Source code for vip_hci.var.coords

#! /usr/bin/env python
Module with functions related to image coordinates and coordinate conversions.

__author__ = 'Carlos Alberto Gomez Gonzalez, Valentin Christiaens'
__all__ = ['dist',

import math
from matplotlib.pyplot import xlim, ylim, axes, gca, show
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

[docs] def dist(yc, xc, y1, x1): """ Return the Euclidean distance between two points, or between an array of positions and a point. """ return np.sqrt(np.power(yc-y1, 2) + np.power(xc-x1, 2))
[docs] def dist_matrix(n, cx=None, cy=None): """ Create matrix with euclidian distances from a reference point (cx, cy). Parameters ---------- n : int or 2D nd array output image shape is (n, n) cx,cy : float reference point. Defaults to the center. Returns ------- im : ndarray with shape (n, n) Note ---- This is a replacement for ANDROMEDA's DISTC. """ if isinstance(n, int): n1 = n n2 = n elif isinstance(n, np.ndarray): n1, n2 = n.shape[:2] if cy is None: cy = (n1 - 1) / 2 if cx is None: cx = (n2 - 1) / 2 yy, xx = np.ogrid[:n1, :n2] return np.sqrt((yy-cy)**2 + (xx-cx)**2)
[docs] def frame_center(array, verbose=False): """ Return the coordinates y,x of the frame(s) center. If odd: dim/2-0.5 If even: dim/2 Parameters ---------- array : 2d/3d/4d numpy ndarray Frame or cube. verbose : bool optional If True the center coordinates are printed out. Returns ------- cy, cx : int Coordinates of the center. """ if array.ndim == 2: shape = array.shape elif array.ndim == 3: shape = array[0].shape elif array.ndim == 4: shape = array[0, 0].shape else: raise ValueError('`array` is not a 2d, 3d or 4d array') cy = shape[0] / 2 cx = shape[1] / 2 if shape[0] % 2: cy -= 0.5 if shape[1] % 2: cx -= 0.5 if verbose: print('Center px coordinates at x,y = ({}, {})'.format(cx, cy)) return int(cy), int(cx)
[docs] def cart_to_pol(x, y, cx=0, cy=0, astro_convention=False): """ Returns polar coordinates for input cartesian coordinates Parameters ---------- x : float or numpy ndarray x coordinates with respect to the center y : float or numpy ndarray y coordinates with respect to the center cx, cy : float or numpy ndarray x, y coordinates of the center of the image to be considered for conversion to cartesian coordinates. astro_convention: bool Whether to use angles measured from North up/East left (True), or measured from the positive x axis (False). Returns ------- r, theta: floats or numpy ndarrays radii and polar angles corresponding to the input x and y. """ r = dist(cy, cx, y, x) theta = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(y-cy, x-cx)) if astro_convention: theta -= 90 return r, theta
[docs] def pol_to_cart(r, theta, r_err=0, theta_err=0, cx=0, cy=0, astro_convention=False): """ Returns cartesian coordinates for input polar coordinates, with error propagation. Parameters ---------- r, theta : float or numpy ndarray radii and position angles to be converted to cartesian coords x and y. r_err : float, optional Error on radial separation. Default is 0 theta_err : float, optional Error on position angle, in degrees. Default is 0 cx, cy : float or numpy ndarray x, y coordinates of the center to be considered for conversion to cartesian coordinates. astro_convention: bool Whether to use angles measured from North up/East left (True), or measured from the positive x axis (False). If True, the x axis is reversed to match positive axis pointing East (left). Returns ------- x, y: floats or numpy ndarrays x, y positions corresponding to input radii and position angles. dx, dy: floats or numpy arrays dx, dy uncertainties on positions propagated from input uncertainties on r and theta. """ if astro_convention: theta += 90 sign = -1 else: sign = 1 theta = np.deg2rad(theta) theta_err = np.deg2rad(theta_err) x = cx+sign*r*np.cos(theta) y = cy+r*np.sin(theta) t1x = np.cos(theta)**2 * r_err**2 t2x = r**2 * np.sin(theta)**2 * theta_err**2 t1y = np.sin(theta)**2 * r_err**2 t2y = r**2 * np.cos(theta)**2 * theta_err**2 dx_err = np.sqrt(t1x + t2x) dy_err = np.sqrt(t1y + t2y) if r_err != 0 or theta_err != 0: return x, y, dx_err, dy_err else: return x, y
[docs] def pol_to_eq(r, t, rError=0, tError=0, astro_convention=False, plot=False): r""" Converts a position (r,t) given in polar coordinates into :math:`\Delta` RA and :math:`\Delta` DEC (equatorial coordinates), with error propagation. Note: regardless of the assumption on input angle t (see description for `astro_convention`), the output RA is counted positive towards left. Parameters ---------- r: float The radial coordinate. t: float The angular coordinate in degrees rError: float, optional The error bar related to r. tError: float, optional The error bar related to t, in deg. astro_convention: bool, optional Whether the input angle t is assumed to be measured from North up, East left (True), or measured from the positive x axis (False). plot: boolean, optional If True, a figure illustrating the error ellipse is displayed. Returns ------- out : tuple ((RA, RA error), (DEC, DEC error)) """ if not astro_convention: t -= 90 ra = (r * np.sin(math.radians(t))) dec = (r * np.cos(math.radians(t))) u, v = (ra, dec) nu = np.mod(np.pi/2-math.radians(t), 2*np.pi) a, b = (rError, r*np.sin(math.radians(tError))) beta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 5000) x, y = (u + (a * np.cos(beta) * np.cos(nu) - b * np.sin(beta) * np.sin(nu)), v + (b * np.sin(beta) * np.cos(nu) + a * np.cos(beta) * np.sin(nu))) raErrorInf = u - np.amin(x) raErrorSup = np.amax(x) - u decErrorInf = v - np.amin(y) decErrorSup = np.amax(y) - v if plot: plt.plot(u, v, 'ks', x, y, 'r') plt.plot((r+rError) * np.cos(nu), (r+rError) * np.sin(nu), 'ob', (r-rError) * np.cos(nu), (r-rError) * np.sin(nu), 'ob') plt.plot(r * np.cos(nu+math.radians(tError)), r*np.sin(nu+math.radians(tError)), 'ok') plt.plot(r * np.cos(nu-math.radians(tError)), r*np.sin(nu-math.radians(tError)), 'ok') plt.plot(0, 0, 'og', np.cos(np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 10000)) * r, np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 10000)) * r, 'y') plt.plot([0, r*np.cos(nu+math.radians(tError*0))], [0, r*np.sin(nu+math.radians(tError*0))], 'k') axes().set_aspect('equal') lim = np.amax([a, b]) * 2. xlim([ra-lim, ra+lim]) ylim([dec-lim, dec+lim]) gca().invert_xaxis() show() return ((ra, np.mean([raErrorInf, raErrorSup])), (dec, np.mean([decErrorInf, decErrorSup])))
[docs] def QU_to_QUphi(Q, U, delta_x=0, delta_y=0, scale_r2=False, north_convention=False): """ Returns Qphi and Uphi images, from input Q and U images. Parameters ---------- Q: numpy ndarray 2d numpy array containing the Q component of polarisation. U: numpy ndarray 2d numpy array containing the U component of polarisation. Should have the same dimensions as Q. delta_x, delta_y: float, opt If the star is not at the center of the image, delta_x and delta_y indicate by how much it is offset along the x and y dimensions, resp. scale_r2: bool, opt Whether to scale by r^2 during conversion. north_convention: bool, opt Whether to use angles measured from North up/East left (True), or measured from the positive x axis (False). Returns ------- Qphi, Uphi: numpy ndarrays Qphi and Uphi images """ cy, cx = frame_center(Q) Qphi = np.zeros_like(Q) Uphi = np.zeros_like(U) for ii in range(Q.shape[1]): for jj in range(Q.shape[0]): x = float(ii-cx-delta_x) y = float(jj-cy-delta_y) rho, phi = cart_to_pol(x, y, north_convention=north_convention) phi = np.deg2rad(phi) if scale_r2: Qphi[jj, ii] = (Q[jj, ii]*np.cos(2*phi) + U[jj, ii]*np.sin(2*phi))*rho**2 Uphi[jj, ii] = (-Q[jj, ii]*np.sin(2*phi) + U[jj, ii]*np.cos(2*phi))*rho**2 else: Qphi[jj, ii] = Q[jj, ii]*np.cos(2*phi) + U[jj, ii]*np.sin(2*phi) Uphi[jj, ii] = -Q[jj, ii] * \ np.sin(2*phi) + U[jj, ii]*np.cos(2*phi) return Qphi, Uphi