Source code for vip_hci.var.fit_2d

#! /usr/bin/env python
2d fitting and creation of synthetic PSFs.

__author__ = 'Carlos Alberto Gomez Gonzalez, V. Christiaens'
__all__ = ['create_synth_psf',

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from packaging import version
import photutils
if version.parse(photutils.__version__) >= version.parse('0.3'):
    # for photutils version >= '0.3' use photutils.centroids.centroid_com
    from photutils.centroids import centroid_com as cen_com
    # for photutils version < '0.3' use photutils.centroid_com
    import photutils.centroid_com as cen_com
from hciplot import plot_frames
from astropy.modeling import models, fitting
from astropy.stats import (gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm, gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma,
from .coords import frame_center
from .shapes import get_square
from ..config import check_array

[docs] def create_synth_psf(model='gauss', shape=(9, 9), amplitude=1, x_mean=None, y_mean=None, fwhm=4, theta=0, gamma=None, alpha=1.5, radius=None, msdi=False): """ Creates a synthetic 2d or 3d PSF with a 2d model: Airy disk, Gaussian or Moffat, depending on ``model``. Parameters ---------- model : {'gauss', 'moff', 'airy'}, str optional Model to be used to create the synthetic PSF. shape : tuple of ints, optional Shape of the output 2d array. amplitude : float, optional Value of the amplitude of the 2d distribution. x_mean : float or None, optional Value of the centroid in X of the distributions: the mean of the Gaussian or the location of the maximum of the Moffat or Airy disk models. If None, the centroid is placed at the center of the array. y_mean : float or None, optional Value of the centroid in Y of the distributions: the mean of the Gaussian or the location of the maximum of the Moffat or Airy disk models. If None, the centroid is placed at the center of the array. fwhm : float, tuple of floats, list or np.ndarray, optional FWHM of the model in pixels. For the Gaussian case, it controls the standard deviation of the Gaussian. If a tuple is given, then the Gaussian will be elongated (fwhm in x, fwhm in y). For the Moffat, it is related to the gamma and alpha parameters. For the Airy disk, it is related to the radius (of the first zero) parameter. If ``msdi`` is True then ``fwhm`` must be a list of 1d np.ndarray (for example for SPHERE/IFS this sounds like a reasonable FWHM: np.linspace(4.5,6.7,39)). theta : float, optional Rotation angle in degrees of the Gaussian. gamma : float or None, optional Gamma parameter of core width of the Moffat model. If None, then it is calculated to correspond to the given ``fwhm``. alpha : float, optional Power index of the Moffat model. radius : float or None, optional The radius of the Airy disk (radius of the first zero). If None, then it is calculated to correspond to the given ``fwhm``. msdi : bool, optional Creates a 3d PSF, for emulating an IFS PSF. Returns ------- im : numpy ndarray 2d array with given ``shape`` and containing the synthetic PSF. Note ---- More information can be found at the following links: """ # 2d case if not msdi: sizex, sizey = shape if x_mean is None or y_mean is None: y_mean, x_mean = frame_center(np.zeros((sizey, sizex))) x = np.arange(sizex) y = np.arange(sizey) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) if model == 'gauss': if np.isscalar(fwhm): fwhm_y = fwhm fwhm_x = fwhm else: fwhm_x, fwhm_y = fwhm gauss = models.Gaussian2D(amplitude=amplitude, x_mean=x_mean, y_mean=y_mean, x_stddev=fwhm_x * gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma, y_stddev=fwhm_y * gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma, theta=np.deg2rad(theta)) im = gauss(x, y) elif model == 'moff': if gamma is None and fwhm is not None: gamma = fwhm / (2. * np.sqrt(2 ** (1 / alpha) - 1)) moffat = models.Moffat2D(amplitude=amplitude, x_0=x_mean, y_0=y_mean, gamma=gamma, alpha=alpha) im = moffat(x, y) elif model == 'airy': if radius is None and fwhm is not None: diam_1st_zero = (fwhm * 2.44) / 1.028 radius = diam_1st_zero / 2. airy = models.AiryDisk2D(amplitude=amplitude, x_0=x_mean, y_0=y_mean, radius=radius) im = airy(x, y) return im # 3d case else: if np.isscalar(fwhm): raise ValueError('`Fwhm` must be a 1d vector') cube = [] for fwhm_i in fwhm: cube.append(create_synth_psf(model, shape, amplitude, x_mean, y_mean, fwhm_i, theta, gamma, alpha, radius)) cube = np.array(cube) return cube
[docs] def fit_2dgaussian(array, crop=False, cent=None, cropsize=15, fwhmx=4, fwhmy=4, theta=0, threshold=False, sigfactor=6, bpm=None, full_output=True, debug=True): """ Fitting a 2D Gaussian to the 2D distribution of the data. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input frame with a single PSF. crop : bool, optional If True a square sub image will be cropped equal to cropsize. cent : tuple of int, optional X,Y integer position of source in the array for extracting the subimage. If None the center of the frame is used for cropping the subframe (the PSF is assumed to be ~ at the center of the frame). cropsize : int, optional Size of the subimage. fwhmx, fwhmy : float, optional Initial values for the standard deviation of the fitted Gaussian, in px. theta : float, optional Angle of inclination of the 2d Gaussian counting from the positive X axis. threshold : bool, optional If True the background pixels (estimated using sigma clipped statistics) will be replaced by small random Gaussian noise. sigfactor : int, optional The background pixels will be thresholded before fitting a 2d Gaussian to the data using sigma clipped statistics. All values smaller than (MEDIAN + sigfactor*STDDEV) will be replaced by small random Gaussian noise. bpm : 2D numpy ndarray, optional Mask of bad pixels to not consider for the fit. full_output : bool, optional If False it returns just the centroid, if True also returns the FWHM in X and Y (in pixels), the amplitude and the rotation angle, and the uncertainties on each parameter. debug : bool, optional If True, the function prints out parameters of the fit and plots the data, model and residuals. Returns ------- mean_y : float Source centroid y position on input array from fitting. mean_x : float Source centroid x position on input array from fitting. If ``full_output`` is True it returns a Pandas dataframe containing the following columns: 'centroid_y': Y coordinate of the centroid. 'centroid_x': X coordinate of the centroid. 'fwhm_y': Float value. FWHM in X [px]. 'fwhm_x': Float value. FWHM in Y [px]. 'amplitude': Amplitude of the Gaussian. 'theta': Float value. Rotation angle. # and fit uncertainties on the above values: 'centroid_y_err' 'centroid_x_err' 'fwhm_y_err' 'fwhm_x_err' 'amplitude_err' 'theta_err' """ check_array(array, dim=2, msg='array') if bpm is None: bpm = np.zeros_like(array).astype('bool') if crop: if cent is None: ceny, cenx = frame_center(array) else: cenx, ceny = cent imside = array.shape[0] psf_subimage, suby, subx = get_square(array, min(cropsize, imside), ceny, cenx, position=True, verbose=False) bpm_subimage, _, _ = get_square(bpm, min(cropsize, imside), ceny, cenx, position=True) else: psf_subimage = array.copy() bpm_subimage = bpm.copy() if threshold: _, clipmed, clipstd = sigma_clipped_stats(psf_subimage, sigma=2) indi = np.where(psf_subimage <= clipmed + sigfactor * clipstd) subimnoise = np.random.randn(psf_subimage.shape[0], psf_subimage.shape[1]) * clipstd psf_subimage[indi] = subimnoise[indi] # Creating the 2D Gaussian model init_amplitude = np.ptp(psf_subimage[~bpm_subimage]) xcom, ycom = cen_com(psf_subimage) gauss = models.Gaussian2D(amplitude=init_amplitude, theta=theta, x_mean=xcom, y_mean=ycom, x_stddev=fwhmx * gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma, y_stddev=fwhmy * gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma) # Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() y, x = np.indices(psf_subimage.shape) fit = fitter(gauss, x[~bpm_subimage], y[~bpm_subimage], psf_subimage[~bpm_subimage]) if crop: mean_y = fit.y_mean.value + suby mean_x = fit.x_mean.value + subx else: mean_y = fit.y_mean.value mean_x = fit.x_mean.value fwhm_y = fit.y_stddev.value*gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm fwhm_x = fit.x_stddev.value*gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm amplitude = fit.amplitude.value theta = np.rad2deg(fit.theta.value) # compute uncertainties if fitter.fit_info['param_cov'] is not None: with np.errstate(invalid='raise'): try: perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(fitter.fit_info['param_cov'])) amplitude_e, mean_x_e, mean_y_e, fwhm_x_e, fwhm_y_e, theta_e = perr fwhm_x_e /= gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma fwhm_y_e /= gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma except: # this means the fit failed mean_y, mean_x = np.nan, np.nan fwhm_y, fwhm_x = np.nan, np.nan amplitude, theta = np.nan, np.nan mean_y_e, mean_x_e = np.nan, np.nan fwhm_y_e, fwhm_x_e = np.nan, np.nan amplitude_e, theta_e = np.nan, np.nan else: amplitude_e, theta_e, mean_x_e = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan mean_y_e, fwhm_x_e, fwhm_y_e = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan # the following also means the fit failed if fwhm_y == fwhmy and fwhm_x == fwhmx and amplitude == init_amplitude: mean_y, mean_x = np.nan, np.nan fwhm_y, fwhm_x = np.nan, np.nan amplitude, theta = np.nan, np.nan if debug: if threshold: label = ('Subimage thresholded', 'Model', 'Residuals') else: label = ('Subimage', 'Model', 'Residuals') plot_frames((psf_subimage, fit(x, y), psf_subimage-fit(x, y)), grid=True, grid_spacing=1, label=label) print('FWHM_y =', fwhm_y) print('FWHM_x =', fwhm_x, '\n') print('centroid y =', mean_y) print('centroid x =', mean_x) print('centroid y subim =', fit.y_mean.value) print('centroid x subim =', fit.x_mean.value, '\n') print('amplitude =', amplitude) print('theta =', theta) if full_output: return pd.DataFrame({'centroid_y': mean_y, 'centroid_x': mean_x, 'fwhm_y': fwhm_y, 'fwhm_x': fwhm_x, 'amplitude': amplitude, 'theta': theta, 'centroid_y_err': mean_y_e, 'centroid_x_err': mean_x_e, 'fwhm_y_err': fwhm_y_e, 'fwhm_x_err': fwhm_x_e, 'amplitude_err': amplitude_e, 'theta_err': theta_e}, index=[0], dtype=np.float64) else: return mean_y, mean_x
[docs] def fit_2dmoffat(array, crop=False, cent=None, cropsize=15, fwhm=4, threshold=False, sigfactor=6, bpm=None, full_output=True, debug=True): """ Fitting a 2D Moffat to the 2D distribution of the data. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input frame with a single PSF. crop : bool, optional If True a square sub image will be cropped equal to cropsize. cent : tuple of int, optional X,Y integer position of source in the array for extracting the subimage. If None the center of the frame is used for cropping the subframe (the PSF is assumed to be ~ at the center of the frame). cropsize : int, optional Size of the subimage. fwhm : float, optional Initial values for the FWHM of the fitted 2d Moffat, in px. threshold : bool, optional If True the background pixels (estimated using sigma clipped statistics) will be replaced by small random Gaussian noise. sigfactor : int, optional The background pixels will be thresholded before fitting a 2d Moffat to the data using sigma clipped statistics. All values smaller than (MEDIAN + sigfactor*STDDEV) will be replaced by small random Gaussian noise. bpm : 2D numpy ndarray, optional Mask of bad pixels to not consider for the fit. full_output : bool, optional If False it returns just the centroid, if True also returns the FWHM in X and Y (in pixels), the amplitude and the rotation angle. debug : bool, optional If True, the function prints out parameters of the fit and plots the data, model and residuals. Returns ------- mean_y : float Source centroid y position on input array from fitting. mean_x : float Source centroid x position on input array from fitting. If ``full_output`` is True it returns a Pandas dataframe containing the following columns: 'alpha': Float value. Alpha parameter. 'amplitude' : Float value. Moffat Amplitude. 'centroid_x' : Float value. X coordinate of the centroid. 'centroid_y' : Float value. Y coordinate of the centroid. 'fwhm' : Float value. FWHM [px]. 'gamma' : Float value. Gamma parameter. """ check_array(array, dim=2, msg='array') if bpm is None: bpm = np.zeros_like(array).astype('bool') if crop: if cent is None: ceny, cenx = frame_center(array) else: cenx, ceny = cent imside = array.shape[0] psf_subimage, suby, subx = get_square(array, min(cropsize, imside), ceny, cenx, position=True) bpm_subimage, _, _ = get_square(bpm, min(cropsize, imside), ceny, cenx, position=True) else: psf_subimage = array.copy() bpm_subimage = bpm.copy() if threshold: _, clipmed, clipstd = sigma_clipped_stats(psf_subimage, sigma=2) indi = np.where(psf_subimage <= clipmed + sigfactor * clipstd) subimnoise = np.random.randn(psf_subimage.shape[0], psf_subimage.shape[1]) * clipstd psf_subimage[indi] = subimnoise[indi] # Creating the 2D Moffat model init_amplitude = np.ptp(psf_subimage[~bpm_subimage]) xcom, ycom = cen_com(psf_subimage) moffat = models.Moffat2D(amplitude=init_amplitude, x_0=xcom, y_0=ycom, gamma=fwhm / 2., alpha=1) # Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() y, x = np.indices(psf_subimage.shape) fit = fitter(moffat, x[~bpm_subimage], y[~bpm_subimage], psf_subimage[~bpm_subimage]) if crop: mean_y = fit.y_0.value + suby mean_x = fit.x_0.value + subx else: mean_y = fit.y_0.value mean_x = fit.x_0.value fwhm = fit.fwhm amplitude = fit.amplitude.value alpha = fit.alpha.value gamma = fit.gamma.value if debug: if threshold: label = ('Subimage thresholded', 'Model', 'Residuals') else: label = ('Subimage', 'Model', 'Residuals') plot_frames((psf_subimage, fit(x, y), psf_subimage - fit(x, y)), grid=True, grid_spacing=1, label=label) print('FWHM =', fwhm) print('centroid y =', mean_y) print('centroid x =', mean_x) print('centroid y subim =', fit.y_0.value) print('centroid x subim =', fit.x_0.value, '\n') print('amplitude =', amplitude) print('alpha =', alpha) print('gamma =', gamma) # compute uncertainties if fitter.fit_info['param_cov'] is not None: with np.errstate(invalid='raise'): try: perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(fitter.fit_info['param_cov'])) amplitude_e, mean_x_e, mean_y_e, gamma_e, alpha_e = perr fwhm_e = 2*gamma_e except: # this means the fit failed mean_y, mean_x, fwhm = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan amplitude, alpha, gamma = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan mean_y_e, mean_x_e, fwhm_e = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan amplitude_e, alpha_e, gamma_e = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan else: amplitude_e, mean_x_e, mean_y_e = None, None, None gamma_e, alpha_e, fwhm_e = None, None, None if full_output: return pd.DataFrame({'centroid_y': mean_y, 'centroid_x': mean_x, 'fwhm': fwhm, 'alpha': alpha, 'gamma': gamma, 'amplitude': amplitude, 'centroid_y_err': mean_y_e, 'centroid_x_err': mean_x_e, 'fwhm_err': fwhm_e, 'alpha_err': alpha_e, 'gamma_err': gamma_e, 'amplitude_err': amplitude_e}, index=[0], dtype=np.float64) else: return mean_y, mean_x
[docs] def fit_2dairydisk(array, crop=False, cent=None, cropsize=15, fwhm=4, threshold=False, sigfactor=6, bpm=None, full_output=True, debug=True): """ Fitting a 2D Airy to the 2D distribution of the data. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input frame with a single PSF. crop : bool, optional If True a square sub image will be cropped equal to cropsize. cent : tuple of int, optional X,Y integer position of source in the array for extracting the subimage. If None the center of the frame is used for cropping the subframe (the PSF is assumed to be ~ at the center of the frame). cropsize : int, optional Size of the subimage. fwhm : float, optional Initial values for the FWHM of the fitted 2d Airy disk, in px. threshold : bool, optional If True the background pixels (estimated using sigma clipped statistics) will be replaced by small random Gaussian noise. sigfactor : int, optional The background pixels will be thresholded before fitting a 2d Moffat to the data using sigma clipped statistics. All values smaller than (MEDIAN + sigfactor*STDDEV) will be replaced by small random Gaussian noise. bpm : 2D numpy ndarray, optional Mask of bad pixels to not consider for the fit. full_output : bool, optional If False it returns just the centroid, if True also returns the FWHM in X and Y (in pixels), the amplitude and the rotation angle. debug : bool, optional If True, the function prints out parameters of the fit and plots the data, model and residuals. Returns ------- mean_y : float Source centroid y position on input array from fitting. mean_x : float Source centroid x position on input array from fitting. If ``full_output`` is True it returns a Pandas dataframe containing the following columns: 'amplitude' : Float value. Moffat Amplitude. 'centroid_x' : Float value. X coordinate of the centroid. 'centroid_y' : Float value. Y coordinate of the centroid. 'fwhm' : Float value. FWHM [px]. """ check_array(array, dim=2, msg='array') if bpm is None: bpm = np.zeros_like(array).astype('bool') if crop: if cent is None: ceny, cenx = frame_center(array) else: cenx, ceny = cent imside = array.shape[0] psf_subimage, suby, subx = get_square(array, min(cropsize, imside), ceny, cenx, position=True) bpm_subimage, _, _ = get_square(bpm, min(cropsize, imside), ceny, cenx, position=True) else: psf_subimage = array.copy() bpm_subimage = bpm.copy() if threshold: _, clipmed, clipstd = sigma_clipped_stats(psf_subimage, sigma=2) indi = np.where(psf_subimage <= clipmed + sigfactor * clipstd) subimnoise = np.random.randn(psf_subimage.shape[0], psf_subimage.shape[1]) * clipstd psf_subimage[indi] = subimnoise[indi] # Creating the 2d Airy disk model init_amplitude = np.ptp(psf_subimage[~bpm_subimage]) xcom, ycom = cen_com(psf_subimage) diam_1st_zero = (fwhm * 2.44) / 1.028 airy = models.AiryDisk2D(amplitude=init_amplitude, x_0=xcom, y_0=ycom, radius=diam_1st_zero/2.) # Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() y, x = np.indices(psf_subimage.shape) fit = fitter(airy, x[~bpm_subimage], y[~bpm_subimage], psf_subimage[~bpm_subimage]) if crop: mean_y = fit.y_0.value + suby mean_x = fit.x_0.value + subx else: mean_y = fit.y_0.value mean_x = fit.x_0.value amplitude = fit.amplitude.value radius = fit.radius.value fwhm = ((radius * 1.028) / 2.44) * 2 # compute uncertainties if fitter.fit_info['param_cov'] is not None: with np.errstate(invalid='raise'): try: perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(fitter.fit_info['param_cov'])) amplitude_err, mean_x_err, mean_y_err, radius_err = perr fwhm_err = ((radius_err * 1.028) / 2.44) * 2 except: # this means the fit failed mean_y, mean_x, fwhm = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan amplitude, radius = np.nan, np.nan mean_y_err, mean_x_err, fwhm_err = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan amplitude_err, radius_err = np.nan, np.nan else: amplitude_err, mean_x_err, mean_y_err = None, None, None radius_err, fwhm_err = None, None if debug: if threshold: label = ('Subimage thresholded', 'Model', 'Residuals') else: label = ('Subimage', 'Model', 'Residuals') plot_frames((psf_subimage, fit(x, y), psf_subimage - fit(x, y)), grid=True, grid_spacing=1, label=label) print('FWHM =', fwhm) print('centroid y =', mean_y) print('centroid x =', mean_x) print('centroid y subim =', fit.y_0.value) print('centroid x subim =', fit.x_0.value, '\n') print('amplitude =', amplitude) print('radius =', radius) if full_output: return pd.DataFrame({'centroid_y': mean_y, 'centroid_x': mean_x, 'fwhm': fwhm, 'radius': radius, 'amplitude': amplitude, 'centroid_y_err': mean_y_err, 'centroid_x_err': mean_x_err, 'fwhm_err': fwhm_err, 'radius_err': radius_err, 'amplitude_err': amplitude_err}, index=[0]) else: return mean_y, mean_x
[docs] def fit_2d2gaussian(array, crop=False, cent=None, cropsize=15, fwhm_neg=4, fwhm_pos=4, theta_neg=0, theta_pos=0, neg_amp=1, fix_neg=True, threshold=False, sigfactor=2, bpm=None, full_output=False, debug=True): """ Fitting a 2D superimposed double Gaussian (negative and positive) to the 2D distribution of the data (reproduce e.g. the effect of a coronagraph) Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input frame with a single PSF. crop : bool, optional If True a square sub image will be cropped equal to cropsize. cent : tuple of float, optional X,Y position of the source in the array for extracting the subimage. If None the center of the frame is used for cropping the subframe. If fix_neg is set to True, this will also be used as the fixed position of the negative gaussian. cropsize : int, optional Size of the subimage. fwhm_neg, fwhm_pos : float or tuple of floats, optional Initial values for the FWHM of the fitted negative and positive Gaussians, in px. If a tuple, should be the FWHM value along x and y. theta_neg, theta_pos: float, optional Angle of inclination of the 2d Gaussian counting from the positive X axis (only matters if a tuple was provided for fwhm_neg or fwhm_pos). neg_amp: float, optional First guess on the amplitude of the negative gaussian, relative to the amplitude of the positive gaussian (i.e. 1 means the negative gaussian has the same amplitude as the positive gaussian) fix_neg: bool, optional Whether to fix the position and FWHM of the negative gaussian for a fit with less free parameters. In that case, the center of the negative gaussian is assumed to be cent threshold : bool, optional If True the background pixels (estimated using sigma clipped statistics) will be replaced by small random Gaussian noise. sigfactor : int, optional The background pixels will be thresholded before fitting a 2d Gaussian to the data using sigma clipped statistics. All values smaller than (MEDIAN + sigfactor*STDDEV) will be replaced by small random Gaussian noise. bpm : 2D numpy ndarray, optional Mask of bad pixels to not consider for the fit. full_output : bool, optional If False it returns just the centroid, if True also returns the FWHM in X and Y (in pixels), the amplitude and the rotation angle, and the uncertainties on each parameter. debug : bool, optional If True, the function prints out parameters of the fit and plots the data, model and residuals. Returns ------- mean_y : float Source centroid y position on input array from fitting. mean_x : float Source centroid x position on input array from fitting. If ``full_output`` is True it returns a Pandas dataframe containing the following columns: - for the positive gaussian: 'amplitude' : Float value. Amplitude of the Gaussian. 'centroid_x' : Float value. X coordinate of the centroid. 'centroid_y' : Float value. Y coordinate of the centroid. 'fwhm_x' : Float value. FWHM in X [px]. 'fwhm_y' : Float value. FWHM in Y [px]. 'theta' : Float value. Rotation angle of x axis - for the negative gaussian: 'amplitude_neg' : Float value. Amplitude of the Gaussian. 'centroid_x_neg' : Float value. X coordinate of the centroid. 'centroid_y_neg' : Float value. Y coordinate of the centroid. 'fwhm_x_neg' : Float value. FWHM in X [px]. 'fwhm_y_neg' : Float value. FWHM in Y [px]. 'theta_neg' : Float value. Rotation angle of x axis """ if not array.ndim == 2: raise TypeError('Input array is not a frame or 2d array') if cent is None: ceny, cenx = frame_center(array) else: cenx, ceny = cent if bpm is None: bpm = np.zeros_like(array).astype('bool') if crop: x_sub_px = cenx % 1 y_sub_px = ceny % 1 imside = array.shape[0] psf_subimage, suby, subx = get_square(array, min(cropsize, imside), int(ceny), int(cenx), position=True) bpm_subimage, _, _ = get_square(bpm, min(cropsize, imside), ceny, cenx, position=True) ceny, cenx = frame_center(psf_subimage) ceny += y_sub_px cenx += x_sub_px else: psf_subimage = array.copy() bpm_subimage = bpm.copy() if threshold: _, clipmed, clipstd = sigma_clipped_stats(psf_subimage, sigma=2) indi = np.where(psf_subimage <= clipmed + sigfactor * clipstd) subimnoise = np.random.randn(psf_subimage.shape[0], psf_subimage.shape[1]) * clipstd psf_subimage[indi] = subimnoise[indi] if isinstance(fwhm_neg, tuple): fwhm_neg_x, fwhm_neg_y = fwhm_neg else: fwhm_neg_x = fwhm_neg fwhm_neg_y = fwhm_neg if isinstance(fwhm_pos, tuple): fwhm_pos_x, fwhm_pos_y = fwhm_pos else: fwhm_pos_x = fwhm_pos fwhm_pos_y = fwhm_pos # Creating the 2D Gaussian model init_amplitude = np.ptp(psf_subimage[~bpm_subimage]) #xcom, ycom = cen_com(psf_subimage) ycom, xcom = frame_center(psf_subimage) fix_dico_pos = {'theta': True} bounds_dico_pos = {'amplitude': [0.8*init_amplitude, 1.2*init_amplitude], 'x_mean': [xcom-3, xcom+3], 'y_mean': [ycom-3, ycom+3], 'x_stddev': [0.5*fwhm_pos_x*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma, 2*fwhm_pos_x*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma], 'y_stddev': [0.5*fwhm_pos_y*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma, 2*fwhm_pos_y*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma]} gauss_pos = models.Gaussian2D(amplitude=init_amplitude, x_mean=xcom, y_mean=ycom, x_stddev=fwhm_pos_x*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma, y_stddev=fwhm_pos_y*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma, theta=np.deg2rad(theta_pos) % (np.pi), fixed=fix_dico_pos, bounds=bounds_dico_pos) if fix_neg: fix_dico_neg = {'x_mean': True, 'y_mean': True, 'x_stddev': True, 'y_stddev': True, 'theta': True} bounds_dico_neg = {'amplitude': [neg_amp*0.5*init_amplitude, neg_amp*2*init_amplitude]} else: fix_dico_neg = {} # {'theta':True} bounds_dico_neg = {'amplitude': [neg_amp*0.5*init_amplitude, neg_amp*2*init_amplitude], 'x_mean': [xcom-3, xcom+3], 'y_mean': [ycom-3, ycom+3], 'x_stddev': [0.5*fwhm_neg_x*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma, 2*fwhm_neg_x*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma], 'y_stddev': [0.5*fwhm_neg_y*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma, 2*fwhm_neg_y*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma], 'theta': [0, np.pi]} gauss_neg = models.Gaussian2D(amplitude=init_amplitude*neg_amp, x_mean=cenx, y_mean=ceny, x_stddev=fwhm_neg_x*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma, y_stddev=fwhm_neg_y*gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma, theta=np.deg2rad(theta_neg) % (np.pi), fixed=fix_dico_neg, bounds=bounds_dico_neg) double_gauss = gauss_pos-gauss_neg fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() # SLSQPLSQFitter() #LevMarLSQFitter() y, x = np.indices(psf_subimage.shape) fit = fitter(double_gauss, x[~bpm_subimage], y[~bpm_subimage], psf_subimage[~bpm_subimage], maxiter=100000, acc=1e-08) # positive gaussian if crop: mean_y = fit.y_mean_0.value + suby mean_x = fit.x_mean_0.value + subx else: mean_y = fit.y_mean_0.value mean_x = fit.x_mean_0.value fwhm_y = fit.y_stddev_0.value*gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm fwhm_x = fit.x_stddev_0.value*gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm amplitude = fit.amplitude_0.value theta = np.rad2deg(fit.theta_0.value) # negative gaussian if crop: mean_y_neg = fit.y_mean_1.value + suby mean_x_neg = fit.x_mean_1.value + subx else: mean_y_neg = fit.y_mean_1.value mean_x_neg = fit.x_mean_1.value fwhm_y_neg = fit.y_stddev_1.value*gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm fwhm_x_neg = fit.x_stddev_1.value*gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm amplitude_neg = fit.amplitude_1.value theta_neg = np.rad2deg(fit.theta_1.value) if debug: if threshold: label = ('Subimage thresholded', 'Model', 'Residuals') else: label = ('Subimage', 'Model', 'Residuals') plot_frames((psf_subimage, fit(x, y), psf_subimage-fit(x, y)), grid=True, grid_spacing=1, label=label) print('FWHM_y =', fwhm_y) print('FWHM_x =', fwhm_x, '\n') print('centroid y =', mean_y) print('centroid x =', mean_x) print('centroid y subim =', fit.y_mean_0.value) print('centroid x subim =', fit.x_mean_0.value, '\n') print('amplitude =', amplitude) print('theta =', theta) print('FWHM_y (neg) =', fwhm_y_neg) print('FWHM_x (neg) =', fwhm_x_neg, '\n') print('centroid y (neg) =', mean_y_neg) print('centroid x (neg) =', mean_x_neg) print('centroid y subim (neg) =', fit.y_mean_1.value) print('centroid x subim (neg) =', fit.x_mean_1.value, '\n') print('amplitude (neg) =', amplitude_neg) print('theta (neg) =', theta_neg) if full_output: return pd.DataFrame({'centroid_y': mean_y, 'centroid_x': mean_x, 'fwhm_y': fwhm_y, 'fwhm_x': fwhm_x, 'amplitude': amplitude, 'theta': theta, 'centroid_y_neg': mean_y_neg, 'centroid_x_neg': mean_x_neg, 'fwhm_y_neg': fwhm_y_neg, 'fwhm_x_neg': fwhm_x_neg, 'amplitude_neg': amplitude_neg, 'theta_neg': theta_neg}, index=[0], dtype=np.float64) else: return mean_y, mean_x