Source code for vip_hci.stats.distances

#! /usr/bin/env python
Distance and correlation between images.

.. [WAN04]
   | Wang et al. 2004
   | **Image Quality Assessment: From Error Visibility to Structural
   | *IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume 13, Issue 4, pp. 600-612*
   | `

.. [GRE16]
   | Greco & Brandt 2016
   | **The Measurement, Treatment, and Impact of Spectral Covariance and
     Bayesian Priors in Integral-field Spectroscopy of Exoplanets**
   | *The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 833, Issue 1, p. 134*
   | `


__author__ = 'Carlos Alberto Gomez Gonzalez; V. Christiaens'
__all__ = ['cube_distance',

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import pearsonr, spearmanr
from astropy.stats import gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from skimage.metrics import structural_similarity as ssim

from ..config import vip_figsize
from ..var import get_annulus_segments, get_circle

[docs] def cube_distance(array, frame, mode='full', dist='sad', inradius=None, width=None, mask=None, plot=True): """ Computes the distance (or similarity) between frames in a cube, using one as the reference (it can be either a frame from the same cube or a separate 2d array). Depending on the mode, the whole image can be used, or just the pixels in a given annulus. The criteria used are: - the Manhattan distance (SAD or sum of absolute differences), - the Euclidean distance (square root of the sum of the squared differences), - the Mean Squared Error, - the Spearman rank correlation coefficient, - the Pearson correlation coefficient, - the Structural Similarity Index (SSIM). The SAD, MSE and Ecuclidean criteria are dissimilarity criteria, which means that 0 is perfect similarity. The Pearson (resp. Spearman) coefficients, vary between -1 and +1 with 0 implying no correlation. Correlations of -1 or +1 imply an exact linear (resp. monotonic) relationship. The Structural Similarity Index was proposed in [WAN04]_. SSIM varies between -1 and 1, where 1 means perfect similarity. SSIM attempts to model the perceived change in the structural information of the image. The mean SSIM is reported. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input cube or 3d array. frame : int, 2d array or None Reference frame in the cube or 2d array. If None, will take the median frame of the 3d array. mode : {'full','annulus', 'mask'}, string optional Whether to use the full frames, a centered annulus or a provided mask. dist : {'sad','euclidean','mse','pearson','spearman', 'ssim'}, str optional Which criterion to use. inradius : None or int, optional The inner radius when mode is 'annulus'. width : None or int, optional The width when mode is 'annulus'. mask: 2d array, optional If mode is 'mask', this is the mask within which the metrics is calculated in the images. plot : bool, optional Whether to plot the distances or not. Returns ------- lista : numpy ndarray 1d array of distances for each frame wrt the reference one. """ if array.ndim != 3: raise TypeError('The input array is not a cube or 3d array') lista = [] n = array.shape[0] if isinstance(frame, int): frame_ref = array[frame] elif isinstance(frame, np.ndarray): frame_ref = frame elif frame is None: frame_ref = np.median(array, axis=0) else: raise TypeError('Input ref frame format not recognized') if mode == 'full': pass elif mode == 'annulus': if inradius is None: raise ValueError('`Inradius` has not been set') if width is None: raise ValueError('`Width` has not been set') frame_ref = get_annulus_segments(frame_ref, inradius, width, mode="val")[0] elif mode == 'mask': if mask is None: raise ValueError('mask has not been set') frame_ref = frame_ref[np.where(mask)] else: raise TypeError('Mode not recognized or missing parameters') for i in range(n): if mode == 'full': framei = array[i] elif mode == 'annulus': framei = get_annulus_segments(array[i], inradius, width, mode="val")[0] elif mode == 'mask': framei = array[i][np.where(mask)] if dist == 'sad': lista.append(np.sum(abs(frame_ref - framei))) elif dist == 'euclidean': lista.append(np.sqrt(np.sum((frame_ref - framei)**2))) elif dist == 'mse': lista.append((np.sum((frame_ref - framei)**2))/len(frame_ref)) elif dist == 'pearson': pears, _ = pearsonr(frame_ref.ravel(), framei.ravel()) lista.append(pears) elif dist == 'spearman': spear, _ = spearmanr(frame_ref.ravel(), framei.ravel()) lista.append(spear) elif dist == 'ssim': mean_ssim = ssim(frame_ref, framei, win_size=7, data_range=frame_ref.max() - frame_ref.min(), gaussian_weights=True, sigma=1.5, use_sample_covariance=True) lista.append(mean_ssim) else: raise ValueError('Distance not recognized') lista = np.array(lista) median_cor = np.median(lista) mean_cor = np.mean(lista) if plot: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=vip_figsize) if isinstance(frame, int): ax.vlines(frame, ymin=np.nanmin(lista), ymax=np.nanmax(lista), colors='green', linestyles='dashed', lw=2, alpha=0.8, label='Frame '+str(frame)) ax.hlines(median_cor, xmin=-1, xmax=n+1, colors='purple', alpha=0.3, linestyles='dashed', label='Median value : {:.3f}'.format(median_cor)) ax.hlines(mean_cor, xmin=-1, xmax=n+1, colors='green', alpha=0.3, linestyles='dashed', label='Mean value : {:.3f}'.format(mean_cor)) x = range(len(lista)) ax.plot(x, lista, '-', alpha=0.6, color='#1f77b4') ax.plot(x, lista, 'o', alpha=0.4, color='#1f77b4') plt.xlabel('Frame number') if dist == 'sad': plt.ylabel('SAD - Manhattan distance') elif dist == 'euclidean': plt.ylabel('Euclidean distance') elif dist == 'pearson': plt.ylabel('Pearson correlation coefficient') elif dist == 'spearman': plt.ylabel('Spearman rank correlation coefficient') elif dist == 'mse': plt.ylabel('Mean squared error') elif dist == 'ssim': plt.ylabel('Structural Similarity Index') plt.xlim(xmin=-1, xmax=n+1) plt.minorticks_on() plt.legend(fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5, fontsize=12, loc='best') plt.grid(which='major', alpha=0.2) return lista
[docs] def spectral_correlation(array, ann_width=2, r_in=1, r_out=None, pl_xy=None, mask_r=4, fwhm=4, sp_fwhm_guess=3, full_output=False): """ Computes the spectral correlation between (post-processed) IFS frames, as a function of radius, implemented as Eq. 7 of [GRE16]_. This is a crucial step for an unbias fit of a measured IFS spectrum to either synthetic or template spectra. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input cube or 3d array, of dimensions n_ch x n_y x n_x; where n_y and n_x should be odd values (star should be centered on central pixel). ann_width : int, optional Width in pixels of the concentric annuli used to compute the spectral correlation as a function of radial separation. Greco & Brandt 2017 noted no significant differences for annuli between 1 and 3 pixels width on GPI data. r_in: int, optional Innermost radius where the spectral correlation starts to be computed. r_out: int, optional Outermost radius where the spectral correlation is computed.If left as None, it will automatically be computed up to the edge of the frame. pl_xy: tuple of tuples of 2 floats, optional x,y coordiantes of all companions present in the images. If provided, a circle centered on the location of each companion will be masked out for the spectral correlation computation. mask_r: float, optional if pl_xy is provided, this should also be provided. Size of the aperture around each companion (in terms of fwhm) that is discarded to not bias the spectral correlation computation. fwhm: float, optional if pl_xy is provided, this should also be provided. By default we consider a 2FWHM aperture mask around each companion to not bias the spectral correlation computation. sp_fwhm_guess: float, optional Initial guess on the spectral FWHM of all channels. full_output: bool, opt Whether to also output the fitted spectral FWHM for each channel. Note: radii that are skipped will be filled with zeros in the output cube. Returns ------- sp_corr : numpy ndarray 3d array of spectral correlation, as a function of radius with dimensions: n_r x n_ch x n_ch, where n_r = min((n_y-1)/2,(n_x-1)/2) Starts at r = 1 (not r=0) px. sp_fwhm: numpy ndarray (if full_output is True) 2d array containing the spectral fwhm at each radius, for each spectral channel. Dims: n_r x n_ch """ if not isinstance(ann_width, int) or not isinstance(r_in, int): raise TypeError("Inputs should be integers") if array.ndim != 3: raise TypeError("Input array should be 3D.") n_ch, n_y, n_x = array.shape n_r = min((n_y-1)/2., (n_x-1)/2.) if n_r % 1: raise TypeError("Input array y and x dimensions should be odd") if r_out is None: r_out = n_r test_rads = np.arange(r_in-1, r_out-1) n_rad = int(np.floor(test_rads.shape[0]/ann_width)) # n_rad = int(np.ceil(n_r/ann_width)) # effective number of annuli probed sp_corr = np.zeros([int(n_r), n_ch, n_ch]) if full_output: sp_fwhm = np.zeros([int(n_r), n_ch]) def gauss_1fp(x, *p): sigma = p[0]*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma return np.exp(-x**2/(2.*sigma**2)) mask_final = np.zeros_like(array[0]) if pl_xy is not None: mask = np.ones_like(array[0]) for i in range(len(pl_xy)): if not isinstance(pl_xy[i], tuple): raise TypeError("Format of companions coordinates incorrect") mask_i = get_circle( mask, radius=mask_r*fwhm, cy=pl_xy[i][1], cx=pl_xy[i][0], mode="mask") mask_final[np.where(mask_i)] = 1 for ann in range(n_rad): inner_radius = r_in + (ann * ann_width) indices = get_annulus_segments(array[0], inner_radius, ann_width) yy = indices[0][0] xx = indices[0][1] yy_final = [yy[i] for i in range( len(indices[0][0])) if not mask_final[yy[i], xx[i]]] xx_final = [xx[i] for i in range( len(indices[0][0])) if not mask_final[yy[i], xx[i]]] matrix = array[:, yy_final, xx_final] # shape (z, npx_annsegm) for zi in range(n_ch): for zj in range(n_ch): num = np.nanmean(matrix[zi]*matrix[zj]) denom = np.sqrt(np.nanmean(matrix[zi]*matrix[zi]) * np.nanmean(matrix[zj]*matrix[zj])) sp_corr[r_in+ann*ann_width:r_in + (ann+1)*ann_width, zi, zj] = num/denom if full_output: p0 = (sp_fwhm_guess,) x = np.arange(n_ch)-zi y = sp_corr[r_in+ann*ann_width, zi] # norm y y = y-np.amin(y) y = y/np.amax(y) coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(gauss_1fp, x, y, p0=p0) sp_fwhm[r_in+ann*ann_width:r_in + (ann+1)*ann_width, zi] = coeff[0] if full_output: return sp_corr, sp_fwhm else: return sp_corr