Source code for vip_hci.stats.clip_sigma

#! /usr/bin/env python

Module with sigma clipping functions.

__author__ = 'Carlos Alberto Gomez Gonzalez', 'V. Christiaens'
__all__ = ['clip_array',

import numpy as np

import warnings
    from numba import njit
    no_numba = False
except ImportError:
    msg = "Numba python bindings are missing."
    warnings.warn(msg, ImportWarning)
    no_numba = True

[docs] def sigma_filter(frame_tmp, bpix_map, neighbor_box=3, min_neighbors=3, half_res_y=False, verbose=False): """Sigma filtering of pixels in a 2d array. Parameters ---------- frame_tmp : numpy ndarray Input 2d array, image. bpix_map: numpy ndarray Input array of the same size as frame_tmp, indicating the locations of bad/nan pixels by 1 (the rest of the array is set to 0) neighbor_box : int, optional The side of the window around each pixel where the sigma and median are calculated. If half_res_y, this is the horizontal side (the vertical side will be twice smaller). min_neighbors : int, optional Minimum number of good neighboring pixels to be able to correct the bad/nan pixels half_res_y: bool, optional Whether the input data have every couple of 2 rows identical, i.e. there is twice less angular resolution vertically than horizontally (e.g. SINFONI data). verbose: bool, optional Whether to print more information while running. Returns ------- frame_corr : numpy ndarray Output array with corrected bad/nan pixels """ if not no_numba: @njit def _sigma_filter_numba(frame_tmp, bpix_map, neighbor_box=3, min_neighbors=3, half_res_y=False, verbose=False): if not frame_tmp.ndim == 2: raise TypeError('Input array is not a frame or 2d array') sz_y = frame_tmp.shape[0] # get image y-dim sz_x = frame_tmp.shape[1] # get image x-dim bp = bpix_map.copy() # temporary bpix map; important to make a copy! im = frame_tmp # corrected image nb = int(np.sum(bpix_map)) # number of bad pixels remaining nit = 0 # number of iterations while nb > 0: nit += 1 wb = np.where(bp) # find bad pixels gp = 1 - bp # temporary good pixel map for n in range(nb): # 0/ Determine the box around each pixel half_box_x = int(np.floor(neighbor_box/2.)) if half_res_y: half_box_y = max(1, int(half_box_x/2)) else: half_box_y = half_box_x # half size of the box at hbox_b = min(half_box_y, wb[0][n]) # the bottom of the pixel # half size of the box at hbox_t = min(half_box_y, sz_y-1-wb[0][n]) # the top of the pixel # half size of the box to hbox_l = min(half_box_x, wb[1][n]) # the left of the pixel # half size of the box to hbox_r = min(half_box_x, sz_x-1-wb[1][n]) # the right of the pixel # in case we are close to an edge, we want to extend the box # in the direction opposite to the edge: if hbox_b < hbox_t: hbox_t += half_box_y-hbox_b elif hbox_t < hbox_b: hbox_b += half_box_y-hbox_t if hbox_l < hbox_r: hbox_r += half_box_x-hbox_l elif hbox_r < hbox_l: hbox_l += half_box_x-hbox_r sgp = gp[(wb[0][n]-hbox_b):(wb[0][n]+hbox_t+1), (wb[1][n]-hbox_l):(wb[1][n]+hbox_r+1)] if int(np.sum(sgp)) >= min_neighbors: sim = im[(wb[0][n]-hbox_b):(wb[0][n]+hbox_t+1), (wb[1][n]-hbox_l):(wb[1][n]+hbox_r+1)] px_x = int(wb[0][n]) px_y = int(wb[1][n]) gsgp = np.where(sgp) gsim = [] for i in range(len(gsgp[0])): gsim.append(sim[gsgp[0][i], gsgp[1][i]]) im[px_x, px_y] = np.median(np.array(gsim)) bp[px_x, px_y] = 0 nb = int(np.sum(bp)) if verbose: print('Required number of iterations in the sigma filter: ', nit) return im # TODO: If possible, replace this function using # scipy.ndimage.filters.generic_filter and astropy.stats.sigma_clip def _sigma_filter(frame_tmp, bpix_map, neighbor_box=3, min_neighbors=3, half_res_y=False, verbose=False): """Same description as wrapper function.""" if frame_tmp.ndim != 2: raise TypeError('Input array is not a frame or 2d array') sz_y = frame_tmp.shape[0] # get image y-dim sz_x = frame_tmp.shape[1] # get image x-dim bp = bpix_map.copy() # temporary bpix map; important to make a copy! im = frame_tmp # corrected image nb = int(np.sum(bpix_map)) # number of bad pixels remaining # In each iteration, correct only the bpix with sufficient good # 'neighbors' nit = 0 # number of iterations while nb > 0: nit += 1 wb = np.where(bp) # find bad pixels gp = 1 - bp # temporary good pixel map for n in range(nb): # 0/ Determine the box around each pixel half_box_x = int(np.floor(neighbor_box/2.)) if half_res_y: half_box_y = max(1, int(half_box_x/2)) else: half_box_y = half_box_x # half size of the box at the hbox_b = min(half_box_y, wb[0][n]) # bottom of the pixel # half size of the box at the hbox_t = min(half_box_y, sz_y-1-wb[0][n]) # top of the pixel # half size of the box to the hbox_l = min(half_box_x, wb[1][n]) # left of the pixel # half size of the box to the hbox_r = min(half_box_x, sz_x-1-wb[1][n]) # right of the pixel # but in case we are at an edge with min size box, we want to # extend the box by one row/column of pixels in the direction # opposite to the edge: if half_box_y == 1: if wb[0][n] == sz_y-1: hbox_b = hbox_b+1 elif wb[0][n] == 0: hbox_t = hbox_t+1 if wb[1][n] == sz_x-1: hbox_l = hbox_l+1 elif wb[1][n] == 0: hbox_r = hbox_r+1 sgp = gp[int(wb[0][n]-hbox_b): int(wb[0][n]+hbox_t+1), int(wb[1][n]-hbox_l): int(wb[1][n]+hbox_r+1)] if int(np.sum(sgp)) >= min_neighbors: sim = im[int(wb[0][n]-hbox_b): int(wb[0][n]+hbox_t+1), int(wb[1][n]-hbox_l): int(wb[1][n]+hbox_r+1)] im[wb[0][n], wb[1][n]] = np.median(sim[np.where(sgp)]) bp[wb[0][n], wb[1][n]] = 0 nb = int(np.sum(bp)) if verbose: print('Required number of iterations in the sigma filter: ', nit) return im if no_numba: return _sigma_filter(frame_tmp, bpix_map, neighbor_box=3, min_neighbors=3, verbose=False) else: return _sigma_filter_numba(frame_tmp, bpix_map, neighbor_box=3, min_neighbors=3, verbose=False)
[docs] def clip_array(array, lower_sigma, upper_sigma, bpm_mask_ori=None, out_good=False, neighbor=False, num_neighbor=3, mad=False, half_res_y=False): """Sigma clipping for detecting outlying values in 2d array. If the parameter 'neighbor' is True the clipping can be performed in a local patch around each pixel, whose size depends on 'neighbor' parameter. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input 2d array, image. lower_sigma : float Value for sigma, lower boundary. upper_sigma : float Value for sigma, upper boundary. bpm_mask_ori : 2d numpy ndarray or None Known (static) bad pixels. Additional bad pixels will be identified, on top of those ones. They are not considered as good neighbours during sigma-clipping. out_good : bool, optional For choosing different outputs. True to return indices of good pixels, False for indices of bad pixels. neighbor : bool, optional For clipping over the median of the contiguous pixels. num_neighbor : int, optional The side of the window around each pixel where the sigma and median are calculated. If half_res_y, this is the horizontal side (the vertical side will be twice smaller). mad : {False, True}, bool optional If True, the median absolute deviation will be used instead of the standard deviation. min_std : float, optional Min standard deviation considered for the lower and upper sigma conditions. Can be useful for frames with padded edges (e.g. SPHERE/IFS) half_res_y: bool, optional Whether the input data have every couple of 2 rows identical, i.e. there is twice less angular resolution vertically than horizontally (e.g. SINFONI data). Returns ------- good : array_like If out_good argument is true, returns the indices of not-outlying px. bad : array_like If out_good argument is false, returns a vector with the outlier px. """ def _clip_array(array, lower_sigma, upper_sigma, bpm_mask_ori, out_good=False, neighbor=False, num_neighbor=3, mad=False, half_res_y=False): """Sigma clipping for detecting outlying values in 2d array. If the parameter 'neighbor' is True the clipping can be performed in a local patch around each pixel, whose size depends on 'neighbor' parameter. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input 2d array, image. lower_sigma : float Value for sigma, lower boundary. upper_sigma : float Value for sigma, upper boundary. bpm_mask_ori : 2d numpy ndarray or None Known (e.g. static) bad pixel map. Additional bad pixels will be identified, on top of these ones. They are not considered as good neighbours during sigma-clipping. out_good : bool, optional For choosing different outputs. neighbor : bool optional For clipping over the median of the contiguous pixels. num_neighbor : int, optional The side of the window around each pixel where the sigma and median are calculated. If half_res_y, this is the horizontal side (the vertical side will be twice smaller). mad : bool, optional If True, the median absolute deviation will be used instead of the standard deviation. half_res_y: bool, optional Whether the input data have every couple of 2 rows identical, i.e. there is twice less angular resolution vertically than horizontally (e.g. SINFONI data). Returns ------- good : numpy ndarray If out_good argument is true, returns the indices of not-outlying px. bad : numpy ndarray If out_good argument is false, returns a vector with the outlier px. """ if array.ndim != 2: raise TypeError("Input array is not two dimensional (frame)\n") if bpm_mask_ori is None: gpm_ori = np.ones(array.shape) else: gpm_ori = np.ones(array.shape) - bpm_mask_ori ny, nx = array.shape bpm = np.ones(array.shape) gpm = np.zeros(array.shape) if neighbor and num_neighbor: for y in range(ny): for x in range(nx): if not gpm_ori[y,x]: continue # 0/ Determine the box around each pixel half_box_x = int(np.floor(num_neighbor/2.)) if half_res_y: half_box_y = max(1, int(half_box_x/2)) else: half_box_y = half_box_x # half size of the box at the hbox_b = min(half_box_y, y) # bottom of the pixel # half size of the box at the hbox_t = min(half_box_y, ny-1-y) # top of the pixel # half size of the box to the hbox_l = min(half_box_x, x) # left of the pixel # half size of the box to the hbox_r = min(half_box_x, nx-1-x) # right of the pixel # in case we are close to an edge, we want to extend the box # in the direction opposite to the edge: if hbox_b < hbox_t: hbox_t += half_box_y-hbox_b elif hbox_t < hbox_b: hbox_b += half_box_y-hbox_t if hbox_l < hbox_r: hbox_r += half_box_x-hbox_l elif hbox_r < hbox_l: hbox_l += half_box_x-hbox_r sub_arr = array[y-hbox_b:y+hbox_t+1, x-hbox_l:x+hbox_r+1] gp_arr = gpm_ori[y-hbox_b:y+hbox_t+1, x-hbox_l:x+hbox_r+1] gp_idx = np.nonzero(gp_arr) neighbours = [] for n, (i, j) in enumerate(zip(gp_idx[0], gp_idx[1])): neighbours.append(sub_arr[i, j]) neighbours = np.array(neighbours) neigh_list = [] remove_itself = True for i in range(neighbours.shape[0]): if neighbours[i] == array[y, x] and remove_itself: remove_itself = False else: neigh_list.append(neighbours[i]) neigh_arr = np.array(neigh_list) median = np.median(neigh_arr) if mad: abs_diff = [] for i in range(len(neigh_list)):#num_neighbor*num_neighbor-1): abs_diff.append(np.absolute(median-neigh_arr[i])) sigma = np.median(np.array(abs_diff)) else: sigma = np.std(neigh_arr) bad1 = array[y, x] < (median - lower_sigma * sigma) bad2 = array[y, x] > (median + upper_sigma * sigma) bpm[y, x] = bad1 | bad2 gpm[y, x] = 1.-bpm[y, x] else: median = np.median(array) sigma = np.std(array) for y in range(ny): for x in range(nx): bad1 = array[y, x] < (median - lower_sigma * sigma) bad2 = array[y, x] > (median + upper_sigma * sigma) bpm[y, x] = bad1 | bad2 gpm[y, x] = 1.-bpm[y, x] if out_good: good = np.where(gpm) return good else: bad = np.where(bpm) return bad if no_numba: return _clip_array(array, lower_sigma, upper_sigma, bpm_mask_ori, out_good=out_good, neighbor=neighbor, num_neighbor=num_neighbor, mad=mad, half_res_y=half_res_y) else: _clip_array_numba = njit(_clip_array) return _clip_array_numba(array, lower_sigma, upper_sigma, bpm_mask_ori, out_good=out_good, neighbor=neighbor, num_neighbor=num_neighbor, mad=mad, half_res_y=half_res_y)