy.ndimage the options are: 'nearneig', bilinear', 'biquadratic', 'bicubic', 'biquartic' or 'biquintic'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'biquintic' the slowest. The 'nearneig' is the poorer option for interpolation of noisy astronomical images. For Opencv the options are: 'nearneig', 'bilinear', 'bicubic' or 'lanczos4'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'lanczos4' the slowest and accurate. 'lanczos4' is the default for Opencv and 'biquartic' for Scipy.ndimage. border_mode : {'reflect', 'nearest', 'constant', 'mirror', 'wrap'} For 'opencv' and 'ndimage-interp', points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according to the value of this parameter. With 'reflect', the input is extended by reflecting about the edge of the last pixel. With 'nearest', the input is extended by replicating the last pixel. With 'constant', the input is extended by filling all values beyond the edge with zeros. With 'mirror', the input is extended by reflecting about the center of the last pixel. With 'wrap', the input is extended by wrapping around to the opposite edge. Default is 'reflect'. Note: for 'ndimage-fourier' default is 'wrap' (impossible to change), while border_mode is 'constant' (zeros) for 'vip-fft'. Returns ------- array_shifted : numpy ndarray Shifted 2d array. """ check_array(array, dim=2) image = array.copy() if imlib == 'ndimage-fourier': # Warning: default border mode is 'wrap' (cannot be changed) shift_val = (shift_y, shift_x) array_shifted = fourier_shift(np.fft.fftn(image), shift_val) array_shifted = np.fft.ifftn(array_shifted) array_shifted = array_shifted.real elif imlib == 'vip-fft': ny_ori, nx_ori = image.shape # First pad to avoid 'wrapping' values at the edges npad = int(np.ceil(np.amax(np.abs([shift_y, shift_x])))) cy_ori, cx_ori = frame_center(array) new_y = int(ny_ori+2*npad) new_x = int(nx_ori+2*npad) new_image = np.zeros([new_y, new_x], dtype=array.dtype) cy, cx = frame_center(new_image) y0 = int(cy-cy_ori) y1 = int(cy+cy_ori) if new_y % 2: y1 += 1 x0 = int(cx-cx_ori) x1 = int(cx+cx_ori) if new_x % 2: x1 += 1 new_image[y0:y1, x0:x1] = array.copy() p_y0 = npad p_x0 = npad npix = new_y # If non-square, add extra pad to make it square if new_y != new_x: if new_y > new_x: npix = new_y image = np.zeros([npix, npix]) x0 = int(cy-cx) x1 = x0+new_x image[:, x0:x1] = new_image.copy() p_x0 += x0 else: npix = new_x image = np.zeros([npix, npix]) y0 = int(cx-cy) y1 = y0+new_y image[y0:y1] = new_image.copy() p_y0 += y0 new_image = image.copy() # If odd, add an extra pad layer to make it even if npix % 2: npix += 1 image = np.zeros([npix, npix]) if shift_x > 0: x0 = 0 else: x0 = 1 p_x0 += 1 if shift_y > 0: y0 = 0 else: y0 = 1 p_y0 += 1 image[y0:y0+npix-1, x0:x0+npix-1] = new_image.copy() new_image = image.copy() # actual FT-based shift ramp = np.outer(np.ones(npix), np.arange(npix) - npix/2) tilt = (-2*np.pi / npix) * (shift_x*ramp + shift_y*ramp.T) fact = np.fft.fftshift(np.cos(tilt) + 1j*np.sin(tilt)) image_ft = np.fft.fft2(new_image) # no np.fft.fftshift applied! array_shifted = np.fft.ifft2(image_ft * fact).real # final crop to compensate padding array_shifted = array_shifted[p_y0:p_y0+ny_ori, p_x0:p_x0+nx_ori] elif imlib == 'ndimage-interp': if interpolation == 'nearneig': order = 0 elif interpolation == 'bilinear': order = 1 elif interpolation == 'biquadratic': order = 2 elif interpolation == 'bicubic': order = 3 elif interpolation == 'biquartic' or interpolation == 'lanczos4': order = 4 elif interpolation == 'biquintic': order = 5 else: raise ValueError('Scipy.ndimage interpolation method not ' 'recognized') if border_mode not in ['reflect', 'nearest', 'constant', 'mirror', 'wrap']: raise ValueError('`border_mode` not recognized') array_shifted = shift(image, (shift_y, shift_x), order=order, mode=border_mode) elif imlib == 'opencv': if no_opencv: msg = 'Opencv python bindings cannot be imported. Install opencv or' msg += ' set imlib to ndimage-fourier or ndimage-interp' raise RuntimeError(msg) if interpolation == 'bilinear': intp = cv2.INTER_LINEAR elif interpolation == 'bicubic': intp = cv2.INTER_CUBIC elif interpolation == 'nearneig': intp = cv2.INTER_NEAREST elif interpolation == 'lanczos4': intp = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4 else: raise ValueError('Opencv interpolation method not recognized') if border_mode == 'mirror': bormo = cv2.BORDER_REFLECT_101 # gfedcb|abcdefgh|gfedcba elif border_mode == 'reflect': bormo = cv2.BORDER_REFLECT # fedcba|abcdefgh|hgfedcb elif border_mode == 'wrap': bormo = cv2.BORDER_WRAP # cdefgh|abcdefgh|abcdefg elif border_mode == 'constant': bormo = cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT # iiiiii|abcdefgh|iiiiiii elif border_mode == 'nearest': bormo = cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE # aaaaaa|abcdefgh|hhhhhhh else: raise ValueError('`border_mode` not recognized') image = np.float32(image) y, x = image.shape M = np.float32([[1, 0, shift_x], [0, 1, shift_y]]) array_shifted = cv2.warpAffine(image, M, (x, y), flags=intp, borderMode=bormo) else: raise ValueError('Image transformation library not recognized') return array_shifted
[docs] def cube_shift(cube, shift_y, shift_x, imlib='vip-fft', interpolation='lanczos4', border_mode='reflect', nproc=None): """Shift the X-Y coordinates of a cube or 3D array by x and y values. Parameters ---------- cube : numpy ndarray, 3d Input cube. shift_y, shift_x: float, list of floats or np.ndarray of floats Shifts in y and x directions for each frame. If the a single value is given then all the frames will be shifted by the same amount. imlib : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_shift`` function. interpolation : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_shift`` function. border_mode : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_shift`` function. nproc: int or None, optional Number of CPUs to use for multiprocessing. If None, will be automatically set to half the number of available CPUs. Returns ------- cube_out : numpy ndarray, 3d Cube with shifted frames. """ check_array(cube, dim=3) nfr = cube.shape[0] if np.isscalar(shift_x): shift_x = np.ones([nfr]) * shift_x if np.isscalar(shift_y): shift_y = np.ones([nfr]) * shift_y if nproc is None: nproc = cpu_count()//2 if nproc == 1: cube_out = np.zeros_like(cube) for i in range(cube.shape[0]): cube_out[i] = frame_shift(cube[i], shift_y[i], shift_x[i], imlib, interpolation, border_mode) elif nproc > 1: res = pool_map(nproc, frame_shift, iterable(cube), iterable(shift_y), iterable(shift_x), imlib, interpolation, border_mode) cube_out = np.array(res) return cube_out
[docs] def frame_center_satspots(array, xy, subi_size=19, sigfactor=6, shift=False, imlib='vip-fft', interpolation='lanczos4', fit_type='moff', filter_freq=(0, 0), border_mode='reflect', debug=False, verbose=True): """Find the center of a frame with satellite spots (relevant e.g. for\ VLT/SPHERE data). The method used to determine the center is by centroiding the 4 spots via a 2D Gaussian fit and finding the intersection of the lines they create (see Notes). This method is very sensitive to the SNR of the satellite spots, therefore thresholding of the background pixels is performed. If the results are too extreme, the debug parameter will allow to see in depth what is going on with the fit (you may have to adjust the `sigfactor` for the background pixels thresholding). Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray, 2d Image or frame. xy : tuple of 4 tuples of 2 elements Tuple with coordinates X,Y of the 4 satellite spots. When the spots are in an X configuration, the order is the following: top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right. When the spots are in an + (cross-like) configuration, the order is the following: top, right, left, bottom. subi_size : int, optional Size of subimage where the fitting is done. sigfactor : int, optional The background pixels will be thresholded before fitting a 2d Gaussian to the data using sigma clipped statistics. All values smaller than (MEDIAN + sigfactor*STDDEV) will be replaced by small random Gaussian noise. shift : bool, optional If True the image is shifted. imlib : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_shift`` function. interpolation : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_shift`` function. fit_type: str, optional {'gaus','moff'} Type of 2d fit to infer the centroid of the satellite spots. filter_freq: tuple of 2 floats, optional If the first (resp. second) element of the tuple is larger than 0, a high-pass (resp. low-pass) filter is applied to the image, before fitting the satellite spots. The elements should correspond to the fwhm_size of the frame_filter_highpass and frame_filter_lowpass functions, respectively. If both elements are non-zero, both high-pass and low-pass filter of the image are applied, in that order. This can be useful to better isolate the signal from the satellite spots. border_mode : {'reflect', 'nearest', 'constant', 'mirror', 'wrap'} Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled accordingly. With 'reflect', the input is extended by reflecting about the edge of the last pixel. With 'nearest', the input is extended by replicating the last pixel. With 'constant', the input is extended by filling all values beyond the edge with zeros. With 'mirror', the input is extended by reflecting about the center of the last pixel. With 'wrap', the input is extended by wrapping around to the opposite edge. Default is 'reflect'. debug : bool, optional If True debug information is printed and plotted. verbose : bool, optional If True the intersection and shifts information is printed out. Returns ------- array_rec : 2d numpy array Shifted images. *Only returned if ``shift=True``.* shifty, shiftx : floats Shift Y,X to get to the true center. ceny, cenx : floats Center Y,X coordinates of the true center. *Only returned if ``shift=True``.* Note ---- We are solving a linear system: .. code-block:: python A1 * x + B1 * y = C1 A2 * x + B2 * y = C2 Cramer's rule - solution can be found in determinants: .. code-block:: python x = Dx/D y = Dy/D where D is main determinant of the system: .. code-block:: python A1 B1 A2 B2 and Dx and Dy can be found from matrices: .. code-block:: python C1 B1 C2 B2 and .. code-block:: python A1 C1 A2 C2 C column consequently substitutes the coef. columns of x and y L stores our coefs A, B, C of the line equations. .. code-block:: python For D: L1[0] L1[1] for Dx: L1[2] L1[1] for Dy: L1[0] L1[2] L2[0] L2[1] L2[2] L2[1] L2[0] L2[2] """ def line(p1, p2): """Calculate coefs A, B, C of line equation by 2 points.""" A = (p1[1] - p2[1]) B = (p2[0] - p1[0]) C = (p1[0] * p2[1] - p2[0] * p1[1]) return A, B, -C def intersection(L1, L2): """Find intersection point (if any) of 2 lines provided by coefs.""" D = L1[0] * L2[1] - L1[1] * L2[0] Dx = L1[2] * L2[1] - L1[1] * L2[2] Dy = L1[0] * L2[2] - L1[2] * L2[0] if D != 0: x = Dx / D y = Dy / D return x, y else: return None # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- check_array(array, dim=2) if fit_type not in ['gaus', 'moff']: raise TypeError('fit_type is not recognized') if not isinstance(xy, (tuple, list)) or len(xy) != 4: raise TypeError('Input waffle spot coordinates in wrong format (must ' 'be a tuple of 4 tuples') cy, cx = frame_center(array) centx = [] centy = [] subims = [] if filter_freq[0] > 0: array = frame_filter_highpass(array, mode='gauss-subt', fwhm_size=filter_freq[0]) if filter_freq[1] > 0: array = frame_filter_lowpass(array, fwhm_size=filter_freq[1]) for i in range(len(xy)): sim, y, x = get_square(array, subi_size, xy[i][1], xy[i][0], position=True, verbose=False) if fit_type == 'gaus': cent2dgy, cent2dgx = fit_2dgaussian(sim, crop=False, threshold=True, sigfactor=sigfactor, debug=debug, full_output=False) else: cent2dgy, cent2dgx = fit_2dmoffat(sim, crop=False, threshold=True, sigfactor=sigfactor, debug=debug, full_output=False) centx.append(cent2dgx + x) centy.append(cent2dgy + y) subims.append(sim) cent2dgx_1, cent2dgx_2, cent2dgx_3, cent2dgx_4 = centx cent2dgy_1, cent2dgy_2, cent2dgy_3, cent2dgy_4 = centy si1, si2, si3, si4 = subims if debug: plot_frames((si1, si2, si3, si4), colorbar=True) print('Centroids X,Y:') print(cent2dgx_1, cent2dgy_1) print(cent2dgx_2, cent2dgy_2) print(cent2dgx_3, cent2dgy_3) print(cent2dgx_4, cent2dgy_4) L1 = line([cent2dgx_1, cent2dgy_1], [cent2dgx_4, cent2dgy_4]) L2 = line([cent2dgx_2, cent2dgy_2], [cent2dgx_3, cent2dgy_3]) R = intersection(L1, L2) msgerr = "Check that the order of the tuples in `xy` is correct and" msgerr += " the satellite spots have good S/N" if R is not None: shiftx = cx - R[0] shifty = cy - R[1] if np.abs(shiftx) < cx * 2 and np.abs(shifty) < cy * 2: if debug or verbose: print('Intersection coordinates (X,Y):', R[0], R[1], '\n') print('Shifts (X,Y): {:.3f}, {:.3f}'.format(shiftx, shifty)) if shift: array_rec = frame_shift(array, shifty, shiftx, imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation, border_mode=border_mode) return array_rec, shifty, shiftx, centy, centx else: return shifty, shiftx else: raise RuntimeError("Too large shifts. " + msgerr) else: raise RuntimeError("Something went wrong, no intersection found. " + msgerr)
[docs] def cube_recenter_satspots(array, xy, subi_size=19, sigfactor=6, plot=True, fit_type='moff', lbda=None, filter_freq=(0, 0), border_mode='constant', debug=False, verbose=True, full_output=False): """Recenter an image cube based on satellite spots (more details in `. The function relies on ``frame_center_satspots`` to align each image of the cube individually (details in ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_center_satspots``). The function returns the recentered image cube, abd can also plot the histogram of the shifts, and calculate its statistics. The latter can help to assess the dispersion of the star center by using waffle/satellite spots (like those in VLT/SPHERE images) and evaluate the uncertainty of the position of the center. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray, 3d Input cube. xy : tuple of 4 tuples of 2 elements Tuple with coordinates X,Y of the 4 satellite spots. When the spots are in an X configuration, the order is the following: top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right. When the spots are in an + (plus-like) configuration, the order is the following: top, right, left, bottom. If wavelength vector is not provided, assumes all sat spots of the cube are at a similar location. If wavelength is provided, only coordinates of the sat spots in the first channel should be provided. The boxes location in other channels will be scaled accordingly. subi_size : int, optional Size of subimage where the fitting is done. sigfactor : int, optional The background pixels will be thresholded before fitting a 2d Gaussian to the data using sigma clipped statistics. All values smaller than (MEDIAN + sigfactor*STDDEV) will be replaced by small random Gaussian noise. plot : bool, optional Whether to plot the shifts. fit_type: str, optional {'gaus','moff'} Type of 2d fit to infer the centroid of the satellite spots. lbda: 1d array or list, opt Wavelength vector. If provided, the subimages will be scaled accordingly to follow the motion of the satellite spots. filter_freq: tuple of 2 floats, optional If the first (resp. second) element of the tuple is larger than 0, a high-pass (resp. low-pass) filter is applied to the image, before fitting the satellite spots. The elements should correspond to the fwhm_size of the frame_filter_highpass and frame_filter_lowpass functions, respectively. If both elements are non-zero, both high-pass and low-pass filter of the image are applied, in that order. This can be useful to isolate the signal from the satellite spots. border_mode : {'reflect', 'nearest', 'constant', 'mirror', 'wrap'} Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled accordingly. With 'reflect', the input is extended by reflecting about the edge of the last pixel. With 'nearest', the input is extended by replicating the last pixel. With 'constant', the input is extended by filling all values beyond the edge with zeros. With 'mirror', the input is extended by reflecting about the center of the last pixel. With 'wrap', the input is extended by wrapping around to the opposite edge. Default is 'reflect'. debug : bool, optional If True debug information is printed and plotted (fit and residuals, intersections and shifts). This has to be used carefully as it can produce too much output and plots. verbose : bool, optional Whether to print to stdout the timing and additional info. full_output : bool, optional Whether to return 2 1d arrays of shifts along with the recentered cube or not. Returns ------- array_rec The shifted cube. shift_y, shift_x [full_output==True] Shifts Y,X to get to the true center for each image. sat_y, sat_x [full_output==True] Y,X positions of the satellite spots in each image. Order: top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right. """ check_array(array, dim=3) if verbose: start_time = time_ini() n_frames = array.shape[0] shift_x = np.zeros((n_frames)) shift_y = np.zeros((n_frames)) sat_y = np.zeros([n_frames, 4]) sat_x = np.zeros([n_frames, 4]) array_rec = [] if lbda is not None: cy, cx = frame_center(array[0]) final_xy = [] rescal = lbda/lbda[0] for i in range(n_frames): xy_new = [] for s in range(4): xy_new.append( (cx+rescal[i]*(xy[s][0]-cx), cy+rescal[i]*(xy[s][1]-cy))) xy_new = tuple(xy_new) final_xy.append(xy_new) else: final_xy = [xy for i in range(n_frames)] if verbose: print("Final xy positions for sat spots:", final_xy) print('Looping through the frames, fitting the intersections:') for i in Progressbar(range(n_frames), verbose=verbose): res = frame_center_satspots(array[i], final_xy[i], debug=debug, shift=True, subi_size=subi_size, sigfactor=sigfactor, fit_type=fit_type, filter_freq=filter_freq, verbose=False, border_mode=border_mode) array_rec.append(res[0]) shift_y[i] = res[1] shift_x[i] = res[2] sat_y[i] = res[3] sat_x[i] = res[4] if verbose: timing(start_time) if plot: plt.figure(figsize=vip_figsize) plt.plot(shift_x, 'o-', label='Shifts in x', alpha=0.5) plt.plot(shift_y, 'o-', label='Shifts in y', alpha=0.5) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.grid('on', alpha=0.2) plt.ylabel('Pixels') plt.xlabel('Frame number') plt.figure(figsize=vip_figsize) b = int(np.sqrt(n_frames)) la = 'Histogram' _ = plt.hist(shift_x, bins=b, alpha=0.5, label=la + ' shifts X') _ = plt.hist(shift_y, bins=b, alpha=0.5, label=la + ' shifts Y') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.ylabel('Bin counts') plt.xlabel('Pixels') if verbose: msg1 = 'MEAN X,Y: {:.3f}, {:.3f}' print(msg1.format(np.mean(shift_x), np.mean(shift_y))) msg2 = 'MEDIAN X,Y: {:.3f}, {:.3f}' print(msg2.format(np.median(shift_x), np.median(shift_y))) msg3 = 'STDDEV X,Y: {:.3f}, {:.3f}' print(msg3.format(np.std(shift_x), np.std(shift_y))) array_rec = np.array(array_rec) if full_output: return array_rec, shift_y, shift_x, sat_y, sat_x else: return array_rec
[docs] def frame_center_radon(array, cropsize=None, hsize_ini=1., step_ini=0.1, n_iter=5, tol=0.1, mask_center=None, nproc=None, satspots_cfg=None, theta_0=0, delta_theta=5, gauss_fit=True, hpf=True, filter_fwhm=8, imlib='vip-fft', interpolation='lanczos4', full_output=False, verbose=True, plot=True, debug=False): """Find the center of a broadband (co-added) frame with speckles and\ satellite spots elongated towards the star (center). The function uses the Radon transform implementation from scikit-image, and follow the algorithm presented in [PUE15]_. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input 2d array or image. cropsize : None or odd int, optional Size in pixels of the cropped central area of the input array that will be used. It should be large enough to contain the bright elongated speckle or satellite spots. hsize_ini : float, optional Size of the box for the grid search for first centering iteration. The frame is shifted to each direction from the center in a hsize length with a given step. step_ini : float, optional The step of the coordinates change in the first step. Note: should not be too fine for efficiency as it is automatically refined at each step. n_iter : int, optional Number of iterations for finer recentering. At each step, a finer step is considered based on the amplitude of the shifts found in the previous step. Iterations are particularly relevant when mask_center is not None, as the masked area will change from one iteration to the next. tol : float, optional Absolute tolerance on relative shift from one iteration to the next to consider convergence. If the absolute value of the shift is found to be less than tol, the iterative algorithm is stopped. mask_center : None or int, optional If None the central area of the frame is kept. If int a centered zero mask will be applied to the frame. By default the center isn't masked. nproc : int, optional Number of processes for parallel computing. If None the number of processes will be set to cpu_count()/2. satspots_cfg: None or str ('x', '+' or 'custom'), opt If satellite spots are present, provide a string corresponding to the configuration of the satellite spots: as a cross ('x'), as a plus sign ('+') or 'custom' (provide theta_0). Leave to None if no satellite spots present. Note: setting satspots_cfg to non-None value leads to varying performance depending on dataset. theta_0: float between [0,90[, optional Azimuth of the first satellite spot. Only considered if satspots_cfg is set to 'custom'. delta_theta: float, optional Azimuthal half-width in degrees of the slices considered along a '+' or 'x' pattern to calculate the Radon transform. E.g. if set to 5 for 'x' configuration, it will consider slices from 40 to 50 deg in each quadrant. hpf: bool, optional Whether to high-pass filter the images filter_fwhm: float, optional In case of high-pass filtering, this is the FWHM of the low-pass filter used for subtraction to the original image to get the high-pass filtered image (i.e. should be >~ 2 x FWHM). imlib : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_shift`` function. interpolation : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_shift`` function. full_output: bool, optional Whether to also return the cost map, and uncertainty on centering. verbose : bool optional Whether to print to stdout some messages and info. plot : bool, optional Whether to plot the radon cost function. debug : bool, optional Whether to print and plot intermediate info. Returns ------- optimy, optimx : floats Values of the Y, X coordinates of the center of the frame based on the radon optimization. (always returned) dxy : float [full_output=True] Uncertainty on center in pixels. cost_bound : 2d numpy array [full_output=True] Radon cost function surface. """ if array.ndim != 2: raise TypeError('Input array is not a frame or 2d array') if verbose: start_time = time_ini() def _center_radon(array, cropsize=None, hsize=1., step=0.1, mask_center=None, nproc=None, satspots_cfg=None, theta_0=0, d_theta=5, gauss_fit=False, imlib='vip-fft', interpolation='lanczos4', verbose=True, plot=True, debug=False): frame = array.copy() ori_cent_y, ori_cent_x = frame_center(frame) if cropsize is not None: if not cropsize % 2: raise TypeError("If not None, cropsize should be odd integer") frame = frame_crop(frame, cropsize, verbose=False) listyx = np.linspace(start=-hsize, stop=hsize, num=int(2*hsize/step)+1, endpoint=True) if not mask_center: radint = 0 else: if not isinstance(mask_center, int): raise TypeError radint = mask_center coords = [(y, x) for y in listyx for x in listyx] # coords = [(x, y) for y in listyx for x in listyx] cent, _ = frame_center(frame) frame = get_annulus_segments(frame, radint, cent-radint, mode="mask")[0] if debug: if satspots_cfg is not None: samples = 10 if satspots_cfg == 'x': theta = np.hstack((np.linspace(start=45-d_theta, stop=45+d_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=135-d_theta, stop=135+d_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=225-d_theta, stop=225+d_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=315-d_theta, stop=315+d_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False))) elif satspots_cfg == '+': theta = np.hstack((np.linspace(start=-d_theta, stop=d_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=90-d_theta, stop=90+d_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=180-d_theta, stop=180+d_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=270-d_theta, stop=270+d_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False))) elif satspots_cfg == 'custom': theta = np.hstack((np.linspace(start=90-theta_0-d_theta, stop=90-theta_0+d_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=180-theta_0-d_theta, stop=180-theta_0+d_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=270-theta_0-d_theta, stop=270-theta_0+d_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=360-theta_0-d_theta, stop=360-theta_0+d_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False))) else: msg = "If not None, satspots_cfg can only be 'x' or '+'." raise ValueError(msg) sinogram = radon(frame, theta=theta, circle=True) plot_frames((frame, sinogram)) # print(np.sum(np.abs(sinogram[int(cent), :]))) else: theta = np.linspace(start=0, stop=360, num=int(cent*2), endpoint=False) sinogram = radon(frame, theta=theta, circle=True) plot_frames((frame, sinogram)) # print(np.sum(np.abs(sinogram[int(cent), :]))) if nproc is None: nproc = cpu_count() // 2 # Hyper-threading doubles the # of cores if nproc == 1: costf = [] for coord in coords: res = _radon_costf(frame, cent, radint, coord, satspots_cfg, theta_0, d_theta, imlib, interpolation) costf.append(res) costf = np.array(costf) elif nproc > 1: res = pool_map(nproc, _radon_costf, frame, cent, radint, iterable(coords), satspots_cfg, theta_0, d_theta, imlib, interpolation) costf = np.array(res) if verbose: msg = 'Done {} radon transform calls distributed in {} processes' print(msg.format(len(coords), nproc)) cost_bound = costf.reshape(listyx.shape[0], listyx.shape[0]) if plot: plt.contour(cost_bound, cmap='CMRmap', origin='lower') plt.imshow(cost_bound, cmap='CMRmap', origin='lower', interpolation='nearest') plt.colorbar() plt.grid('off') if gauss_fit: # or full_output: # fit a 2d gaussian to the surface fit_res = fit_2dgaussian(cost_bound-np.amin(cost_bound), crop=False, threshold=False, sigfactor=3, debug=debug, full_output=True) # optimal shift -> optimal position opt_yind = float(fit_res['centroid_y'].iloc[0]) opt_xind = float(fit_res['centroid_x'].iloc[0]) opt_yshift = -hsize + opt_yind*step opt_xshift = -hsize + opt_xind*step optimy = ori_cent_y - opt_yshift optimx = ori_cent_x - opt_xshift # find uncertainty on centering unc_y = float(fit_res['fwhm_y'].iloc[0])*step unc_x = float(fit_res['fwhm_x'].iloc[0])*step dyx = (unc_y, unc_x) # np.sqrt(unc_y**2 + unc_x**2) # Replace the position found by Gaussian fit if not gauss_fit: # OLD CODE: argm = np.argmax(costf) # index of 1st max in 1d cost function opt_yshift, opt_xshift = coords[argm] # maxima in the 2d cost function surface # num_max = np.where(cost_bound == cost_bound.max())[0].shape[0] # ind_maxy, ind_maxx = np.where(cost_bound == cost_bound.max()) # argmy = ind_maxy[int(np.ceil(num_max/2)) - 1] # argmx = ind_maxx[int(np.ceil(num_max/2)) - 1] # y_grid = np.array(coords)[:, 0].reshape(listyx.shape[0], # listyx.shape[0]) # x_grid = np.array(coords)[:, 1].reshape(listyx.shape[0], # listyx.shape[0]) # optimy = ori_cent_y-y_grid[argmy, 0] # subtract optimal shift # optimx = ori_cent_x-x_grid[0, argmx] # subtract optimal shift optimy = ori_cent_y - opt_yshift optimx = ori_cent_x - opt_xshift dyx = (step, step) if verbose: print('Cost function max: {}'.format(costf.max())) # print('Cost function # maxima: {}'.format(num_max)) m = 'Finished grid search radon optimization: dy={:.3f}, dx={:.3f}' print(m.format(opt_yshift, opt_xshift)) timing(start_time) return optimy, optimx, opt_yshift, opt_xshift, dyx, cost_bound # high-pass filtering if requested if hpf: array = frame_filter_highpass(array, mode='gauss-subt', fwhm_size=filter_fwhm) ori_cent_y, ori_cent_x = frame_center(array) hsize = hsize_ini step = step_ini opt_yshift = 0 opt_xshift = 0 for i in range(n_iter): if verbose: print("*** Iteration {}/{} ***".format(i+1, n_iter)) res = _center_radon(array, cropsize=cropsize, hsize=hsize, step=step, mask_center=mask_center, nproc=nproc, satspots_cfg=satspots_cfg, theta_0=theta_0, d_theta=delta_theta, gauss_fit=gauss_fit, imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation, verbose=verbose, plot=plot, debug=debug) _, _, y_shift, x_shift, dyx, cost_bound = res array = frame_shift(array, y_shift, x_shift, imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation) opt_yshift += y_shift opt_xshift += x_shift abs_shift = np.sqrt(y_shift**2 + x_shift**2) if abs_shift < tol: if i == 0: msg = "Null shifts found at first iteration for step = {}. Try" msg += " with a finer step." raise ValueError(msg.format(step)) else: msg = "Convergence found after {} iterations (final step = {})." print(msg.format(i+1, step)) break # refine box - OR NOT?! # max_sh = np.amax(np.abs(np.array([y_shift, x_shift]))) hsize *= 0.75 # *max_sh step *= 0.75 optimy = ori_cent_y+opt_yshift # ORI: - optimx = ori_cent_x+opt_xshift # ORI: - if verbose: print("Star (x,y) location: {:.2f}, {:.2f}".format(optimx, optimy)) print("Final (x,y) shifts: {:.2f}, {:.2f}".format(opt_xshift, opt_yshift)) if full_output: return optimy, optimx, dyx, cost_bound else: return optimy, optimx
def _radon_costf(frame, cent, radint, coords, satspots_cfg=None, theta_0=0, delta_theta=5, imlib='vip-fft', interpolation='lanczos4'): """Calculate Radon cost function used in frame_center_radon().""" frame_shifted = frame_shift(frame, coords[0], coords[1], imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation) frame_shifted_ann = get_annulus_segments(frame_shifted, radint, cent-radint, mode="mask")[0] if satspots_cfg is None: theta = np.linspace(start=0, stop=360, num=frame_shifted_ann.shape[0], endpoint=False) elif satspots_cfg == '+': samples = 10 theta = np.hstack((np.linspace(start=-delta_theta, stop=delta_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=90-delta_theta, stop=90+delta_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=180-delta_theta, stop=180+delta_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=270-delta_theta, stop=270+delta_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False))) elif satspots_cfg == 'x': samples = 10 theta = np.hstack((np.linspace(start=45-delta_theta, stop=45+delta_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=135-delta_theta, stop=135+delta_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=225-delta_theta, stop=225+delta_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=315-delta_theta, stop=315+delta_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False))) elif satspots_cfg == 'custom': samples = 10 theta = np.hstack((np.linspace(start=theta_0-delta_theta, stop=theta_0+delta_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=theta_0+90-delta_theta, stop=theta_0+90+delta_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=theta_0+180-delta_theta, stop=theta_0+180+delta_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False), np.linspace(start=theta_0+270-delta_theta, stop=theta_0+270+delta_theta, num=samples, endpoint=False))) sinogram = radon(frame_shifted_ann, theta=theta, circle=True) # costf = np.sum(np.abs(sinogram[int(cent), :])) # ORI DEF # rather consider the sum of the 4 top values? qstep = len(theta)//4 sort_sin = [] for i in range(4): sort_sin.append(np.nanmax(sinogram[int(cent), i*qstep:(i+1)*qstep])) costf = np.nansum(sort_sin) return costf
[docs] def cube_recenter_radon(array, full_output=False, verbose=True, imlib='vip-fft', interpolation='lanczos4', border_mode='reflect', nproc=None, **kwargs): """Recenter a cube using the Radon transform, as in [PUE15]_. The function loops through its frames, relying on the ``frame_center_radon`` function for the recentering. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input 3d array or cube. full_output : {False, True}, bool optional If True the recentered cube is returned along with the y and x shifts. verbose : {True, False}, bool optional Whether to print timing and intermediate information to stdout. imlib : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_shift`` function. interpolation : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_shift`` function. border_mode : {'reflect', 'nearest', 'constant', 'mirror', 'wrap'} Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled accordingly. With 'reflect', the input is extended by reflecting about the edge of the last pixel. With 'nearest', the input is extended by replicating the last pixel. With 'constant', the input is extended by filling all values beyond the edge with zeros. With 'mirror', the input is extended by reflecting about the center of the last pixel. With 'wrap', the input is extended by wrapping around to the opposite edge. Default is 'reflect'. nproc : int, optional Number of processes for parallel computing. If None the number of processes will be set to cpu_count()/2. kwargs: Other optional parameters for ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_center_radon`` function, such as cropsize, hsize, step, satspots_cfg, mask_center, hpf, filter_fwhm, nproc or debug. Returns ------- array_rec : 3d ndarray Recentered cube. y, x : 1d arrays of floats [full_output] Shifts in y and x. dyx: 1d array of floats [full_output] Array of uncertainty on center in pixels. """ check_array(array, dim=3) if nproc is None: nproc = int(cpu_count() / 2) if verbose: start_time = time_ini() n_frames = array.shape[0] x = np.zeros((n_frames)) y = np.zeros((n_frames)) dyx = np.zeros((n_frames, 2)) cy, cx = frame_center(array[0]) array_rec = array.copy() for i in Progressbar(range(n_frames), desc="Recentering frames...", verbose=verbose): res = frame_center_radon(array[i], verbose=False, plot=False, imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation, full_output=True, nproc=nproc, **kwargs) y[i] = res[0] x[i] = res[1] dyx[i] = res[2] array_rec[i] = frame_shift(array[i], cy-y[i], cx-x[i], imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation, border_mode=border_mode) if verbose: timing(start_time) if full_output: return array_rec, y-cy, x-cx, dyx else: return array_rec
[docs] def cube_recenter_dft_upsampling(array, upsample_factor=100, subi_size=None, center_fr1=None, negative=False, fwhm=4, imlib='vip-fft', interpolation='lanczos4', mask=None, border_mode='reflect', log=False, collapse='median', full_output=False, verbose=True, nproc=None, save_shifts=False, debug=False, plot=True, **collapse_args): """Recenter a cube of frames using the DFT upsampling method as proposed\ in [GUI08]_ and implemented in the ``phase_cross_correlation`` function\ from scikit-image. The algorithm (DFT upsampling) obtains an initial estimate of the cross-correlation peak by an FFT and then refines the shift estimation by upsampling the DFT only in a small neighborhood of that estimate by means of a matrix-multiply DFT. Optionally, after alignment of all images to the first one, a 2D Gaussian fit can be made to the mean image to recenter them based on the location of the Gaussian centroid. This second stage is performed if subi_size is not None. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input cube. upsample_factor : int, optional Upsampling factor (default 100). Images will be registered to within 1/upsample_factor of a pixel. The larger the slower the algorithm. subi_size : int or None, optional Size of the square subimage sides in pixels, used to find the centroid of the mean aligned cube image (i.e. after DFT-based registration). If subi_size is None then the first frame is assumed to be centered already. center_fr1 = (cy_1, cx_1) : Tuple, optional [subi_size != None] Coordinates of the center of the subimage for fitting a 2d Gaussian. Since the first part of the function of the algorithm aligns all subsequent frames to the first one. This tuple should be the rough coordinates of the centroid in the first frame. If not provided, the function considers the center of the images. negative : bool, optional [subi_size != None] If True the final centroiding is done with a negative 2D Gaussian fit, instead of a positive one. fwhm : float, optional [subi_size != None] First guess of the FWHM in pixels for the Gaussian fit. nproc : int or None, optional Number of processes (>1) for parallel computing. If 1 then it runs in serial. If None the number of processes will be set to (cpu_count()/2). imlib : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_shift`` function. interpolation : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_shift`` function. mask: 2D np.ndarray, optional Binary mask indicating where the cross-correlation should be calculated in the images. If provided, should be the same size as array frames. [Note: requires skimage >= 0.18.0] border_mode : {'reflect', 'nearest', 'constant', 'mirror', 'wrap'} Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled accordingly. With 'reflect', the input is extended by reflecting about the edge of the last pixel. With 'nearest', the input is extended by replicating the last pixel. With 'constant', the input is extended by filling all values beyond the edge with zeros. With 'mirror', the input is extended by reflecting about the center of the last pixel. With 'wrap', the input is extended by wrapping around to the opposite edge. Default is 'reflect'. log : bool, optional Whether to run the cross-correlation algorithm on images converted in log scale. This can be useful to leverage the whole extent of the PSF and be less dominated by the brightest central pixels. collapse : {'median', 'mean', 'sum', 'max', 'trimmean', 'absmean', 'wmean'} Method used to collapse the aligned cube before 2D Gaussian fit. Should be an argument accepted by the ``vip_hci.preproc.cube_collapse`` function. full_output : bool, optional Whether to return 2 1d arrays of shifts along with the recentered cube or not. verbose : bool, optional Whether to print to stdout the timing or not. save_shifts : bool, optional Whether to save the shifts to a file in disk. debug : bool, optional Whether to print to stdout the shifts or not. plot : bool, optional If True, the shifts are plotted. collapse_args: opt Additional options passed to the ``vip_hci.preproc.cube_collapse`` function. Returns ------- array_recentered : numpy ndarray The recentered cube. y : numpy ndarray [full_output=True] 1d array with the shifts in y. x : numpy ndarray [full_output=True] 1d array with the shifts in x. Note ---- This function uses the implementation from scikit-image of the algorithm described in [GUI08]_. This algorithm registers two images (2-D rigid translation) within a fraction of a pixel specified by the user. Instead of computing a zero-padded FFT (fast Fourier transform), this code uses selective upsampling by a matrix-multiply DFT (discrete FT) to dramatically reduce computation time and memory without sacrificing accuracy. With this procedure all the image points are used to compute the upsampled cross-correlation in a very small neighborhood around its peak. """ if verbose: start_time = time_ini() check_array(array, dim=3) if mask is not None: if mask.shape != array.shape[-2:]: msg = "If provided, mask should have same shape as frames" raise TypeError(msg) n_frames, sizey, sizex = array.shape if subi_size is not None: if center_fr1 is None: print("`center_fr1` not provided") print("Using the coordinates of the 1st frame center for " "the Gaussian 2d fit") cy_1, cx_1 = frame_center(array[0]) else: cy_1, cx_1 = center_fr1 if not isinstance(subi_size, int): raise ValueError('subi_size must be an integer or None') if subi_size < fwhm: raise ValueError('`subi_size` (value in pixels) is too small') if sizey % 2 == 0: if subi_size % 2 != 0: subi_size += 1 print('`subi_size` is odd (while frame size is even)') print('Setting `subi_size` to {} pixels'.format(subi_size)) else: if subi_size % 2 == 0: subi_size += 1 print('`subi_size` is even (while frame size is odd)') print('Setting `subi_size` to {} pixels'.format(subi_size)) n_frames = array.shape[0] x = np.zeros((n_frames)) y = np.zeros((n_frames)) array_rec = array.copy() cy, cx = frame_center(array[0]) # convert to log scale if log: array_rec -= (np.nanmin(array_rec)-1) array_rec = np.log(array_rec) # Finding the shifts with DFT upsampling of each frame wrt the first if nproc is None: nproc = cpu_count() // 2 # Hyper-threading doubles the # of cores if nproc == 1: for i in Progressbar(range(1, n_frames), desc="frames", verbose=verbose): y[i], x[i], array_rec[i] = _shift_dft(array_rec, array_rec, i, upsample_factor, mask, interpolation, imlib, border_mode) elif nproc > 1: res = pool_map(nproc, _shift_dft, array_rec, array_rec, iterable(range(1, n_frames)), upsample_factor, mask, interpolation, imlib, border_mode) res = np.array(res, dtype=object) y[1:] = res[:, 0] x[1:] = res[:, 1] array_rec[1:] = [frames for frames in res[:, 2]] else: raise ValueError("nproc should be an int > 0.") if debug: print("\nShifts in X and Y") for i in range(n_frames): print(x[i], y[i]) # Centroiding mean frame with 2d gaussian and shifting (only necessary if # first frame was not well-centered) msg0 = "The rest of the frames will be shifted by cross-correlation wrt " msg0 += "the 1st" if subi_size is not None: # before 2D gaussian fit, take non-log images if log: array_rec = cube_shift(array, shift_y=y, shift_x=x, imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation, nproc=nproc) marray_al = cube_collapse(array_rec, mode=collapse, **collapse_args) y1, x1 = _centroid_2dg_frame([marray_al], 0, subi_size, cy_1, cx_1, negative, debug, fwhm) x[:] += cx - x1 y[:] += cy - y1 if verbose: msg = "Shift for first frame X,Y=({:.3f}, {:.3f})" print(msg.format(x[0], y[0])) print(msg0) if debug: titd = "original / shifted 1st frame subimage" plot_frames((frame_crop(array[0], subi_size, verbose=False), frame_crop(array_rec[0], subi_size, verbose=False)), grid=True, title=titd) else: if verbose: print("The first frame is assumed to be well centered wrt the" "center of the array") print(msg0) array_rec = cube_shift(array, shift_y=y, shift_x=x, imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation, nproc=nproc) if verbose: timing(start_time) if plot: plt.figure(figsize=vip_figsize) plt.plot(x, 'o-', label='shifts in x', alpha=0.5) plt.plot(y, 'o-', label='shifts in y', alpha=0.5) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.grid('on', alpha=0.2) plt.ylabel('Pixels') plt.xlabel('Frame number') plt.figure(figsize=vip_figsize) b = int(np.sqrt(n_frames)) la = 'Histogram' _ = plt.hist(x, bins=b, alpha=0.5, label=la + ' shifts X') _ = plt.hist(y, bins=b, alpha=0.5, label=la + ' shifts Y') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.ylabel('Bin counts') plt.xlabel('Pixels') if save_shifts: np.savetxt('recent_dft_shifts.txt', np.transpose([y, x]), fmt='%f') if full_output: return array_rec, y, x else: return array_rec
def _shift_dft(array_rec, array, frnum, upsample_factor, mask, interpolation, imlib, border_mode): """Align images using a DFT-based cross-correlation algorithm.""" shift_yx = phase_cross_correlation(array_rec[0], array[frnum], upsample_factor=upsample_factor, reference_mask=mask) y_i, x_i = shift_yx[0] array_rec_i = frame_shift(array[frnum], shift_y=y_i, shift_x=x_i, imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation, border_mode=border_mode) return y_i, x_i, array_rec_i
[docs] def cube_recenter_2dfit(array, xy=None, fwhm=4, subi_size=5, model='gauss', nproc=1, imlib='vip-fft', interpolation='lanczos4', offset=None, negative=False, threshold=False, sigfactor=2, fix_neg=False, params_2g=None, border_mode='reflect', save_shifts=False, full_output=False, verbose=True, debug=False, plot=True): """Recenter the frames of a cube such that the centroid of a fitted 2D\ model is placed at the center of the frames. The shifts are found by fitting a 2D Gaussian, Moffat, Airy or double Gaussian (positive+negative), as set by ``model``, to a subimage centered at ``xy``. This assumes the frames don't have too large shifts (<5px). The frames are then shifted using the function frame_shift(). Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input cube. xy : tuple of integers or floats Integer coordinates of the center of the subimage. For the double Gaussian fit with fixed negative gaussian (``fix_neg=True``), this should correspond to the exact location of the center of the negative Gaussian (e.g. the center of the coronagraph mask). In that case a tuple of floats is accepted. fwhm : float or numpy ndarray FWHM size in pixels, either one value (float) that will be the same for the whole cube, or an array of floats with the same dimension as the 0th dim of array, containing the fwhm for each channel (e.g. in the case of an IFS cube, where the FWHM varies with wavelength). subi_size : int, optional Size of the square subimage sides in pixels. model : str, optional Sets the type of fit to be used. 'gauss' for a 2d Gaussian fit, 'moff' for a 2d Moffat fit, 'airy' for a 2d Airy disk fit, and '2gauss' for a 2d double Gaussian (positive+negative) fit. nproc : int or None, optional Number of processes (>1) for parallel computing. If 1 then it runs in serial. If None the number of processes will be set to (cpu_count()/2). imlib : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_shift`` function. interpolation : str, optional See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_shift`` function. offset : tuple of floats, optional If None the region of the frames used for the 2d Gaussian/Moffat fit is shifted to the center of the images (2d arrays). If a tuple is given it serves as the offset of the fitted area wrt the center of the 2d arrays. negative : bool, optional If True a negative 2d Gaussian/Moffat fit is performed. fix_neg: bool, optional In case of a double gaussian fit, whether to fix the parameters of the megative gaussian. If True, they should be provided in params_2g. params_2g: None or dictionary, optional In case of a double gaussian fit, dictionary with either fixed or first guess parameters for the double gaussian. E.g.: params_2g = {'fwhm_neg': 3.5, 'fwhm_pos': (3.5,4.2), 'theta_neg': 48., 'theta_pos':145., 'neg_amp': 0.5} - fwhm_neg: float or tuple with fwhm of neg gaussian - fwhm_pos: can be a tuple for x and y axes of pos gaussian (replaces fwhm) - theta_neg: trigonometric angle of the x axis of the neg gaussian (deg) - theta_pos: trigonometric angle of the x axis of the pos gaussian (deg) - neg_amp: amplitude of the neg gaussian wrt the amp of the positive one Note: it is always recommended to provide theta_pos and theta_neg for a better fit. threshold : bool, optional If True the background pixels (estimated using sigma clipped statistics) will be replaced by small random Gaussian noise (recommended for 2g). sigfactor: float, optional If thresholding is performed, set the the threshold in terms of gaussian sigma in the subimage (will depend on your cropping size). border_mode : {'reflect', 'nearest', 'constant', 'mirror', 'wrap'} Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled accordingly. With 'reflect', the input is extended by reflecting about the edge of the last pixel. With 'nearest', the input is extended by replicating the last pixel. With 'constant', the input is extended by filling all values beyond the edge with zeros. With 'mirror', the input is extended by reflecting about the center of the last pixel. With 'wrap', the input is extended by wrapping around to the opposite edge. Default is 'reflect'. save_shifts : bool, optional Whether to save the shifts to a file in disk. full_output : bool, optional Whether to return 2 1d arrays of shifts along with the recentered cube or not. verbose : bool, optional Whether to print to stdout the timing or not. debug : bool, optional If True the details of the fitting are shown. Won't work when the cube contains >20 frames (as it might produce an extremely long output). plot : bool, optional If True, the shifts are plotted. Returns ------- array_rec: numpy ndarray The recentered cube. y : numpy ndarray [full_output=True] 1d array with the shifts in y. x : numpy ndarray [full_output=True] 1d array with the shifts in x. """ if verbose: start_time = time_ini() check_array(array, dim=3) n_frames, sizey, sizex = array.shape if not isinstance(subi_size, int): raise ValueError('`subi_size` must be an integer') if sizey % 2 == 0: if subi_size % 2 != 0: subi_size += 1 print('`subi_size` is odd (while frame size is even)') print('Setting `subi_size` to {} pixels'.format(subi_size)) else: if subi_size % 2 == 0: subi_size += 1 print('`subi_size` is even (while frame size is odd)') print('Setting `subi_size` to {} pixels'.format(subi_size)) if isinstance(fwhm, (float, int, np.float32, np.float64)): fwhm = np.ones(n_frames) * fwhm if debug and array.shape[0] > 20: msg = 'Debug with a big array will produce a very long output. ' msg += 'Try with less than 20 frames in debug mode' raise RuntimeWarning(msg) if xy is not None: pos_x, pos_y = xy cond = model != '2gauss' if (not isinstance(pos_x, int) or not isinstance(pos_y, int)) and cond: raise TypeError('`xy` must be a tuple of integers') else: pos_y, pos_x = frame_center(array[0]) cy, cx = frame_center(array[0]) array_rec = np.empty_like(array) if model == 'gauss': func = _centroid_2dg_frame elif model == 'moff': func = _centroid_2dm_frame elif model == 'airy': func = _centroid_2da_frame elif model == '2gauss': func = _centroid_2d2g_frame else: raise ValueError('model not recognized') if nproc is None: nproc = cpu_count() // 2 # Hyper-threading doubles the # of cores if nproc == 1: res = [] if verbose: print('2d {}-fitting'.format(model)) for i in Progressbar(range(n_frames), desc="frames", verbose=verbose): if model == "2gauss": args = [array, i, subi_size, pos_y, pos_x, debug, fwhm[i], fix_neg, params_2g, threshold, sigfactor] else: args = [array, i, subi_size, pos_y, pos_x, negative, debug, fwhm[i], threshold, sigfactor] res.append(func(*args)) res = np.array(res, dtype=object) elif nproc > 1: if model == "2gauss": args = [array, iterable(range(n_frames)), subi_size, pos_y, pos_x, debug, iterable(fwhm), fix_neg, params_2g, threshold, sigfactor] else: args = [array, iterable(range(n_frames)), subi_size, pos_y, pos_x, negative, debug, iterable(fwhm), threshold, sigfactor] res = pool_map(nproc, func, *args) res = np.array(res, dtype=object) y = cy - res[:, 0] x = cx - res[:, 1] if model == "2gauss" and not fix_neg: y_neg = res[:, 2] x_neg = res[:, 3] fwhm_x = res[:, 4] fwhm_y = res[:, 5] fwhm_neg_x = res[:, 6] fwhm_neg_y = res[:, 7] theta = res[:, 8] theta_neg = res[:, 9] amp_pos = res[:, 10] amp_neg = res[:, 11] if offset is not None: offx, offy = offset y -= offy x -= offx for i in Progressbar(range(n_frames), desc="Shifting", verbose=verbose): if debug: print("\nShifts in X and Y") print(x[i], y[i]) array_rec[i] = frame_shift(array[i], y[i], x[i], imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation, border_mode=border_mode) if verbose: timing(start_time) if plot: if nproc > 1: print("Warning: plots may not show well if nproc is set to a value") print(" different than 1.") plt.figure(figsize=vip_figsize) b = int(np.sqrt(n_frames)) la = 'Histogram' _ = plt.hist(x, bins=b, alpha=0.5, label=la + ' shifts X') _ = plt.hist(y, bins=b, alpha=0.5, label=la + ' shifts Y') if model == "2gauss" and not fix_neg: _ = plt.hist(cx-x_neg, bins=b, alpha=0.5, label=la + ' shifts X (neg gaussian)') _ = plt.hist(cy-y_neg, bins=b, alpha=0.5, label=la + ' shifts Y (neg gaussian)') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.ylabel('Bin counts') plt.xlabel('Pixels') plt.figure(figsize=vip_figsize) plt.plot(y, 'o-', label='shifts in y', alpha=0.5) plt.plot(x, 'o-', label='shifts in x', alpha=0.5) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.grid('on', alpha=0.2) plt.ylabel('Pixels') plt.xlabel('Frame number') if save_shifts: np.savetxt('recent_gauss_shifts.txt', np.transpose([y, x]), fmt='%f') if full_output: if model == "2gauss" and not fix_neg: return (array_rec, y, x, y_neg, x_neg, fwhm_x, fwhm_y, fwhm_neg_x, fwhm_neg_y, theta, theta_neg, amp_pos, amp_neg) return array_rec, y, x else: return array_rec
def _centroid_2dg_frame(cube, frnum, size, pos_y, pos_x, negative, debug, fwhm, threshold=False, sigfactor=1): """Find the centroid with a 2d Gaussian fit in a frame of the cube.""" sub_image, y1, x1 = get_square(cube[frnum], size=size, y=pos_y, x=pos_x, position=True) # negative gaussian fit if negative: sub_image = -sub_image + np.abs(np.min(-sub_image)) y_i, x_i = fit_2dgaussian(sub_image, crop=False, fwhmx=fwhm, fwhmy=fwhm, threshold=threshold, sigfactor=sigfactor, debug=debug, full_output=False) y_i = y1 + y_i x_i = x1 + x_i return y_i, x_i def _centroid_2dm_frame(cube, frnum, size, pos_y, pos_x, negative, debug, fwhm, threshold=False, sigfactor=1): """Find the centroid with a 2d Moffat fit in a frame of the cube.""" sub_image, y1, x1 = get_square(cube[frnum], size=size, y=pos_y, x=pos_x, position=True) # negative fit if negative: sub_image = -sub_image + np.abs(np.min(-sub_image)) y_i, x_i = fit_2dmoffat(sub_image, crop=False, fwhm=fwhm, debug=debug, threshold=threshold, sigfactor=sigfactor, full_output=False) y_i = y1 + y_i x_i = x1 + x_i return y_i, x_i def _centroid_2da_frame(cube, frnum, size, pos_y, pos_x, negative, debug, fwhm, threshold=False, sigfactor=1): """Find the centroid with a 2d Airy fit in a frame of the cube.""" sub_image, y1, x1 = get_square(cube[frnum], size=size, y=pos_y, x=pos_x, position=True) # negative fit if negative: sub_image = -sub_image + np.abs(np.min(-sub_image)) y_i, x_i = fit_2dairydisk(sub_image, crop=False, fwhm=fwhm, threshold=threshold, sigfactor=sigfactor, full_output=False, debug=debug) y_i = y1 + y_i x_i = x1 + x_i return y_i, x_i def _centroid_2d2g_frame(cube, frnum, size, pos_y, pos_x, debug=False, fwhm=4, fix_neg=True, params_2g=None, threshold=False, sigfactor=1): """Find the centroid with a 2d double Gaussian fit in a cube frame.""" size = min(cube[frnum].shape[0], cube[frnum].shape[1], size) if isinstance(params_2g, dict): fwhm_neg = params_2g.get('fwhm_neg', 0.8*fwhm) fwhm_pos = params_2g.get('fwhm_pos', 2*fwhm) theta_neg = params_2g.get('theta_neg', 0.) theta_pos = params_2g.get('theta_pos', 0.) neg_amp = params_2g.get('neg_amp', 1) res_DF = fit_2d2gaussian(cube[frnum], crop=True, cent=(pos_x, pos_y), cropsize=size, fwhm_neg=fwhm_neg, fwhm_pos=fwhm_pos, neg_amp=neg_amp, fix_neg=fix_neg, theta_neg=theta_neg, theta_pos=theta_pos, threshold=threshold, sigfactor=sigfactor, full_output=True, debug=debug) y_i = res_DF['centroid_y'] x_i = res_DF['centroid_x'] if not fix_neg: y_neg = res_DF['centroid_y_neg'] x_neg = res_DF['centroid_x_neg'] fwhm_x = res_DF['fwhm_x'] fwhm_y = res_DF['fwhm_y'] fwhm_neg_x = res_DF['fwhm_x_neg'] fwhm_neg_y = res_DF['fwhm_y_neg'] theta = res_DF['theta'] theta_neg = res_DF['theta_neg'] amp_pos = res_DF['amplitude'] amp_neg = res_DF['amplitude_neg'] return (y_i, x_i, y_neg, x_neg, fwhm_x, fwhm_y, fwhm_neg_x, fwhm_neg_y, theta, theta_neg, amp_pos, amp_neg) return y_i, x_i
[docs] def cube_recenter_via_speckles(cube_sci, cube_ref=None, alignment_iter=5, gammaval=1, min_spat_freq=0.5, max_spat_freq=3, fwhm=4, upsample_factor=100, debug=False, recenter_median=False, fit_type='gaus', negative=True, crop=True, subframesize=25, mask=None, ann_rad=0.5, ann_rad_search=False, ann_width=0.5, collapse='median', imlib='vip-fft', interpolation='lanczos4', border_mode='reflect', log=True, plot=True, full_output=False, nproc=None, **collapse_args): """Register frames based on the median speckle pattern. The function also optionally centers images based on the position of the vortex null in the median frame (through a negative Gaussian fit or an annulus fit). By default, images are filtered to isolate speckle spatial frequencies, and converted to log-scale before the cross-correlation based alignment. The image cube should already be centered within ~2px accuracy before being passed to this function (e.g. through an eyeball crop using ``vip_hci.preproc.cube_crop_frames``). Parameters ---------- cube_sci : numpy ndarray Science cube. cube_ref : numpy ndarray Reference cube (e.g. for NIRC2 data in RDI mode). alignment_iter : int, optional Number of alignment iterations (recomputes median after each iteration). gammaval : int, optional Applies a gamma correction to emphasize speckles (useful for faint stars). min_spat_freq : float, optional Spatial frequency for low pass filter. max_spat_freq : float, optional Spatial frequency for high pass filter. fwhm : float, optional Full width at half maximum. upsample_factor: int, optional Upsampling factor (default 100). Images will be registered to within 1/upsample_factor of a pixel. The larger the slower the algorithm. debug : bool, optional Outputs extra info. recenter_median : bool, optional Recenter the frames at each iteration based on a 2d fit. fit_type : str, optional If recenter_median is True, this is the model to which the image is fitted to for recentering. 'gaus' works well for NIRC2_AGPM data. 'ann' works better for NACO+AGPM data. negative : bool, optional If True, uses a negative gaussian fit to determine the center of the median frame. crop: bool, optional Whether to calculate the recentering on a cropped version of the cube that is speckle-dominated (recommended). subframesize : int, optional Sub-frame window size used. Should cover the region where speckles are the dominant noise source. mask: 2D np.ndarray, optional Binary mask indicating where the cross-correlation should be calculated in the images. If provided, should be the same size as array frames. ann_rad: float, optional [if fit_type='ann'] The expected inner radius of the annulus in FWHM. ann_rad_search: bool [if fit_type='ann'] Whether to also search for optimal radius. ann_width: float, optional [if fit_type='ann'] The expected radial width of the annulus in FWHM. collapse : {'median', 'mean', 'sum', 'max', 'trimmean', 'absmean', 'wmean'} Method used to collapse the aligned cube before 2D Gaussian fit. Should be an argument accepted by the ``vip_hci.preproc.cube_collapse`` function. imlib : str, optional Image processing library to use. interpolation : str, optional Interpolation method to use. border_mode : {'reflect', 'nearest', 'constant', 'mirror', 'wrap'} Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled accordingly. With 'reflect', the input is extended by reflecting about the edge of the last pixel. With 'nearest', the input is extended by replicating the last pixel. With 'constant', the input is extended by filling all values beyond the edge with zeros. With 'mirror', the input is extended by reflecting about the center of the last pixel. With 'wrap', the input is extended by wrapping around to the opposite edge. Default is 'reflect'. log : bool Whether to run the cross-correlation algorithm on images converted in log scale. This can be useful to leverage the whole extent of the PSF and be less dominated by the brightest central pixels. plot : bool, optional If True, the shifts are plotted. full_output: bool, optional Whether to return more variables, useful for debugging. **collapse_args: Additional arguments passed to the ``vip_hci.preproc.cube_collapse`` function. Returns ------- cube_reg_sci : numpy 3d ndarray Registered science cube cube_reg_ref : numpy 3d ndarray [cube_ref!=None] Cube registered to science frames cube_sci_lpf : numpy 3d ndarray [full_output=True] Low+high-pass filtered science cube cube_stret : numpy 3d ndarray [full_output=True] cube_stret with stretched values used for cross-corr cum_x_shifts_sci: numpy 1d array [full_output=True] Vector of x shifts for science frames cum_y_shifts_sci: numpy 1d array [full_output=True] Vector of y shifts for science frames cum_x_shifts_ref: numpy 1d array [full_output=True & cube_ref!=None] Vector of x shifts for ref frames cum_y_shifts_ref: numpy 1d array [full_output=True & cube_ref!=None] Vector of y shifts for ref frames """ n, y, x = cube_sci.shape check_array(cube_sci, dim=3) gam = gammaval if nproc is None: nproc = cpu_count()//2 if recenter_median and fit_type not in {'gaus', 'ann'}: raise TypeError("fit type not recognized. Should be 'ann' or 'gaus'") if crop and not subframesize < y: raise ValueError('`Subframesize` is too large') if cube_ref is not None: ref_star = True nref = cube_ref.shape[0] else: ref_star = False if crop: cube_sci_subframe = cube_crop_frames(cube_sci, subframesize, force=True, verbose=False) if ref_star: cube_ref_subframe = cube_crop_frames(cube_ref, subframesize, force=True, verbose=False) else: subframesize = cube_sci.shape[-1] cube_sci_subframe = np.copy(cube_sci) if ref_star: cube_ref_subframe = np.copy(cube_ref) ceny, cenx = frame_center(cube_sci_subframe[0]) print('Sub frame shape: {}'.format(cube_sci_subframe.shape)) print('Center pixel: ({}, {})'.format(ceny, cenx)) # Filtering cubes. Will be used for alignment purposes cube_sci_lpf = np.copy(cube_sci_subframe) if ref_star: cube_ref_lpf = np.copy(cube_ref_subframe) cube_sci_lpf = cube_sci_lpf - np.min(cube_sci_lpf) if ref_star: cube_ref_lpf = cube_ref_lpf - np.min(cube_ref_lpf) if max_spat_freq > 0: median_size = int(fwhm * max_spat_freq) # Remove spatial frequencies <0.5 lam/D and >3lam/D to isolate speckles cube_sci_hpf = cube_filter_highpass(cube_sci_lpf, 'median-subt', median_size=median_size, verbose=False) else: cube_sci_hpf = cube_sci_lpf if min_spat_freq > 0: cube_sci_lpf = cube_filter_lowpass(cube_sci_hpf, 'gauss', fwhm_size=min_spat_freq * fwhm, verbose=False) else: cube_sci_lpf = np.copy(cube_sci_hpf) if ref_star: if max_spat_freq > 0: cube_ref_hpf = cube_filter_highpass(cube_ref_lpf, 'median-subt', median_size=median_size, verbose=False) else: cube_ref_hpf = cube_ref_lpf if min_spat_freq > 0: cube_ref_lpf = cube_filter_lowpass(cube_ref_hpf, 'gauss', fwhm_size=min_spat_freq * fwhm, verbose=False) else: cube_ref_lpf = np.copy(cube_ref_hpf) if ref_star: align_cube = np.zeros((1 + n + nref, subframesize, subframesize)) align_cube[1:(n + 1), :, :] = cube_sci_lpf align_cube[(n + 1):(n + 2 + nref), :, :] = cube_ref_lpf else: align_cube = np.zeros((1 + n, subframesize, subframesize)) align_cube[1:(n + 1), :, :] = cube_sci_lpf n_frames = align_cube.shape[0] # 1+n or 1+n+nref cum_y_shifts = 0 cum_x_shifts = 0 # no iteration => just align with respect to first frame => converges if alignment_iter == 1: align_cube[0] = cube_sci_lpf[0] # center the cube with stretched values if log: cube_stret = np.log10((align_cube-np.min(align_cube)+1)**gam) else: cube_stret = align_cube.copy() if mask is not None and crop: mask_tmp = frame_crop(mask, subframesize) else: mask_tmp = mask res = cube_recenter_dft_upsampling(cube_stret, center_fr1=(ceny, cenx), upsample_factor=upsample_factor, fwhm=fwhm, subi_size=None, full_output=True, verbose=debug, plot=plot, mask=mask_tmp, imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation, nproc=nproc) cube_stret, y_shift, x_shift = res sqsum_shifts = np.sum(np.sqrt(y_shift ** 2 + x_shift ** 2)) print('Square sum of shift vecs: ' + str(sqsum_shifts)) for j in range(1, n_frames): align_cube[j] = frame_shift(align_cube[j], y_shift[j], x_shift[j], imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation, border_mode=border_mode) cum_y_shifts += y_shift cum_x_shifts += x_shift if recenter_median: align_cube[0] = cube_collapse(align_cube[1:(n + 1)], mode=collapse, **collapse_args) # Recenter the median frame using a 2d fit if fit_type == 'gaus' and negative: crop_sz = int(fwhm) elif fit_type == 'gaus': crop_sz = int(3*fwhm) else: crop_sz = int(6*fwhm) if not crop_sz % 2: # size should be odd and small, between 5 and 7 if crop_sz > 7: crop_sz -= 1 else: crop_sz += 1 sub_image, y1, x1 = get_square(align_cube[0], size=crop_sz, y=ceny, x=cenx, position=True) if fit_type == 'gaus': if negative: sub_image = -sub_image + np.abs(np.min(-sub_image)) y_i, x_i = fit_2dgaussian(sub_image, crop=False, threshold=False, sigfactor=1, debug=debug, full_output=False) elif fit_type == 'ann': if upsample_factor > 20: print("WARNING: the annulus centering may be slow for ") print("upsample_factor larger than 20") sampl_cen = 1./upsample_factor if ann_rad_search: sampl_rad = fwhm*ann_rad/10 # 1/10 of estimated radius else: sampl_rad = None y_i, x_i, rad = _fit_2dannulus(sub_image, fwhm=fwhm, crop=False, ann_rad=ann_rad, sampl_cen=sampl_cen, sampl_rad=sampl_rad, ann_width=ann_width, unc_in=2.) yshift = ceny - (y1 + y_i) xshift = cenx - (x1 + x_i) cum_y_shifts += yshift cum_x_shifts += xshift else: for i in range(alignment_iter): align_cube[0] = cube_collapse(align_cube[1:(n + 1)], mode=collapse, **collapse_args) if recenter_median: # Recenter the median frame using a 2d fit if fit_type == 'gaus' and negative: crop_sz = int(fwhm) elif fit_type == 'gaus': crop_sz = int(3*fwhm) else: crop_sz = int(6*fwhm) if not crop_sz % 2: # size should be odd and small if crop_sz > 7: crop_sz -= 1 else: crop_sz += 1 sub_image, y1, x1 = get_square(align_cube[0], size=crop_sz, y=ceny, x=cenx, position=True) if fit_type == 'gaus': if negative: sub_image = -sub_image + np.abs(np.min(-sub_image)) y_i, x_i = fit_2dgaussian(sub_image, crop=False, threshold=False, sigfactor=1, debug=debug, full_output=False) elif fit_type == 'ann': sampl_cen = 1./upsample_factor if ann_rad_search: sampl_rad = fwhm*ann_rad/10 # 1/10 of estimated radius else: sampl_rad = None y_i, x_i, rad = _fit_2dannulus(sub_image, fwhm=fwhm, crop=False, ann_rad=ann_rad, sampl_cen=sampl_cen, sampl_rad=sampl_rad, ann_width=ann_width, unc_in=2.) yshift = ceny - (y1 + y_i) xshift = cenx - (x1 + x_i) align_cube[0] = frame_shift(align_cube[0, :, :], yshift, xshift, imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation, border_mode=border_mode) # center the cube with stretched values if log: cube_stret = np.log10((align_cube-np.min(align_cube)+1)**gam) else: cube_stret = align_cube.copy() if mask is not None and crop: mask_tmp = frame_crop(mask, subframesize) else: mask_tmp = mask res = cube_recenter_dft_upsampling(cube_stret, subi_size=None, upsample_factor=upsample_factor, center_fr1=(ceny, cenx), fwhm=fwhm, full_output=True, verbose=False, plot=False, mask=mask_tmp, imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation, nproc=nproc) _, y_shift, x_shift = res sqsum_shifts = np.sum(np.sqrt(y_shift ** 2 + x_shift ** 2)) print('Square sum of shift vecs: ' + str(sqsum_shifts)) for j in range(1, n_frames): align_cube[j] = frame_shift(align_cube[j], y_shift[j], x_shift[j], imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation, border_mode=border_mode) cum_y_shifts += y_shift cum_x_shifts += x_shift cube_reg_sci = np.copy(cube_sci) cum_y_shifts_sci = cum_y_shifts[1:(n + 1)] cum_x_shifts_sci = cum_x_shifts[1:(n + 1)] cube_reg_sci = cube_shift(cube_sci, cum_y_shifts_sci, cum_x_shifts_sci, imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation, border_mode=border_mode) if plot: plt.figure(figsize=vip_figsize) plt.plot(cum_x_shifts_sci, 'o-', label='Shifts in x', alpha=0.5) plt.plot(cum_y_shifts_sci, 'o-', label='Shifts in y', alpha=0.5) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.grid('on', alpha=0.2) plt.ylabel('Pixels') plt.xlabel('Frame number') plt.figure(figsize=vip_figsize) b = int(np.sqrt(n)) la = 'Histogram' _ = plt.hist(cum_x_shifts_sci, bins=b, alpha=0.5, label=la+' shifts X') _ = plt.hist(cum_y_shifts_sci, bins=b, alpha=0.5, label=la+' shifts Y') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.ylabel('Bin counts') plt.xlabel('Pixels') if ref_star: cube_reg_ref = np.copy(cube_ref) cum_y_shifts_ref = cum_y_shifts[(n + 1):] cum_x_shifts_ref = cum_x_shifts[(n + 1):] cube_reg_ref = cube_shift(cube_ref, cum_y_shifts_ref, cum_x_shifts_ref, imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation, border_mode=border_mode) if ref_star: if full_output: return (cube_reg_sci, cube_reg_ref, cube_sci_lpf, cube_stret, cum_x_shifts_sci, cum_y_shifts_sci, cum_x_shifts_ref, cum_y_shifts_ref) else: return (cube_reg_sci, cube_reg_ref) else: if full_output: return (cube_reg_sci, cube_sci_lpf, cube_stret, cum_x_shifts_sci, cum_y_shifts_sci) else: return cube_reg_sci
def _fit_2dannulus(array, fwhm=4, crop=False, cent=None, cropsize=15, ann_rad=0.5, ann_width=0.5, sampl_cen=0.1, sampl_rad=None, unc_in=2.): """Find the center of a donut-shape signal (e.g. a coronagraphic PSF) with\ an annulus fit. The function uses a grid of positions for the center and radius of the annulus. The best fit is found by maximizing the mean flux measured in the annular mask. This requires the image to be already roughly centered (by an uncertainty provided by unc_in). Parameters ---------- array : array_like Image with a single donut-like source, already approximately at the center of the frame. fwhm : float Gaussian PSF full width half maximum from fitting (in pixels). ann_rad: float, opt First estimate of the hole radius (in terms of fwhm). The grid search on the radius of the optimal annulus goes from 0.5 to 2 times hole_rad. Note: for the AGPM PSF of VLT/NACO, the optimal hole_rad ~ 0.5FWHM. ann_width: float, opt Width of the annulus in FWHM; default is 0.5 FWHM. sampl_cen: float, opt Precision of the grid sampling to find the center of the annulus (in pixels) sampl_rad: float, opt or None. Precision of the grid sampling to find the optimal radius of the annulus (in pixels). If set to None, there is no grid search for the optimal radius of the annulus, the value given by hole_rad is used. unc_in: float, opt Initial uncertainty on the center location (with respect to center of input subframe) in pixels; this will set the grid width. Returns ------- mean_y : float Source centroid y position on the full image from fitting. mean_x : float Source centroid x position on the full image from fitting. final_hole_rad : float [if sampl_rad != None] Best fit radius of the annulus, in pixels. [if sampl_rad = None] Input radius of the annulus, in pixels. """ if cent is None: ceny, cenx = frame_center(array) else: cenx, ceny = cent if crop: x_sub_px = cenx % 1 y_sub_px = ceny % 1 imside = array.shape[0] psf_subimage, suby, subx = get_square(array, min(cropsize, imside), int(ceny), int(cenx), position=True) ceny, cenx = frame_center(psf_subimage) ceny += y_sub_px cenx += x_sub_px ann_sz = ann_width*fwhm grid_sh_x = np.arange(-unc_in, unc_in, sampl_cen) grid_sh_y = np.arange(-unc_in, unc_in, sampl_cen) if sampl_rad is None: rads = [ann_rad*fwhm] else: rads = np.arange(0.5*ann_rad*fwhm, 2*ann_rad*fwhm, sampl_rad) flux_ann = np.zeros([grid_sh_x.shape[0], grid_sh_y.shape[0]]) best_rad = np.zeros([grid_sh_x.shape[0], grid_sh_y.shape[0]]) for ii, xx in enumerate(grid_sh_x): for jj, yy in enumerate(grid_sh_y): tmp_tmp = frame_shift(array, yy, xx) for rr, rad in enumerate(rads): # mean flux in the annulus tmp = frame_basic_stats(tmp_tmp, 'annulus', inner_radius=rad, size=ann_sz, plot=False) if tmp > flux_ann[ii, jj]: flux_ann[ii, jj] = tmp best_rad[ii, jj] = rad i_max, j_max = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(flux_ann), flux_ann.shape) mean_x = cenx - grid_sh_x[i_max] mean_y = ceny - grid_sh_y[j_max] if sampl_rad is None: return mean_y, mean_x, ann_rad*fwhm else: final_hole_rad = best_rad[i_max, j_max]/fwhm return mean_y, mean_x, final_hole_rad