Source code for vip_hci.preproc.skysubtraction

#! /usr/bin/env python
Module with sky subtraction function.

.. [GOM17]
   | Gomez-Gonzalez et al. 2017
   | **VIP: Vortex Image Processing Package for High-contrast Direct Imaging**
   | *The Astronomical Journal, Volume 154, p. 7*
   | `

.. [HUN18]
   | Hunziker et al. 2018
   | **PCA-based approach for subtracting thermal background emission in
     high-contrast imaging data**
   | *Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 611, p. 23*
   | `

.. [REN23]
   | Ren 2023
   | **Karhunen-Loève data imputation in high-contrast imaging**
   | *Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 679, p. 8*
   | `


__author__ = 'Sandrine Juillard'
__all__ = ['cube_subtract_sky_pca']

import numpy as np
from ..var import prepare_matrix

[docs] def cube_subtract_sky_pca(sci_cube, sky_cube, masks, ref_cube=None, ncomp=2, full_output=False): """PCA-based sky subtraction as explained in [REN23]_ (see also\ [GOM17]_ and [HUN18]_). Parameters ---------- sci_cube : numpy ndarray 3d array of science frames. sky_cube : numpy ndarray 3d array of sky frames. masks : tuple of two numpy ndarray or one signle numpy ndarray Mask indicating the boat and anchor regions for the analysis. If two masks are provided, they will be assigned to mask_anchor and mask_boat in that order. If only one mask is provided, it will be used as the anchor, and the boat images will not be masked (i.e., full frames used). ref_cube : numpy ndarray or None, opt Reference cube. ncomp : int, opt Sets the number of PCs you want to use in the sky subtraction. full_output: bool, opt Whether to also output pcs, reconstructed cube, residuals cube and derotated residual cube. Notes ----- Masks can be created with the function ``vip_hci.var.create_ringed_spider_mask`` or ``vip_hci.var.get_annulus_segments`` (see Usage Example below). Returns ------- sci_cube_skysub : numpy ndarray Sky-subtracted science cube ref_cube_skysub : numpy ndarray [If ref_cube is not None] Also returns sky-subtracted reference cube. If full_output is set to True, returns (in the following order): - sky-subtracted science cube, - sky-subtracted reference cube (if any provided), - boat principal components, - anchor principal components, and - reconstructed cube. Usage Example ------------- You can create the masks using `get_annulus_segments` from `vip_hci.var`. .. code-block:: python from vip_hci.var import get_annulus_segments The function must be used as follows, where `ring_out`, `ring_in`, and `coro` define the radius of the different annulus masks. They must have the same shape as a frame of the science cube. .. code-block:: python ones = np.ones(cube[0].shape) boat = get_annulus_segments(ones,coro,ring_out-coro, mode="mask")[0] anchor = get_annulus_segments(ones,ring_in,ring_out-ring_in, mode="mask")[0] Masks should be provided as 'mask_rdi' argument when using PCA. .. code-block:: python res = pca(cube, angles, ref, mask_rdi=(boat, anchor), ncomp=2) """ try: from ..psfsub.svd import svd_wrapper except BaseException: from ..pca.svd import svd_wrapper if sci_cube.shape[1] != sky_cube.shape[1] or sci_cube.shape[2] != \ sky_cube.shape[2]: raise TypeError('Science and Sky frames sizes do not match') if ref_cube is not None: if sci_cube.shape[1] != ref_cube.shape[1] or sci_cube.shape[2] != \ ref_cube.shape[2]: raise TypeError('Science and Reference frames sizes do not match') if type(masks) not in (list, tuple): # If only one mask is provided, the second mask is generated mask_anchor = masks mask_boat = np.ones(masks.shape) elif len(masks) != 2: raise TypeError('Science and Reference frames sizes do not match') else: mask_anchor, mask_boat = masks # -- Generate boat and anchor matrices # Masking the sky cube with anchor sky_cube_masked = np.zeros_like(sky_cube) ind_masked = np.where(mask_anchor == 0) for i in range(sky_cube.shape[0]): masked_image = np.copy(sky_cube[i]) masked_image[ind_masked] = 0 sky_cube_masked[i] = masked_image sky_anchor = sky_cube_masked.reshape(sky_cube.shape[0], sky_cube.shape[1]*sky_cube.shape[2]) # Masking the science cube with anchor sci_cube_anchor = np.zeros_like(sci_cube) ind_masked = np.where(mask_anchor == 0) for i in range(sci_cube.shape[0]): masked_image = np.copy(sci_cube[i]) masked_image[ind_masked] = 0 sci_cube_anchor[i] = masked_image Msci_masked_anchor = prepare_matrix(sci_cube_anchor, scaling=None, verbose=False) # Masking the science cube with boat sci_cube_boat = np.zeros_like(sci_cube) ind_masked = np.where(mask_boat == 0) for i in range(sci_cube.shape[0]): masked_image = np.copy(sci_cube[i]) masked_image[ind_masked] = 0 sci_cube_boat[i] = masked_image Msci_masked = prepare_matrix(sci_cube_boat, scaling=None, verbose=False) # Masking the sky cube with boat sky_cube_boat = np.zeros_like(sky_cube) ind_masked = np.where(mask_boat == 0) for i in range(sky_cube.shape[0]): masked_image = np.copy(sky_cube[i]) masked_image[ind_masked] = 0 sky_cube_boat[i] = masked_image sky_boat = sky_cube_boat.reshape(sky_cube.shape[0], sky_cube.shape[1]*sky_cube.shape[2]) # -- Generate eigenvectors of R(a)T R(a) sky_kl =, sky_anchor.T) Msky_kl = prepare_matrix(sky_kl, scaling=None, verbose=False) sky_pcs = svd_wrapper(Msky_kl, 'lapack', sky_kl.shape[0], False) sky_pcs_kl = sky_pcs.reshape(sky_kl.shape[0], sky_kl.shape[1]) # -- Generate Kl and Dikl transform sky_pc_anchor =, sky_anchor) sky_pcs_anchor_cube = sky_pc_anchor.reshape(sky_cube.shape[0], sky_cube.shape[1], sky_cube.shape[2]) sky_pcs_boat_cube =, sky_boat).reshape(sky_cube.shape[0], sky_cube.shape[1], sky_cube.shape[2]) # -- Generate Kl projection to get coeff transf_sci = np.zeros((sky_cube.shape[0], Msci_masked_anchor.shape[0])) for i in range(Msci_masked_anchor.shape[0]): transf_sci[:, i] = np.inner(sky_pc_anchor, Msci_masked_anchor[i].T) Msky_pcs_anchor = prepare_matrix(sky_pcs_anchor_cube, scaling=None, verbose=False) mat_inv = np.linalg.inv(, Msky_pcs_anchor.T)) transf_sci_scaled =, transf_sci) # -- Subtraction Dikl projection using anchor coeff to sci cube sci_cube_skysub = np.zeros_like(sci_cube) sky_opt = sci_cube.copy() for i in range(Msci_masked.shape[0]): tmp_sky = [np.sum(transf_sci_scaled[j, i]*sky_pcs_boat_cube[j] for j in range(ncomp))] sky_opt[i] = np.array(tmp_sky) sci_cube_skysub[i] = sci_cube_boat[i] - sky_opt[i] # -- Processing the reference cube (if any) if ref_cube is not None: # Masking the ref cube with anchor ref_cube_anchor = np.zeros_like(sci_cube) ind_masked = np.where(mask_anchor == 0) for i in range(sci_cube.shape[0]): masked_image = np.copy(sci_cube[i]) masked_image[ind_masked] = 0 ref_cube_anchor[i] = masked_image Mref_masked_anchor = prepare_matrix(ref_cube_anchor, scaling=None, verbose=False) # Masking the ref cube with boat ref_cube_boat = np.zeros_like(sci_cube) ind_masked = np.where(mask_boat == 0) for i in range(sci_cube.shape[0]): masked_image = np.copy(sci_cube[i]) masked_image[ind_masked] = 0 ref_cube_boat[i] = masked_image Mref_masked = prepare_matrix(ref_cube_boat, scaling=None, verbose=False) transf_ref = np.zeros((sky_cube.shape[0], Mref_masked.shape[0])) for i in range(Mref_masked.shape[0]): transf_ref[:, i] = np.inner(sky_pc_anchor, Mref_masked_anchor[i].T) transf_ref_scaled =, transf_ref) ref_cube_skysub = np.zeros_like(ref_cube) for i in range(Mref_masked.shape[0]): tmp_sky = [np.sum(transf_ref_scaled[j, i]*sky_pcs_boat_cube[j] for j in range(ncomp))] sky_opt = np.array(tmp_sky) ref_cube_skysub[i] = ref_cube_boat[i] - sky_opt if full_output: return (sci_cube_skysub, ref_cube_skysub, sky_pcs_anchor_cube, sky_pcs_boat_cube, sky_opt) else: return sci_cube_skysub, ref_cube_skysub else: if full_output: return (sci_cube_skysub, sky_pcs_anchor_cube, sky_pcs_boat_cube, sky_opt) else: return sci_cube_skysub