Source code for vip_hci.var.iuwt

Code with the Isotropic Undecimated Wavelet Transform, taken (Aug 24, 2015) from
Credits to J. S. Kenyon


import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp
import ctypes

[docs] def iuwt_decomposition(in1, scale_count, scale_adjust=0, mode='ser', core_count=2, store_smoothed=False): """ This function serves as a handler for the different implementations of the IUWT decomposition. It allows the different methods to be used almost interchangeably. The code was taken from [KEN15]_ and is detailed in [DAB15]_. INPUTS: in1 (no default): Array on which the decomposition is to be performed. scale_count (no default): Maximum scale to be considered. scale_adjust (default=0): Adjustment to scale value if first scales are of no interest. mode (default='ser'): Implementation of the IUWT to be used - 'ser', 'mp'. core_count (default=1): Additional option for multiprocessing - specifies core count. store_smoothed (default=False): Boolean specifier for whether the smoothed image is stored or not. OUTPUTS: Returns the decomposition with the additional smoothed coefficients if specified. """ if mode == 'ser': return ser_iuwt_decomposition( in1, scale_count, scale_adjust, store_smoothed) elif mode == 'mp': return mp_iuwt_decomposition( in1, scale_count, scale_adjust, store_smoothed, core_count)
[docs] def iuwt_recomposition(in1, scale_adjust=0, mode='ser', core_count=1, store_on_gpu=False, smoothed_array=None): """ This function serves as a handler for the different implementations of the IUWT recomposition. It allows the different methods to be used almost interchangeably. INPUTS: in1 (no default): Array on which the decomposition is to be performed. scale_adjust (no default): Number of omitted scales. mode (default='ser') Implementation of the IUWT to be used - 'ser', 'mp' or 'gpu'. core_count (default=1) Additional option for multiprocessing - specifies core count. store_on_gpu (default=False): Boolean specifier for whether the decomposition is stored on the gpu or not. OUTPUTS: Returns the recomposition. """ if mode == 'ser': return ser_iuwt_recomposition(in1, scale_adjust, smoothed_array) elif mode == 'mp': return mp_iuwt_recomposition( in1, scale_adjust, core_count, smoothed_array)
[docs] def ser_iuwt_decomposition(in1, scale_count, scale_adjust, store_smoothed): """ This function calls the a trous algorithm code to decompose the input into its wavelet coefficients. This is the isotropic undecimated wavelet transform implemented for a single CPU core. INPUTS: in1 (no default): Array on which the decomposition is to be performed. scale_count (no default): Maximum scale to be considered. scale_adjust (default=0): Adjustment to scale value if first scales are of no interest. store_smoothed (default=False):Boolean specifier for whether the smoothed image is stored or not. OUTPUTS: detail_coeffs Array containing the detail coefficients. C0 (optional): Array containing the smoothest version of the input. """ # Filter-bank for use in the a trous algorithm. wavelet_filter = (1./16)*np.array([1, 4, 6, 4, 1]) # Initialises an empty array to store the coefficients. detail_coeffs = np.empty( [scale_count-scale_adjust, in1.shape[0], in1.shape[1]]) C0 = in1 # Sets the initial value to be the input array. # The following loop, which iterates up to scale_adjust, applies the a trous algorithm to the scales which are # considered insignificant. This is important as each set of wavelet coefficients depends on the last smoothed # version of the input. if scale_adjust > 0: for i in range(0, scale_adjust): C0 = ser_a_trous(C0, wavelet_filter, i) # The meat of the algorithm - two sequential applications fo the a trous followed by determination and storing of # the detail coefficients. C0 is reassigned the value of C on each loop - C0 is always the smoothest version of the # input image. for i in range(scale_adjust, scale_count): # Approximation coefficients. C = ser_a_trous(C0, wavelet_filter, i) # Approximation coefficients. C1 = ser_a_trous(C, wavelet_filter, i) # Detail coefficients. detail_coeffs[i-scale_adjust, :, :] = C0 - C1 C0 = C if store_smoothed: return detail_coeffs, C0 else: return detail_coeffs
[docs] def ser_iuwt_recomposition(in1, scale_adjust, smoothed_array): """ This function calls the a trous algorithm code to recompose the input into a single array. This is the implementation of the isotropic undecimated wavelet transform recomposition for a single CPU core. INPUTS: in1 (no default): Array containing wavelet coefficients. scale_adjust (no default): Indicates the number of truncated array pages. smoothed_array (default=None): For a complete inverse transform, this must be the smoothest approximation. OUTPUTS: recomposition Array containing the reconstructed image. """ # Filter-bank for use in the a trous algorithm. wavelet_filter = (1./16)*np.array([1, 4, 6, 4, 1]) # Determines scale with adjustment and creates a zero array to store the # output, unless smoothed_array is given. max_scale = in1.shape[0] + scale_adjust if smoothed_array is None: recomposition = np.zeros([in1.shape[1], in1.shape[2]]) else: recomposition = smoothed_array # The following loops call the a trous algorithm code to recompose the input. The first loop assumes that there are # non-zero wavelet coefficients at scales above scale_adjust, while the second loop completes the recomposition # on the scales less than scale_adjust. for i in range(max_scale-1, scale_adjust-1, -1): recomposition = ser_a_trous( recomposition, wavelet_filter, i) + in1[i-scale_adjust, :, :] if scale_adjust > 0: for i in range(scale_adjust-1, -1, -1): recomposition = ser_a_trous(recomposition, wavelet_filter, i) return recomposition
[docs] def ser_a_trous(C0, filter, scale): """ The following is a serial implementation of the a trous algorithm. Accepts the following parameters: INPUTS: filter (no default): The filter-bank which is applied to the components of the transform. C0 (no default): The current array on which filtering is to be performed. scale (no default): The scale for which the decomposition is being carried out. OUTPUTS: C1 The result of applying the a trous algorithm to the input. """ tmp = filter[2]*C0 tmp[(2**(scale+1)):, :] += filter[0]*C0[:-(2**(scale+1)), :] tmp[:(2**(scale+1)), :] += filter[0]*C0[(2**(scale+1))-1::-1, :] tmp[(2**scale):, :] += filter[1]*C0[:-(2**scale), :] tmp[:(2**scale), :] += filter[1]*C0[(2**scale)-1::-1, :] tmp[:-(2**scale), :] += filter[3]*C0[(2**scale):, :] tmp[-(2**scale):, :] += filter[3]*C0[:-(2**scale)-1:-1, :] tmp[:-(2**(scale+1)), :] += filter[4]*C0[(2**(scale+1)):, :] tmp[-(2**(scale+1)):, :] += filter[4]*C0[:-(2**(scale+1))-1:-1, :] C1 = filter[2]*tmp C1[:, (2**(scale+1)):] += filter[0]*tmp[:, :-(2**(scale+1))] C1[:, :(2**(scale+1))] += filter[0]*tmp[:, (2**(scale+1))-1::-1] C1[:, (2**scale):] += filter[1]*tmp[:, :-(2**scale)] C1[:, :(2**scale)] += filter[1]*tmp[:, (2**scale)-1::-1] C1[:, :-(2**scale)] += filter[3]*tmp[:, (2**scale):] C1[:, -(2**scale):] += filter[3]*tmp[:, :-(2**scale)-1:-1] C1[:, :-(2**(scale+1))] += filter[4]*tmp[:, (2**(scale+1)):] C1[:, -(2**(scale+1)):] += filter[4]*tmp[:, :-(2**(scale+1))-1:-1] return C1
[docs] def mp_iuwt_decomposition(in1, scale_count, scale_adjust, store_smoothed, core_count): """ This function calls the a trous algorithm code to decompose the input into its wavelet coefficients. This is the isotropic undecimated wavelet transform implemented for multiple CPU cores. NOTE: Python is not well suited to multiprocessing - this may not improve execution speed. INPUTS: in1 (no default): Array on which the decomposition is to be performed. scale_count (no default): Maximum scale to be considered. scale_adjust (default=0): Adjustment to scale value if first scales are of no interest. store_smoothed (default=False):Boolean specifier for whether the smoothed image is stored or not. core_count (no default): Indicates the number of cores to be used. OUTPUTS: detail_coeffs Array containing the detail coefficients. C0 (optional): Array containing the smoothest version of the input. """ # Filter-bank for use in the a trous algorithm. wavelet_filter = (1./16)*np.array([1, 4, 6, 4, 1]) # Sets the initial value to be the input array. C0 = in1 # Initialises a zero array to store the coefficients. detail_coeffs = np.empty( [scale_count-scale_adjust, in1.shape[0], in1.shape[1]]) # The following loop, which iterates up to scale_adjust, applies the a trous algorithm to the scales which are # considered insignificant. This is important as each set of wavelet coefficients depends on the last smoothed # version of the input. if scale_adjust > 0: for i in range(0, scale_adjust): C0 = mp_a_trous(C0, wavelet_filter, i, core_count) # The meat of the algorithm - two sequential applications fo the a trous followed by determination and storing of # the detail coefficients. C0 is reassigned the value of C on each loop - C0 is always the smoothest version of the # input image. for i in range(scale_adjust, scale_count): # Approximation coefficients. C = mp_a_trous(C0, wavelet_filter, i, core_count) # Approximation coefficients. C1 = mp_a_trous(C, wavelet_filter, i, core_count) # Detail coefficients. detail_coeffs[i-scale_adjust, :, :] = C0 - C1 C0 = C if store_smoothed: return detail_coeffs, C0 else: return detail_coeffs
[docs] def mp_iuwt_recomposition(in1, scale_adjust, core_count, smoothed_array): """ This function calls the a trous algorithm code to recompose the input into a single array. This is the implementation of the isotropic undecimated wavelet transform recomposition for multiple CPU cores. INPUTS: in1 (no default): Array containing wavelet coefficients. scale_adjust (no default): Indicates the number of omitted array pages. core_count (no default): Indicates the number of cores to be used. smoothed_array (default=None): For a complete inverse transform, this must be the smoothest approximation. OUTPUTS: recomposiiton Array containing the reconstructed image. """ # Filter-bank for use in the a trous algorithm. wavelet_filter = (1./16)*np.array([1, 4, 6, 4, 1]) # Determines scale with adjustment and creates a zero array to store the # output, unless smoothed_array is given. max_scale = in1.shape[0] + scale_adjust if smoothed_array is None: recomposition = np.zeros([in1.shape[1], in1.shape[2]]) else: recomposition = smoothed_array # The following loops call the a trous algorithm code to recompose the input. The first loop assumes that there are # non-zero wavelet coefficients at scales above scale_adjust, while the second loop completes the recomposition # on the scales less than scale_adjust. for i in range(max_scale-1, scale_adjust-1, -1): recomposition = mp_a_trous( recomposition, wavelet_filter, i, core_count) + in1[i-scale_adjust, :, :] if scale_adjust > 0: for i in range(scale_adjust-1, -1, -1): recomposition = mp_a_trous( recomposition, wavelet_filter, i, core_count) return recomposition
[docs] def mp_a_trous(C0, wavelet_filter, scale, core_count): """ This is a reimplementation of the a trous filter which makes use of multiprocessing. In particular, it divides the input array of dimensions NxN into M smaller arrays of dimensions (N/M)xN, where M is the number of cores which are to be used. INPUTS: C0 (no default): The current array which is to be decomposed. wavelet_filter (no default): The filter-bank which is applied to the components of the transform. scale (no default): The scale at which decomposition is to be carried out. core_count (no default): The number of CPU cores over which the task should be divided. OUTPUTS: shared_array The decomposed array. """ # Creates an array which may be accessed by multiple processes. shared_array_base = mp.Array(ctypes.c_float, C0.shape[0]**2, lock=False) shared_array = np.frombuffer(shared_array_base, dtype=ctypes.c_float) shared_array = shared_array.reshape(C0.shape) shared_array[:, :] = C0 # Division of the problem and allocation of processes to cores. processes = [] for i in range(core_count): process = mp.Process(target=mp_a_trous_kernel, args=(shared_array, wavelet_filter, scale, i, C0.shape[0]//core_count, 'row',)) process.start() processes.append(process) for i in processes: i.join() processes = [] for i in range(core_count): process = mp.Process(target=mp_a_trous_kernel, args=(shared_array, wavelet_filter, scale, i, C0.shape[1]//core_count, 'col',)) process.start() processes.append(process) for i in processes: i.join() return shared_array
[docs] def mp_a_trous_kernel(C0, wavelet_filter, scale, slice_ind, slice_width, r_or_c="row"): """ This is the convolution step of the a trous algorithm. INPUTS: C0 (no default): The current array which is to be decomposed. wavelet_filter (no default): The filter-bank which is applied to the elements of the transform. scale (no default): The scale at which decomposition is to be carried out. slice_ind (no default): The index of the particular slice in which the decomposition is being performed. slice_width (no default): The number of elements of the shorter dimension of the array for decomposition. r_or_c (default = "row"): Indicates whether strips are rows or columns. OUTPUTS: NONE - C0 is a mutable array which this function alters. No value is returned. """ lower_bound = slice_ind*slice_width upper_bound = (slice_ind+1)*slice_width if r_or_c == "row": row_conv = wavelet_filter[2]*C0[:, lower_bound:upper_bound] row_conv[(2**(scale+1)):, :] += wavelet_filter[0] * \ C0[:-(2**(scale+1)), lower_bound:upper_bound] row_conv[:(2**(scale+1)), :] += wavelet_filter[0] * \ C0[(2**(scale+1))-1::-1, lower_bound:upper_bound] row_conv[(2**scale):, :] += wavelet_filter[1] * \ C0[:-(2**scale), lower_bound:upper_bound] row_conv[:(2**scale), :] += wavelet_filter[1] * \ C0[(2**scale)-1::-1, lower_bound:upper_bound] row_conv[:-(2**scale), :] += wavelet_filter[3] * \ C0[(2**scale):, lower_bound:upper_bound] row_conv[-(2**scale):, :] += wavelet_filter[3] * \ C0[:-(2**scale)-1:-1, lower_bound:upper_bound] row_conv[:-(2**(scale+1)), :] += wavelet_filter[4] * \ C0[(2**(scale+1)):, lower_bound:upper_bound] row_conv[-(2**(scale+1)):, :] += wavelet_filter[4] * \ C0[:-(2**(scale+1))-1:-1, lower_bound:upper_bound] C0[:, lower_bound:upper_bound] = row_conv elif r_or_c == "col": col_conv = wavelet_filter[2]*C0[lower_bound:upper_bound, :] col_conv[:, (2**(scale+1)):] += wavelet_filter[0] * \ C0[lower_bound:upper_bound, :-(2**(scale+1))] col_conv[:, :(2**(scale+1))] += wavelet_filter[0] * \ C0[lower_bound:upper_bound, (2**(scale+1))-1::-1] col_conv[:, (2**scale):] += wavelet_filter[1] * \ C0[lower_bound:upper_bound, :-(2**scale)] col_conv[:, :(2**scale)] += wavelet_filter[1] * \ C0[lower_bound:upper_bound, (2**scale)-1::-1] col_conv[:, :-(2**scale)] += wavelet_filter[3] * \ C0[lower_bound:upper_bound, (2**scale):] col_conv[:, -(2**scale):] += wavelet_filter[3] * \ C0[lower_bound:upper_bound, :-(2**scale)-1:-1] col_conv[:, :-(2**(scale+1))] += wavelet_filter[4] * \ C0[lower_bound:upper_bound, (2**(scale+1)):] col_conv[:, -(2**(scale+1)):] += wavelet_filter[4] * \ C0[lower_bound:upper_bound, :-(2**(scale+1))-1:-1] C0[lower_bound:upper_bound, :] = col_conv