Source code for vip_hci.stats.bkg_proba

#! /usr/bin/env python

Probability of a point source to be a background star.

__author__ = 'V. Christiaens'
__all__ = ['bkg_star_proba']

from scipy.special import factorial
import numpy as np

[docs] def bkg_star_proba(n_dens, sep, n_bkg=1, verbose=True, full_output=False): """ Given an input density of background star brighter than a certain magnitude (obtained e.g. from the Besancon model or TRILEGAL), and the separation of n_bkg point source, estimate the probability of having n_bkg or more background stars in a disk with radius equal to the largest separation. The probability is estimated using a spatial Poisson point process. Parameters ---------- n_dens : float Number density of background stars in the direction of the object of interest, in arcsec^-2. sep : float or numpy 1d array Separation of the point sources with respect to central star, in arcsec. n_bkg : int, opt Number of point sources in the field, and for which the separation is provided. verbose: bool, opt Whether to print the probabilities for 0 to n_bkg point sources. full_output: bool, opt Whether to also return probabilities of 0 to n_bkg-1 point sources Returns ------- proba : float Probability between 0% and 100%. [probas : np 1d array] if full_output is True Probabilities of getting 0 to n_bkg-1 point sources """ if n_bkg < 1 or not isinstance(n_bkg, int): raise TypeError("n_bkg should be a strictly positive integer.") if not isinstance(sep, float): if isinstance(sep, np.ndarray): if sep.ndim != 1 or sep.shape[0] != n_bkg: raise TypeError("if sep is a np array, its len should be n_bkg") else: sep = np.amax(sep) else: raise TypeError("sep can only be a float or a np 1d array") B = np.pi*sep**2 probas = np.zeros(n_bkg) for i in range(n_bkg): probas[i] = np.exp(-n_dens*B)*(n_dens*B)**i/float(factorial(i)) if verbose: msg = "Proba of having {:.0f} bkg star in a disk of " msg += "{:.1}'' radius: {:.1f}%" print(msg.format(i, sep, probas[i])) proba = 1-np.sum(probas) if verbose: msg = "Proba of having {:.0f} bkg star or more in a disk of " msg += "{:.1}'' radius: {:.1f}%" print(msg.format(n_bkg, sep, proba)) if full_output: return proba, probas else: return proba