Source code for vip_hci.psfsub.rollsub

#! /usr/bin/env python
Implementation of a roll subtraction algorithm for PSF subtraction in imaging
sequences obtained with space-based instruments (e.g. JWST or HST) with
different roll angles. The concept was proposed in [SCH98]_ for application to
HST/NICMOS observations.

.. [SCH98]
   | Schneider et al. 1998
   | **Exploration of the environments of nearby stars with the NICMOS
   coronagraph: instrumental performance considerations**
   | *Proc. SPIE Vol. 3356, pp. 222-233*


__author__ = "Valentin Christiaens"
__all__ = ["roll_sub", "ROLL_SUB_Params"]

import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import List
from ..config import time_ini, timing
from ..config.paramenum import Imlib, Interpolation, Collapse, ALGO_KEY
from ..config.utils_param import separate_kwargs_dict
from ..preproc import cube_derotate, cube_collapse, frame_rotate
from ..var import mask_circle, frame_filter_lowpass, cube_filter_lowpass

[docs] @dataclass class ROLL_SUB_Params: """ Set of parameters for the roll subtraction module. See function `roll_sub` for documentation. """ cube: np.ndarray = None angle_list: np.ndarray = None mode: str = "mean" imlib: Enum = Imlib.VIPFFT interpolation: Enum = Interpolation.LANCZOS4 collapse: Enum = Collapse.MEAN fwhm_lp_bef: float = 0. fwhm_lp_aft: float = 0. mask_rad: float = 0. cube_sig: np.ndarray = None nproc: int = 1 full_output: bool = False verbose: bool = True
[docs] def roll_sub(*all_args: List, **all_kwargs: dict): """Perform roll-subtraction, followed by derotation and stacking of\ residual images. Reference: [SCH98]_. Parameters ---------- all_args: list, optional Positionnal arguments for the roll_sub algorithm. Full list of parameters below. all_kwargs: dictionary, optional Mix of keyword arguments that can initialize a ROLL_SUB_Params and the optional ``rot_options`` dictionary (with keywords ``border_mode``, ``mask_val``, ``edge_blend``, ``interp_zeros``, ``ker``; see docstrings of ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_rotate``). Can also contain a ROLL_SUB_Params object/dictionary named ``algo_params``. Parameters ---------- cube : 3d numpy ndarray, or tuple of two 3d numpy ndarray Input cube. Can also be a 4d array, with images obtained with the 1st and 2nd roll angle values are provided in the 1st and 2nd dimension of the 4d cube, respectively. angle_list : 1d numpy ndarray, or list/tuple of 2 elements Roll angles associated to each frame. Can also be a list/tuple of 2 elements. In the latter case, if input cube is 3D, it will assume that the first half of the frames are associated to the first roll angle, and the second half to the second roll angle. mode : {'mean', 'median', 'individual'}, str optional If ``mode`` is set to 'mean' or 'median', only the mean/median frame of the image sequence obtained at the first roll angle is subtracted to the mean/media image from the sequence obtained with the second roll angle, and vice-versa. If ``mode`` is set to 'individual' a pair-wise subtraction of individual images obtained at each roll angle is performed, following the same order as in the input cube. To work, this mode requires the same number of images obtained with each roll angle. imlib : Enum, see `vip_hci.config.paramenum.Imlib` See the documentation of ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_rotate``. interpolation : Enum, see `vip_hci.config.paramenum.Interpolation` See the documentation of the ``vip_hci.preproc.frame_rotate`` function. collapse : Enum, see `vip_hci.config.paramenum.Collapse` Sets how temporal residual frames should be combined to produce an ADI image. fwhm_lp_bef : float, optional FWHM of the Gaussian kernel used for low-pass filtering of the input images. Can be useful for mode='individual' and spatially subsampled input images. If set to 0 (default), no low-pass filtering is performed. fwhm_lp_aft : float, optional FWHM of the Gaussian kernel used for low-pass filtering of the final image. Can be useful for spatially subsampled input images. If set to 0 (default), no low-pass filtering is performed. nproc : None or int, optional Number of processes for parallel computing. If None the number of processes will be set to cpu_count()/2. By default the algorithm works in single-process mode. full_output: bool, optional Whether to return the final median combined image only or with other intermediate arrays. verbose : bool, optional If True prints to stdout intermediate info. Returns ------- cube_res : numpy ndarray, 3d [full_output=True] The cube of residuals. cube_der : numpy ndarray, 3d [full_output=True] The derotated cube of residuals. frame : numpy ndarray, 2d Median combination of the de-rotated cube. """ # Separating the parameters of the ParamsObject from optional rot_options class_params, rot_options = separate_kwargs_dict( initial_kwargs=all_kwargs, parent_class=ROLL_SUB_Params ) # Extracting the object of parameters (if any) algo_params = None if ALGO_KEY in rot_options.keys(): algo_params = rot_options[ALGO_KEY] del rot_options[ALGO_KEY] if algo_params is None: algo_params = ROLL_SUB_Params(*all_args, **class_params) mang = np.mean(algo_params.angle_list) if len(algo_params.angle_list) == 2: ang1, ang2 = algo_params.angle_list else: rang1 = algo_params.angle_list[np.where(algo_params.angle_list <= mang)] ang1 = np.mean(rang1) rang2 = algo_params.angle_list[np.where(algo_params.angle_list > mang)] ang2 = np.mean(rang2) if isinstance(algo_params.cube, tuple): nh1 = len(algo_params.cube[0]) nh2 = len(algo_params.cube[1]) ARRAY = np.concatenate((algo_params.cube[0], algo_params.cube[1]), axis=0) algo_params.angle_list = [ang1]*nh1 algo_params.angle_list.extend([ang2]*nh2) algo_params.angle_list = np.array(algo_params.angle_list) elif algo_params.cube.ndim == 3: ARRAY = algo_params.cube.copy() nfr = ARRAY.shape[0] nh1 = nfr//2 nh2 = nfr-nfr//2 if len(algo_params.angle_list) != nfr: if len(algo_params.angle_list) == 2: algo_params.angle_list = [ang1]*nh1 algo_params.angle_list.extend([ang2]*nh2) algo_params.angle_list = np.array(algo_params.angle_list) else: msg = "Input angle_list has wrong length (should be 2 or {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(nfr)) else: raise TypeError("Input array is not a 3d array or tuple of 2 3d arrays") if algo_params.verbose: start_time = time_ini() if algo_params.nproc is None: algo_params.nproc = cpu_count() // 2 if algo_params.fwhm_lp_bef > 0: cube = cube_filter_lowpass(ARRAY.copy(), fwhm_size=algo_params.fwhm_lp_bef) else: cube = ARRAY.copy() if algo_params.cube_sig is not None: cube_ref = cube - algo_params.cube_sig else: cube_ref = cube.copy() idx1 = np.where(algo_params.angle_list <= mang) idx2 = np.where(algo_params.angle_list > mang) if algo_params.mode == 'individual': if nh1 != nh2: msg = "In 'individual' mode, the same number of images is required " msg += "for both roll angles." raise ValueError(msg) cube1 = cube[idx1] cube2 = cube[idx2] arr1 = cube_ref[idx1] # makes a difference in iroll arr2 = cube_ref[idx2] # makes a difference in iroll cube_res1 = np.array([cube1[i]-arr2[i] for i in range(nh1)]) cube_res2 = np.array([cube2[i]-arr1[i] for i in range(nh2)]) cube_res = np.concatenate((cube_res1, cube_res2), axis=0) cube_der = cube_derotate(cube_res, algo_params.angle_list, imlib=algo_params.imlib, interpolation=algo_params.interpolation, nproc=algo_params.nproc, **rot_options,) fin_roll = cube_collapse(cube_der, mode=algo_params.collapse) else: mr1 = np.mean(cube[idx1], axis=0) mr2 = np.mean(cube[idx2], axis=0) arr1 = np.mean(cube_ref[idx1], axis=0) # makes a difference in iroll arr2 = np.mean(cube_ref[idx2], axis=0) # makes a difference in iroll ang1 = np.mean(-algo_params.angle_list[idx1]) ang2 = np.mean(-algo_params.angle_list[idx2]) dr12 = mr1-arr2 dr12_drot = frame_rotate(dr12, ang1, imlib=algo_params.imlib, interpolation=algo_params.interpolation, **rot_options) dr21 = mr2-arr1 dr21_drot = frame_rotate(dr21, ang2, imlib=algo_params.imlib, interpolation=algo_params.interpolation, **rot_options) cube_res = np.array([dr12, dr21]) cube_der = np.array([dr12_drot, dr21_drot]) fin_roll = cube_collapse(cube_der, mode=algo_params.collapse) if algo_params.fwhm_lp_aft > 0: fin_roll = frame_filter_lowpass(fin_roll, fwhm_size=algo_params.fwhm_lp_aft) if algo_params.mask_rad > 0: fin_roll = mask_circle(fin_roll, algo_params.mask_rad) if algo_params.verbose: print("Done derotating and combining") timing(start_time) if algo_params.full_output: return cube_res, cube_der, fin_roll else: return fin_roll